<!--Begin Comparisons-->
<section class="comparisons">
- <!--Smartphones-->
- <div class="container smartphones">
- <h2 class="title text-center">Smartphones</h2>
- <div class="row is-table-row">
- <div class="good col-md-6 col-sm-6" style="position:relative">
- <h5 class="text-center">Replicant</h5>
- <img src="img/products/replicant.png" alt="Replicant logo" class="center-block" />
- <!-- Buy/Download Button -->
- <a id="get-item" class="btn get-item" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#sellers" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sellers" style="display:none">
- <div class="collapse" id="sellers">
- <div class="center-block seller-group">
- <p style="color: #6b6b6b">
- <strong>Visit the site</strong>
- </p>
- <a href="https://replicant.us" class="seller action-button">Replicant Project</a>
- </div>
- </div>
- <script>
- document.getElementById('get-item').style.display = '';
- </script>
- <noscript>
- <div class="center-block seller-group">
- <p style="color: #6b6b6b">
- <strong>Visit the site</strong>
- </p>
- <a href="https://replicant.us" class="seller action-button">Replicant Project</a>
- </noscript>
- <!-- End Buy/Download button -->
- <ul class="pros">
- <p><strong>Our advice:</strong> There's still no cell phone on the market that's fully compatible with user freedom. iOS and Android are both riddled with nonfree software. What makes matters worse is that all smartphones currently run a separate, nonfree OS commonly referred to as the "mobile baseband," which is responsible for most of the device's communications.</p>
- <p><strong>This is why supporting the Replicant project is vital.</strong> At present, <a href="https://replicant.us"><strong>Replicant</strong></a> is severely lacking in development attention and hardware support. If you're at all able, please contribute to the project! Although it's <strong>not currently usable</strong> for most use cases, Replicant remains the bottom line when it comes to mobile OSes that respect their user's freedom, and is a project <a href="https://www.fsf.org/working-together/fund">fiscally sponsored by the FSF.</a></p>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <!--End Good-->
- <!-- start bad -->
- <div class="good col-md-6 col-sm-6">
- <ul class="pros">
- <li>
- Replicant is a <a href="https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">fully free</a> distribution of the Android operating system. The project has a staunch policy of including only free software and firmware.
- </li>
- <li>
- Even if your phone doesn't support Replicant, you can still use the <a href="https://f-droid.org">F-Droid</a> repository on your Android phone. F-Droid has hundreds of applications that are ready to install, including Syncthing, Tor, Minetest, and Termux.
- </li>
- <li>No matter what phone operating system you currently use, research best practices and <a href="https://directory.fsf.org">free applications</a> you can use on your device today.</li>
- </ul>
- <h5 class="text-center">Stay away from: iPhone</h5>
- <ul class="cons">
- <li>
- It's not just Siri that's creepy: all Apple devices contain software that's hostile to users. Although they claim to be concerned about user privacy, they don't hesitate to <a href="https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/malware-apple.html#surveillance">put their users under surveillance</a>.
- </li>
- <li>
- Apple <a href="https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/pumpkins-markets-and-one-bad-apple">prevents you from installing third-party free software</a> on your own phone, and they use this control to censor apps that compete with or subvert Apple's profits.
