$status = array('','');
if (($unseen_notify == 2 && $real_box == 'INBOX') ||
$unseen_notify == 3) {
- $tmp_status = create_unseen_string($real_box, $box_array, $imapConnection, $unseen_type );
- if ($status !== false) {
- $status = $tmp_status;
- }
+ $tmp_status = create_unseen_string($real_box, $box_array, $imapConnection, $unseen_type );
+ if ($status !== false) {
+ $status = $tmp_status;
+ }
list($unseen_string, $unseen) = $status;
$special_color = ($use_special_folder_color && isSpecialMailbox($real_box));
/* Create the link for this folder. */
if ($status !== false) {
- $line .= '<a href="right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0&sort=0&startMessage=1&mailbox='.
+ $line .= '<a href="right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0&sort=0&startMessage=1&mailbox='.
$mailboxURL.'" TARGET="right" STYLE="text-decoration:none">';
- }
+ }
if ($special_color) {
$line .= "<font color=\"$color[11]\">";
if ($special_color == TRUE)
$line .= '</font>';
if ($status !== false) {
- $line .= '</a>';
+ $line .= '</a>';
/* If there are unseen message, close bolding. */
$line .= " <SMALL>$unseen_string</SMALL>";
- /* If it's the trash folder, show a purge link when needed */
+ /* If it's the trash folder, show a purge link when needed */
if (($move_to_trash) && ($real_box == $trash_folder)) {
if (! isset($numMessages)) {
$numMessages = sqimap_get_num_messages($imapConnection, $real_box);
function create_collapse_link($boxnum) {
global $boxes, $imapConnection, $unseen_notify, $color;
$mailbox = urlencode($boxes[$boxnum]['unformatted']);
/* Create the link for this collapse link. */
$link = '<a target="left" style="text-decoration:none" ' .
$status = sqimap_status_messages($imapConnection, $boxName);
$boxUnseenCount = $status['UNSEEN'];
if ($boxUnseenCount === false) {
- return false;
+ return false;
if ($unseen_type == 2) {
$boxMessageCount = $status['MESSAGES'];
if (($boxName != $boxes[$i]['unformatted'])
&& (substr($boxes[$i]['unformatted'], 0, $curBoxLength) == $boxName)
&& !in_array('noselect', $boxes[$i]['flags'])) {
- $status = sqimap_status_messages($imapConnection, $boxes[$i]['unformatted']);
- $subUnseenCount = $status['UNSEEN'];
+ $status = sqimap_status_messages($imapConnection, $boxes[$i]['unformatted']);
+ $subUnseenCount = $status['UNSEEN'];
if ($unseen_type == 2) {
$subMessageCount = $status['MESSAGES'];;
function listBoxes ($boxes, $j=0 ) {
global $data_dir, $username, $startmessage, $color, $unseen_notify, $unseen_type,
- $move_to_trash, $trash_folder, $collapse_folders;
+ $move_to_trash, $trash_folder, $collapse_folders, $imapConnection;
$pre = '';
$end = '';
$collapse = false;
if ($boxes) {
- $mailbox = $boxes->mailboxname_full;
- $leader = '';
- for ($k = 0; $k < $j; $k++) {
- $leader.= ' ';
- }
- $mailboxURL = urlencode($mailbox);
- /* get unseen/total messages information */
+ $mailbox = $boxes->mailboxname_full;
+ $leader = '';
+ for ($k = 0; $k < $j; $k++) {
+ $leader.= ' ';
+ }
+ $mailboxURL = urlencode($mailbox);
+ /* get unseen/total messages information */
if ($boxes->unseen) {
- $unseen = $boxes->unseen;
- $unseen_string = "($unseen)";
- if ($unseen>0) $unseen_found = TRUE;
- if ($boxes->total) {
- $numMessages = $boxes->total;
- $unseen_string = "<font color=\"$color[11]\">($unseen/$numMessages)</font>";
- }
- } else $unseen = 0;
- if (isset($boxes->mbxs[0]) && $collapse_folders) {
- $collapse = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $mailbox);
- $collapse = ($collapse == '' ? SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED : $collapse);
- $link = '<a target="left" style="text-decoration:none" ' .'href="left_main.php?';
- if ($collapse) {
- $link .= "unfold=$mailboxURL\">$leader + ";
- } else {
- $link .= "fold=$mailboxURL\">$leader - ";
- }
- $link .= '</a>';
- $pre .= $link;
- } else {
- $pre.= $leader . ' ';
- }
- /* If there are unseen message, bold the line. */
- if ($unseen > 0) { $pre .= '<B>'; }
- if (($move_to_trash) && ($mailbox == $trash_folder)) {
- if (! isset($numMessages)) {
- $status = sqimap_status_messages($imapConnection, $mailbox);
- $numMessages = $status['MESSAGES'];
- }
- if ($numMessages > 0) {
- $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox);
- $pre .= "\n<small>\n" .
