Unless the administrator changes the authentication methods, SquirrelMail
will default to the "classic" plaintext methods, without TLS.
+Note: There is no point in using TLS if your IMAP server is localhost. You need
+root to sniff the loopback interface, and if you don't trust root, or an attacker
+already has root, the game is over. You've got a lot more to worry about beyond
+having the loopback interface sniffed.
* SquirrelMail 1.3.3 or higher
-* PHP 4.3.0 or higher
+* PHP 4.3.0 or higher (Check Release Notes for PHP 4.3.x information)
* The "STARTTLS" command is NOT supported. The server you wish to use TLS
on must have a dedicated port listening for TLS connections. (ie. port
993 for IMAP, 465 for SMTP)