- </li>
- <li>Apple has a history of exploiting their absolute control over their users to <a href="https://www.bangkokpost.com/life/tech/2117731/censorship-surveillance-and-profits-hard-bargain-for-apple-in-china">silence political activists</a> and help governments <a href="https://www.cpomagazine.com/data-privacy/icloud-data-turned-over-to-chinese-government-conflicts-with-apples-privacy-first-focus/">spy on millions</a> of users.</li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <!--End Bad-->
- </div>
- </div>
- <!--End Row-->
-<!-- <div class="container"> -->
-<!-- <div class="row is-table-row"> -->
-<!-- <div class="good col-md-6 col-sm-6" style="position:relative"> -->
-<!-- <h5 class="text-center">Galaxy S3 with Replicant</h5> -->
-<!-- <img src="img/products/mobile_s3.png" alt="replicant phone" class="center-block" /> -->
-<!-- <\!-- Buy/Download Button -\-> -->
-<!-- <a id="get-item-replicant" class="btn get-item" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#sellers-replicant" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sellers" style="display:none"> -->
-<!-- BUY -->
-<!-- <\!-- Begin Sale -\-> -->
-<!-- <span class="sale" >sale</span> -->
-<!-- <\!-- End Sale -\-> -->
-<!-- </a> -->
-<!-- <div class="collapse" id="sellers-replicant"> -->
-<!-- <div class="center-block seller-group"> -->
-<!-- <p style="color: #6b6b6b"> -->
-<!-- <strong>Get it from</strong> -->
-<!-- </p> -->
-<!-- <p> <a href="https://tehnoetic.com/tehnoetic-s3-phone-replicant" class="seller action-button">Technoethical</a></p> -->
-<!-- <p class="sale-info links"> -->
-<!-- <a href="#technoethical-promotion">Sale details.</a> -->
-<!-- </p> -->
-<!-- </div> -->
-<!-- </div> -->
-<!-- <script> -->
-<!-- document.getElementById('get-item-replicant').style.display = ''; -->
-<!-- </script> -->
-<!-- <noscript> -->
-<!-- <div class="center-block seller-group"> -->
-<!-- <p style="color: #6b6b6b"> -->
-<!-- <strong>Get it from</strong> -->
-<!-- </p> -->
-<!-- <a href="https://tehnoetic.com/tehnoetic-s3-phone-replicant" class="seller action-button">Technoethical</a> -->
-<!-- <p class="sale-info links"> -->
-<!-- <a href="#technoethical-promotion">Sale details.</a> -->
-<!-- </p> -->
-<!-- </div> -->
-<!-- </noscript> -->
-<!-- <\!-- End Buy/Download button -\-> -->
-<!-- <ul class="pros"> -->
-<!-- <p>Why it's cool: Your smartphone is so much more than a phone: it's -->
-<!-- a tiny computer you carry with you every day. Choosing one of these -->
-<!-- phones lets you bring software freedom everywhere you go. -->
-<!-- You <i>can</i> run your favorite apps and send all the text messages -->
-<!-- you want, while still running free software.</p> -->
-<!-- <p> You can also get an <a href="https://tehnoetic.com/tehnoetic-s2-phone-replicant">S2</a> or an <a href="https://tehnoetic.com/tet-n2">N2 phone/tablet</a>, complete with Replicant.</p> -->
-<!-- </ul> -->
-<!-- </div> -->
-<!-- <\!--End Good-\-> -->
-<!-- <\!-- start bad -\-> -->
-<!-- <div class="good col-md-6 col-sm-6"> -->
-<!-- <ul class="pros"> -->
-<!-- <li> -->
-<!-- Runs the <a href="https://www.replicant.us">Replicant</a> free operating system, based on Android. -->
-<!-- </li> -->
-<!-- <li> -->
-<!-- Features <a href="https://www.f-droid.org/">F-Droid</a>, the free software catalog that makes it easy to get all the applications you need without sacrificing control of your phone. -->
-<!-- </li> -->
-<!-- <li>Note: While the main processor exclusively runs free software, the modem processor runs Samsung's nonfree system.</li> -->
-<!-- </ul> -->
-<!-- <h5 class="text-center">Stay away from: Google Pixel</h5> -->
-<!-- <ul class="cons"> -->
-<!-- <li>The Google Pixel line (and most Android devices) aren't just -->
-<!-- restricted by Widevine's <a href="https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/can-you-trust.html">treacherous</a> DRM. They also come with -->
-<!-- <a href="https://gnu.org/proprietary">proprietary</a> Google apps that -->
-<!-- <a href="https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/malware-google.html">subjugate users</a>.</li> -->
-<!-- </ul> -->
-<!-- </div> -->
-<!-- <\!--End Bad-\-> -->
-<!-- </div> -->
- <!--End Container-->
- <!--End bad-->
