'country' => array_rand(CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country(FALSE, FALSE), 3),
'state_province' => array_rand(CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::stateProvince(FALSE, FALSE), 3),
'date' => NULL,
+ 'contact' => NULL,
foreach ($dataValues as $dataType => $values) {
+ $this->optionGroup[$dataType] = array('values' => $values);
if (!empty($values)) {
- $this->optionGroup[$dataType] = array('values' => $values);
$result = $this->callAPISuccess('OptionGroup', 'create',
'name' => "{$dataType}_group",
$this->optionGroup[$dataType]['id'] = $result['id'];
+ elseif ($dataType == 'contact') {
+ for ($i=0; $i < 3; $i++) {
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array('contact_type' => 'Individual', 'email' => substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7) . '@yahoo.com',));
+ $this->optionGroup[$dataType]['values'][$i] = $result['id'];
+ }
+ }
$this->ids[$dataType] = $this->entityCustomGroupWithSingleFieldCreate("$dataType Custom Group", 'Contacts');
$count = 0;
foreach ($customFieldDataType as $dataType => $label) {
- $validSQLOperator = array('=', "!=", 'IN', 'NOT IN', 'IS NOT NULL', 'IS NULL');
switch ($dataType) {
case 'Date':
case 'StateProvince';
case 'Money':
if (in_array($dataType, array('String', 'Link'))) {
- $validSQLOperator += array('LIKE', "NOT LIKE");
+ $validSQLOperator = array('=', '!=', 'IN', 'NOT IN', 'LIKE', 'NOT LIKE', 'IS NOT NULL', 'IS NULL');
$type = 'string';
else {
elseif ($dataType == 'StateProvince') {
$type = 'state_province';
+ elseif ($dataType == 'ContactReference') {
+ $type = 'contact';
+ }
+ elseif ($dataType == 'Date') {
+ $type = 'date';
+ }
else {
- $type = $dataType == 'Int' ? 'integer' : ($dataType == 'Date' ? 'date' : 'number');
+ $type = $dataType == 'Int' ? 'integer' : 'number';
- $validSQLOperator += array('<=', '>=', '>', '<');
+ $validSQLOperator = array('=', '!=', 'IN', 'NOT IN', '<=', '>=', '>', '<', 'IS NOT NULL', 'IS NULL');
foreach ($dataToHtmlTypes[$count] as $html) {
'html_type' => $html,
'default_value' => NULL,
- if (!in_array($html, array('Text', 'TextArea', 'Link', 'Select Date'))) {
+ if (!in_array($html, array('Text', 'TextArea')) && !in_array($dataType, array('Link', 'Date', 'ContactReference'))) {
$params += array('option_group_id' => $this->optionGroup[$type]['id']);
$customField = $this->customFieldCreate($params);
- case 'ContactReference':
- $validSQLOperator += array('<=', '>=', '>', '<');
- $count++;
- break;
+ //TODO: Test case of Country fields remain as it throws foreign key contraint ONLY in test environment
elseif ($type == 'date') {
$selectedValue = date('Ymd');
- $notselectedValue = date('Ymd', strtotime('yesterday'));
+ $notselectedValue = $lesserSelectedValue = date('Ymd', strtotime('yesterday'));
+ $greaterSelectedValue = date('Ymd', strtotime('+ 1 day'));
+ }
+ elseif ($type == 'contact') {
+ $selectedValue = $this->optionGroup[$type]['values'][1];
+ $notselectedValue = $this->optionGroup[$type]['values'][0];
else {
$selectedValue = $this->optionGroup[$type]['values'][0];
$notselectedValue = $this->optionGroup[$type]['values'][$count];
+ if (in_array(">", $sqlOps)) {
+ $greaterSelectedValue = $selectedValue + 1;
+ $lesserSelectedValue = $selectedValue - 1;
+ }
$params = array('entity_id' => $contactId, 'custom_' . $customId => $selectedValue);
$this->callAPISuccess('CustomValue', 'create', $params);
foreach ($sqlOps as $op) {
- $description = "Find Contact whose $customField[label] $op $notselectedValue";
+ $qillOp = CRM_Utils_Array::value($op, CRM_Core_SelectValues::getSearchBuilderOperators(), $op);
+ $description = "\nFind Contact where '$customField[label]' $qillOp ";
switch ($op) {
+ case '=':
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => (is_array($selectedValue) ? implode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, $selectedValue) : $selectedValue)));
+ $this->assertEquals($contactId, $result['id']);
+ echo $description . implode("[separator]", (array) $selectedValue);
+ break;
case '!=':
- $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => $notselectedValue)), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => $notselectedValue)));
$this->assertEquals($contactId, $result['id']);
