'contribution_page_'.$count, // field name
'Contribution page', // field label
getContributionPageOptions(), // list of options
- true // is required
+ false // is required
'text', // field type
'percentage_'.$count, // field name
'Percentage', // field label
- true // is required
+ false // is required
//save formula id
$this->addElement('hidden', 'contrib_elem_'.$count , $for_page[$dao->id]['id']);
'Goal amount', // field label
true // is required
-/* $this->add(
- 'select', // field type
- 'contribution_page_1', // field name
- 'Contribution page', // field label
- getContributionPageOptions(), // list of options
- true // is required
- );
- $this->add(
- 'text', // field type
- 'percentage_1', // field name
- 'Percentage', // field label
- true // is required
- );*/
$errorScope = CRM_Core_TemporaryErrorScope::useException();
if (isset($this->_id)) {
try {
+ $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction();
$sql = "UPDATE civicrm_wci_progress_bar SET name = '". $_REQUEST['progressbar_name'] .
"', starting_amount = '" . $_REQUEST['starting_amount'] .
"', goal_amount = '" . $_REQUEST['goal_amount'] .
"' where id =".$this->_id;
- $transaction = new CRM_Core_Transaction();
- for($i = 1; $i <= (int)$_REQUEST['contrib_count']; $i++):
+ /** Delete existiing formula fields and add fields fresh*/
+ CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery('DELETE FROM civicrm_wci_progress_bar_formula WHERE progress_bar_id=' . $this->_id);
+ for($i = 1; $i <= (int)$_REQUEST['contrib_count']; $i++) {
$page = 'contribution_page_' . (string)$i;
$perc = 'percentage_' . (string)$i;
- if (isset($_REQUEST['contrib_elem_'.$i])) {
- $sql = "UPDATE civicrm_wci_progress_bar_formula SET contribution_page_id = '". $_REQUEST[$page] . "',
- percentage = '". $_REQUEST[$perc] . "'
- WHERE id = " . (int)$_REQUEST['contrib_elem_'.$i];
- }
- else {
- $sql = "INSERT INTO civicrm_wci_progress_bar_formula (contribution_page_id, progress_bar_id, percentage)
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO civicrm_wci_progress_bar_formula (contribution_page_id, progress_bar_id, percentage)
VALUES ('" . $_REQUEST[$page] . "','" . $this->_id . "','" . $_REQUEST[$perc] . "')";
- }
- endfor;
+ }
catch (Exception $e) {
// Updated to wait until the document is loaded. addmore_link
cj(function ( $ ) {
+ $(document).ready(function(){
+ var count = parseInt($('input[name=contrib_count]').val());
+ for ( var i = 2; i <= count; i++ ) {
+ $('#' + "contribution_page_" + i).after(
+ '<a id=\"remove_link\" class=\"form-link\" href=\"remove\" name=\"remove_link-' + i + '\"> Remove</a>');
+ $('#' + "contribution_page_" + i).parent().parent().attr("id", "crm-section-con-" + i);
+ $('#' + "percentage_" + i).parent().parent().attr("id", 'crm-section-per-' + i);
+ }
+ });
rules: {
starting_amount: {
//assuming that - is the delimiter. second string will be the count
var rem_name_ar = rem_name.split('-');
var contri_page = "\"#percentage_" + rem_name_ar[1] + "\"";
$('#crm-section-con-'+ rem_name_ar[1] +'').remove();
$('#crm-section-per-'+ rem_name_ar[1] +'').remove();
var count = parseInt($('input[name=contrib_count]').val());