log("ascii %s" % unicode_string) tries to convert unicode
to ascii, which might fail.
Better use log(u"unicode format %s" % unicode_string) and
let the logging framework handle the conversion. This works
much better and the exceptions still happening aren't
stopping the main app.
Also remove one useless import.
from mediagoblin import mg_globals
from mediagoblin.db.open import setup_connection_and_db_from_config
-from mediagoblin.init.config import read_mediagoblin_config
from mediagoblin.storage.filestorage import BasicFileStorage
from mediagoblin.init import setup_storage, setup_global_and_app_config
for entry in db.media_entries.find():
for name, path in entry['media_files'].items():
- _log.info('Exporting {0} - {1}'.format(
+ _log.info(u'Exporting {0} - {1}'.format(