+++ /dev/null
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Copyright CiviCRM LLC. All rights reserved. |
- | |
- | This work is published under the GNU AGPLv3 license with some |
- | permitted exceptions and without any warranty. For full license |
- | and copyright information, see https://civicrm.org/licensing |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- */
- *
- * @package CRM
- * @copyright CiviCRM LLC https://civicrm.org/licensing
- */
-namespace Civi\Api4\Action\CustomValue;
- * Given a set of records, will appropriately update the database.
- */
-class Replace extends \Civi\Api4\Generic\BasicReplaceAction {
- use \Civi\Api4\Generic\Traits\CustomValueActionTrait;
* @param string $customGroup
* @param bool $checkPermissions
- * @return Action\CustomValue\Replace
+ * @return Generic\BasicReplaceAction
* @throws \API_Exception
public static function replace($customGroup, $checkPermissions = TRUE) {
- return (new Action\CustomValue\Replace($customGroup, __FUNCTION__))
+ return (new Generic\BasicReplaceAction("Custom_$customGroup", __FUNCTION__, ['id', 'entity_id']))