+ echo $description . $notselectedValue;
case '>':
case '<':
case '>=':
case '<=':
+ if ($isSerialized) {
+ continue;
+ }
// To be precise in for these operator we can't just rely on one contact,
// hence creating multiple contact with custom value less/more then $selectedValue respectively
$result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array('contact_type' => 'Individual', 'email' => substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7) . 'man2@yahoo.com'));
$contactId2 = $result['id'];
- $lesserSelectedValue = $type == 'date' ? date('Ymd', strtotime('- 1 day')) : $selectedValue - 1;
$this->callAPISuccess('CustomValue', 'create', array('entity_id' => $contactId2, 'custom_' . $customId => $lesserSelectedValue));
if ($op == '>') {
- $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => $lesserSelectedValue)), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => $lesserSelectedValue)));
$this->assertEquals($contactId, $result['id']);
+ echo $description . $lesserSelectedValue;
elseif ($op == '<') {
- $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => $selectedValue)), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => $selectedValue)));
$this->assertEquals($contactId2, $result['id']);
+ echo $description . $selectedValue;
else {
$result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'create', array('contact_type' => 'Individual', 'email' => substr(sha1(rand()), 0, 7) . 'man3@yahoo.com'));
$contactId3 = $result['id'];
- $greaterSelectedValue = $type == 'date' ? date('Ymd', strtotime('+ 1 day')) : $selectedValue + 1;
$this->callAPISuccess('CustomValue', 'create', array('entity_id' => $contactId3, 'custom_' . $customId => $greaterSelectedValue));
- $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => $selectedValue)), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => $selectedValue)));
+ echo $description . $selectedValue;
$this->assertEquals($contactId, $result['values'][$contactId]['id']);
if ($op == '>=') {
case 'IN':
- $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => (array) $selectedValue)), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => (array) $selectedValue)));
$this->assertEquals($contactId, $result['id']);
+ echo $description . implode(",", (array) $selectedValue);
case 'NOT IN':
- $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => (array) $notselectedValue)), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => (array) $notselectedValue)));
$this->assertEquals($contactId, $result['id']);
+ echo $description . implode(",", (array) $notselectedValue);
case 'LIKE':
- $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => (is_array($selectedValue) ? "%" . $selectedValue[0] . "%" : $selectedValue))), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description);
+ $selectedValue = is_array($selectedValue) ? $selectedValue[0] : $selectedValue;
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => "%$selectedValue%")));
$this->assertEquals($contactId, $result['id']);
+ echo $description . "%$selectedValue%";
case 'NOT LIKE':
- $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => $notselectedValue)), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => $notselectedValue)));
$this->assertEquals($contactId, $result['id']);
+ echo $description . "'$notselectedValue'";
case 'IS NULL':
- $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => 1)), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => 1)));
$this->assertEquals(FALSE, array_key_exists($contactId, $result['values']));
+ echo $description;
case 'IS NOT NULL':
- $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => 1)), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description);
- $this->assertEquals($contactId, $result['id']);
- break;
- default:
- $result = $this->callAPIAndDocument('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => (is_array($selectedValue) ? implode($seperator, $selectedValue) : $selectedValue)), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, $description);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'Get', array('custom_' . $customId => array($op => 1)));
$this->assertEquals($contactId, $result['id']);
+ echo $description;