Network: function(connection_id) {\r
var connection_event;\r
+ // If no connection id given, use all connections\r
if (typeof connection_id !== 'undefined') {\r
connection_event = 'connection:' + connection_id.toString();\r
} else {\r
connection_event = 'connection';\r
+ // Helper to get the network object\r
+ var getNetwork = function() {\r
+ var network = typeof connection_id === 'undefined' ?\r
+ :\r
+ return network ?\r
+ network :\r
+ undefined;\r
+ };\r
+ // Create the return object (events proxy from the gateway)\r
var obj = new this.EventComponent(_kiwi.gateway, connection_event);\r
+ // Proxy several gateway functions onto the return object\r
var funcs = {\r
kiwi: 'kiwi', raw: 'raw', kick: 'kick', topic: 'topic',\r
part: 'part', join: 'join', action: 'action', ctcp: 'ctcp',\r
ctcpRequest: 'ctcpRequest', ctcpResponse: 'ctcpResponse',\r
notice: 'notice', msg: 'privmsg', changeNick: 'changeNick',\r
- channelInfo: 'channelInfo', mode: 'mode', quit: 'quit'\r
+ channelInfo: 'channelInfo', mode: 'mode', quit: 'quit',\r
- // Proxy each gateway method\r
_.each(funcs, function(gateway_fn, func_name) {\r
obj[func_name] = function() {\r
var fn_name = gateway_fn;\r
+ // Add the networks getters/setters\r
+ obj.get = function() {\r
+ var network = getNetwork();\r
+ if (!network) {\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ return network.get.apply(network, arguments);\r
+ };\r
+ obj.set = function() {\r
+ var network = getNetwork();\r
+ if (!network) {\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ return network.set.apply(network, arguments);\r
+ };\r
return obj;\r