public function upgrade_5_61_alpha1($rev): void {
$this->addTask(ts('Upgrade DB to %1: SQL', [1 => $rev]), 'runSql', $rev);
+ $this->addTask(ts('Dedupe cache table'), 'dedupeCache');
$this->addTask(ts('Drop index %1', [1 => 'civicrm_cache.UI_group_path_date']), 'dropIndex', 'civicrm_cache', 'UI_group_path_date');
$this->addTask(ts('Create index %1', [1 => 'civicrm_cache.UI_group_name_path']), 'addIndex', 'civicrm_cache', [['group_name', 'path']], 'UI');
+ /**
+ * Remove extraneous/duplicate records from `civicrm_cache`.
+ *
+ * Formally, the cache table allowed multiple (key,value) pairs if created at different times.
+ * In practice, this cleanup should generally do nothing -- the `SqlGroup::set()` has had duplicate
+ * prevention, and the cache will flush at the end of the upgrade anyway. Never-the-less, if
+ * duplicates are somehow in there, then we should cleanly remove them rather than let the upgrade fail.
+ *
+ * @param \CRM_Queue_TaskContext $ctx
+ * @return bool
+ * @throws \Civi\Core\Exception\DBQueryException
+ */
+ public static function dedupeCache($ctx): bool {
+ $duplicates = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('
+ SELECT c.id FROM civicrm_cache c
+ LEFT JOIN (SELECT group_name, path, max(created_date) newest FROM civicrm_cache GROUP BY group_name, path) recent
+ ON (c.group_name=recent.group_name AND c.path=recent.path AND c.created_date=recent.newest)
+ WHERE recent.newest IS NULL')
+ ->fetchMap('id', 'id');
+ if ($duplicates) {
+ CRM_Utils_SQL_Delete::from('civicrm_cache')
+ ->where('id in (@IDS)')
+ ->param('IDS', $duplicates)
+ ->execute();
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }