#Tag #tagtree .highlighted {ldelim}background-color:lightgrey;{rdelim}
<script type="text/javascript">
- (function(){ldelim}
+ (function($){ldelim}
var entityID={$entityID};
var entityTable='{$entityTable}';
- cj(function(){initTagTree()});
- function initTagTree() {
+ $(function() {
//unobsctructive elements are there to provide the function to those not having javascript, no need for the others
- cj(".unobstructive").hide();
+ $(".unobstructive").hide();
- cj("#tagtree ul input:checked").each (function(){
- cj(this).parents("li").children(".jstree-icon").addClass('highlighted');
+ $("#tagtree ul input:checked").each (function(){
+ $(this).parents("li").children(".jstree-icon").addClass('highlighted');
- cj("#tagtree input").change(function(){
+ $("#tagtree input").change(function(){
var tagid = this.id.replace("check_", "");
var op = (this.checked) ? 'create' : 'delete';
CRM.api('entity_tag', op, {entity_table: entityTable, entity_id: entityID, tag_id: tagid});
//load js tree.
- cj("#tagtree").jstree({
+ $("#tagtree").jstree({
"plugins" : ["themes", "html_data"],
"themes": {"url": CRM.config.resourceBase + 'packages/jquery/plugins/jstree/themes/default/style.css'}
{if $permission neq 'edit'}
- cj("#tagtree input").attr('disabled', true);
+ $("#tagtree input").attr('disabled', true);
- }
+ });
CRM.updateContactSummaryTags = function() {
- var tags = [];
- cj('.tag-section .token-input-token-facebook p, #tagtree input:checkbox:checked+label').each(function() {
- tags.push(cj(this).text());
- })
+ var tags = [], $tab = $('#tab_tag');
+ $('.tag-section .token-input-token-facebook p, #tagtree input:checkbox:checked+label').each(function() {
+ tags.push($(this).text());
+ });
// showing count of tags in summary tab
- cj('#tab_tag a em').html('' + tags.length);
- tags.length ? cj('#tab_tag').removeClass('disabled') : cj('#tab_tag').addClass('disabled');
+ $('a em', $tab).html('' + tags.length);
+ tags.length ? $tab.removeClass('disabled') : $tab.addClass('disabled');
// update summary tab
- cj("#tags").html(tags.join(', '));
+ $("#tags").html(tags.join(', '));
- })();
+ })(cj);
<div id="Tag" class="view-content">