<h2 class="title text-center">Cool Devices</h2>
<!-- cool devices -->
<div class="container">
<h5 class="text-center">VPN Router</h5>
<img src="img/products/thinkpenguin-mini-router.png" alt="VPN Router" class="center-block" />
<!-- Buy/Download Button -->
<a id="get-item-vpn-router" class="btn get-item" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#sellers-vpn-router" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sellers-vpn-router" style="display:none;">
<!-- End Row -->
+ <!--Smartphones-->
+ <div class="container smartphones">
+ <h2 class="title text-center">Smartphones</h2>
+ <div class="row is-table-row">
+ <div class="good col-md-6 col-sm-6" style="position:relative">
+ <h5 class="text-center">Replicant</h5>
+ <img src="img/products/replicant.png" alt="Replicant logo" class="center-block" />
+ <!-- Buy/Download Button -->
+ <a id="get-item" class="btn get-item" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#sellers" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sellers" style="display:none">
+ <div class="collapse" id="sellers">
+ <div class="center-block seller-group">
+ <p style="color: #6b6b6b">
+ <strong>Visit the site</strong>
+ </p>
+ <a href="https://replicant.us" class="seller action-button">Replicant Project</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <script>
+ document.getElementById('get-item').style.display = '';
+ </script>
+ <noscript>
+ <div class="center-block seller-group">
+ <p style="color: #6b6b6b">
+ <strong>Visit the site</strong>
+ </p>
+ <a href="https://replicant.us" class="seller action-button">Replicant Project</a>
+ </noscript>
+ <!-- End Buy/Download button -->
+ <ul class="pros">
+ <p><strong>Our advice:</strong> There's still no cell phone on the market that's fully compatible with user freedom. iOS and Android are both riddled with nonfree software. What makes matters worse is that all smartphones currently run a separate, nonfree OS commonly referred to as the "mobile baseband," which is responsible for most of the device's communications.</p>
+ <p><strong>This is why supporting the Replicant project is vital.</strong> At present, <a href="https://replicant.us"><strong>Replicant</strong></a> is severely lacking in development attention and hardware support. If you're at all able, please contribute to the project! Although it's <strong>not currently usable</strong> for most use cases, Replicant remains the bottom line when it comes to mobile OSes that respect their user's freedom, and is a project <a href="https://www.fsf.org/working-together/fund">fiscally sponsored by the FSF.</a></p>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <!--End Good-->
+ <!-- start bad -->
+ <div class="good col-md-6 col-sm-6">
+ <ul class="pros">
+ <li>
+ Replicant is a <a href="https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">fully free</a> distribution of the Android operating system. The project has a staunch policy of including only free software and firmware.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Even if your phone doesn't support Replicant, you can still use the <a href="https://f-droid.org">F-Droid</a> repository on your Android phone. F-Droid has hundreds of applications that are ready to install, including Syncthing, Tor, Minetest, and Termux.
+ </li>
+ <li>No matter what phone operating system you currently use, research best practices and <a href="https://directory.fsf.org">free applications</a> you can use on your device today.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h5 class="text-center">Stay away from: iPhone</h5>
+ <ul class="cons">
+ <li>
+ It's not just Siri that's creepy: all Apple devices contain software that's hostile to users. Although they claim to be concerned about user privacy, they don't hesitate to <a href="https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/malware-apple.html#surveillance">put their users under surveillance</a>.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Apple <a href="https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/pumpkins-markets-and-one-bad-apple">prevents you from installing third-party free software</a> on your own phone, and they use this control to censor apps that compete with or subvert Apple's profits.
