LEFT JOIN civicrm_contact contact_civireport
ON target_activity.contact_id = contact_civireport.id
+ // Email table is needed if sorting by Email.
+ $this->joinEmailFromContact();
- foreach ($this->unselectedOrderByColumns() as $alias => $field) {
+ // Order by & Section columns not selected for display need to be included in SELECT.
+ $unselectedColumns = array_merge($this->unselectedOrderByColumns(), $this->unselectedSectionColumns());
+ foreach ($unselectedColumns as $alias => $field) {
$clause = $this->getSelectClauseWithGroupConcatIfNotGroupedBy($field['table_name'], $field['name'], $field);
if (!$clause) {
$clause = "{$field['dbAlias']} as {$alias}";
CRM_Utils_Hook::alterReportVar('sql', $this, $this);
- // order_by columns not selected for display need to be included in SELECT
- $unselectedSectionColumns = $this->unselectedSectionColumns();
- foreach ($unselectedSectionColumns as $alias => $section) {
- $this->_select .= ", {$section['dbAlias']} as {$alias}";
- }
// build temporary table column names base on column headers of result
$dbColumns = [];
foreach ($this->_columnHeaders as $fieldName => $dontCare) {
$dbColumns[] = $fieldName . ' VARCHAR(128)';
+ // Order by & Section columns not selected for display need to be included in temp table.
+ foreach ($unselectedColumns as $alias => $section) {
+ $dbColumns[] = $alias . ' VARCHAR(128)';
+ }
// create temp table to store main result
$this->_tempTableName = $this->createTemporaryTable('tempTable', "
id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, " . implode(', ', $dbColumns) . ' , PRIMARY KEY (id)',
// store the result in temporary table
$insertCols = '';
- $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO {$this->_tempTableName} ( " . implode(',', array_keys($this->_columnHeaders)) . " )
+ $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO {$this->_tempTableName} ( " . implode(',', array_merge(array_keys($this->_columnHeaders), array_keys($unselectedColumns))) . " )