CRM_Utils_System::setTitle(ts('Misc (Undelete, PDFs, Limits, Logging, Captcha, etc.)'));
$this->assign('validTriggerPermission', CRM_Core_DAO::checkTriggerViewPermission(FALSE));
+ // dev/core#1812 Assign multilingual status.
+ $this->assign('isMultilingual', CRM_Core_I18n::isMultilingual());
$this->addFormRule(['CRM_Admin_Form_Setting_Miscellaneous', 'formRule'], $this);
if (!(CRM_Core_DAO::checkTriggerViewPermission(FALSE)) && $value) {
throw new API_Exception(ts("In order to use this functionality, the installation's database user must have privileges to create triggers and views (if binary logging is enabled – this means the SUPER privilege). This install does not have the required privilege(s) enabled."));
+ // dev/core#1812 Disable logging in a multilingual environment.
+ if (CRM_Core_I18n::isMultilingual() && $value) {
+ throw new API_Exception(ts("Logging is not supported in a multilingual environment!"));
+ }
return TRUE;
{$form.logging.html}<br />
{if $validTriggerPermission}
- <p class="description">{ts}If enabled, all actions will be logged with a complete record of changes.{/ts}</p>
+ {if $isMultilingual}
+ <p class="description">{ts}Logging is not supported in multilingual environments.{/ts}</p>
+ {else}
+ <p class="description">{ts}If enabled, all actions will be logged with a complete record of changes.{/ts}</p>
+ {/if}
<p class="description">{ts}In order to use this functionality, the installation's database user must have privileges to create triggers (in MySQL 5.0 – and in MySQL 5.1 if binary logging is enabled – this means the SUPER privilege). This install either does not seem to have the required privilege enabled.{/ts} {ts}This functionality cannot be enabled on multilingual installations.{/ts}</p>
- {/if}
+ {/if}
<tr class="crm-miscellaneous-form-block-doNotAttachPDFReceipt">