+ </li>
+ <li>Apple has a history of exploiting their absolute control over their users to <a href="https://www.bangkokpost.com/life/tech/2117731/censorship-surveillance-and-profits-hard-bargain-for-apple-in-china">silence political activists</a> and help governments <a href="https://www.cpomagazine.com/data-privacy/icloud-data-turned-over-to-chinese-government-conflicts-with-apples-privacy-first-focus/">spy on millions</a> of users.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <!--End Bad-->
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!--End Row-->
+<!-- <div class="container"> -->
+<!-- <div class="row is-table-row"> -->
+<!-- <div class="good col-md-6 col-sm-6" style="position:relative"> -->
+<!-- <h5 class="text-center">Galaxy S3 with Replicant</h5> -->
+<!-- <img src="img/products/mobile_s3.png" alt="replicant phone" class="center-block" /> -->
+<!-- <\!-- Buy/Download Button -\-> -->
+<!-- <a id="get-item-replicant" class="btn get-item" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" href="#sellers-replicant" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="sellers" style="display:none"> -->
+<!-- BUY -->
+<!-- <\!-- Begin Sale -\-> -->
+<!-- <span class="sale" >sale</span> -->
+<!-- <\!-- End Sale -\-> -->
+<!-- </a> -->
+<!-- <div class="collapse" id="sellers-replicant"> -->
+<!-- <div class="center-block seller-group"> -->
+<!-- <p style="color: #6b6b6b"> -->
+<!-- <strong>Get it from</strong> -->
+<!-- </p> -->
+<!-- <p> <a href="https://tehnoetic.com/tehnoetic-s3-phone-replicant" class="seller action-button">Technoethical</a></p> -->
+<!-- <p class="sale-info links"> -->
+<!-- <a href="#technoethical-promotion">Sale details.</a> -->
+<!-- </p> -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+<!-- <script> -->
+<!-- document.getElementById('get-item-replicant').style.display = ''; -->
+<!-- </script> -->
+<!-- <noscript> -->
+<!-- <div class="center-block seller-group"> -->
+<!-- <p style="color: #6b6b6b"> -->
+<!-- <strong>Get it from</strong> -->
+<!-- </p> -->
+<!-- <a href="https://tehnoetic.com/tehnoetic-s3-phone-replicant" class="seller action-button">Technoethical</a> -->
+<!-- <p class="sale-info links"> -->
+<!-- <a href="#technoethical-promotion">Sale details.</a> -->
+<!-- </p> -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+<!-- </noscript> -->
+<!-- <\!-- End Buy/Download button -\-> -->
+<!-- <ul class="pros"> -->
+<!-- <p>Why it's cool: Your smartphone is so much more than a phone: it's -->
+<!-- a tiny computer you carry with you every day. Choosing one of these -->
+<!-- phones lets you bring software freedom everywhere you go. -->
+<!-- You <i>can</i> run your favorite apps and send all the text messages -->
+<!-- you want, while still running free software.</p> -->
+<!-- <p> You can also get an <a href="https://tehnoetic.com/tehnoetic-s2-phone-replicant">S2</a> or an <a href="https://tehnoetic.com/tet-n2">N2 phone/tablet</a>, complete with Replicant.</p> -->
+<!-- </ul> -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+<!-- <\!--End Good-\-> -->
+<!-- <\!-- start bad -\-> -->
+<!-- <div class="good col-md-6 col-sm-6"> -->
+<!-- <ul class="pros"> -->
+<!-- <li> -->
+<!-- Runs the <a href="https://www.replicant.us">Replicant</a> free operating system, based on Android. -->
+<!-- </li> -->
+<!-- <li> -->
+<!-- Features <a href="https://www.f-droid.org/">F-Droid</a>, the free software catalog that makes it easy to get all the applications you need without sacrificing control of your phone. -->
+<!-- </li> -->
+<!-- <li>Note: While the main processor exclusively runs free software, the modem processor runs Samsung's nonfree system.</li> -->
+<!-- </ul> -->
+<!-- <h5 class="text-center">Stay away from: Google Pixel</h5> -->
+<!-- <ul class="cons"> -->
+<!-- <li>The Google Pixel line (and most Android devices) aren't just -->
+<!-- restricted by Widevine's <a href="https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/can-you-trust.html">treacherous</a> DRM. They also come with -->
+<!-- <a href="https://gnu.org/proprietary">proprietary</a> Google apps that -->
+<!-- <a href="https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/malware-google.html">subjugate users</a>.</li> -->
+<!-- </ul> -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+<!-- <\!--End Bad-\-> -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+ <!--End Container-->
+ <!--End bad-->
<!-- End Container -->
<h1 class="title text-center">Products to Watch</h1>
<img src="img/products/spotlight.jpg" alt="a spotlight shining in the darkness" class="center-block img-responsive" />