- " (<a href=\"empty_trash.php\" style=\"text-decoration:none\">"._("purge")."</a>)" .
- "</small>";
- }
- } else {
- if (!$boxes->is_noselect) {
- $pre .= "<a href=\"right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0&sort=0&startMessage=1&mailbox=$mailboxURL\" target=\"right\">";
- $end .= '</a>';
- }
- }
- /* If there are unseen message, close bolding. */
- if ($unseen > 0) { $end .= "</b>"; }
- /* Print unseen information. */
- if (isset($unseen_found) && $unseen_found) {
- $end .= " <small>$unseen_string</small>";
- }
- $font = '';
- $fontend = '';
- if ($boxes->is_special) {
- $font = "<font color=\"$color[11]\">";
- $fontend = "</font>";
- }
- if (!$boxes->is_root) {
- echo "" . $pre .$font. $boxes->mailboxname_sub .$fontend . $end. '<br />';
- $j++;
- }
- if (!$collapse || $boxes->is_root) {
- for ($i = 0; $i <count($boxes->mbxs); $i++) {
- listBoxes($boxes->mbxs[$i],$j);
- }
- }
+ $unseen = $boxes->unseen;
+ $unseen_string = "($unseen)";
+ if ($unseen>0) $unseen_found = TRUE;
+ if ($boxes->total) {
+ $numMessages = $boxes->total;
+ $unseen_string = "<font color=\"$color[11]\">($unseen/$numMessages)</font>";
+ }
+ } else $unseen = 0;
+ if (isset($boxes->mbxs[0]) && $collapse_folders) {
+ $collapse = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $mailbox);
+ $collapse = ($collapse == '' ? SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED : $collapse);
+ $link = '<a target="left" style="text-decoration:none" ' .'href="left_main.php?';
+ if ($collapse) {
+ $link .= "unfold=$mailboxURL\">$leader + ";
+ } else {
+ $link .= "fold=$mailboxURL\">$leader - ";
+ }
+ $link .= '</a>';
+ $pre .= $link;
+ } else {
+ $pre.= $leader . ' ';
+ }
+ /* If there are unseen message, bold the line. */
+ if ($unseen > 0) { $pre .= '<B>'; }
+ if (($move_to_trash) && ($mailbox == $trash_folder)) {
+ if (! isset($numMessages)) {
+ $status = sqimap_status_messages($imapConnection, $mailbox);
+ $numMessages = $status['MESSAGES'];
+ }
+ $pre .= "<a href=\"right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0&sort=0;startMessage=1&mailbox=$mailboxURL\" target=\"right\">";
+ $end .= '</a>';
+ if ($numMessages > 0) {
+ $pre .= "<a href=\"right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0&sort=0;startMessage=1&mailbox=$mailboxURL\" target=\"right\">";
+ $end .= "\n<small>\n" .
+ " (<a href=\"empty_trash.php\" style=\"text-decoration:none\">"._("purge")."</a>)" .
+ "</small>";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!$boxes->is_noselect) {
+ $pre .= "<a href=\"right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0&sort=0&startMessage=1&mailbox=$mailboxURL\" target=\"right\">";
+ $end .= '</a>';
+ }
+ }
+ /* If there are unseen message, close bolding. */
+ if ($unseen > 0) { $end .= "</b>"; }
+ /* Print unseen information. */
+ if (isset($unseen_found) && $unseen_found) {
+ $end .= " <small>$unseen_string</small>";
+ }
+ $font = '';
+ $fontend = '';
+ if ($boxes->is_special) {
+ $font = "<font color=\"$color[11]\">";
+ $fontend = "</font>";
+ }
+ if (!$boxes->is_root) {
+ echo "" . $pre .$font. $boxes->mailboxname_sub .$fontend . $end. '<br />' . "\n";
+ $j++;
+ }
+ if (!$collapse || $boxes->is_root) {
+ for ($i = 0; $i <count($boxes->mbxs); $i++) {
+ listBoxes($boxes->mbxs[$i],$j);
+ }
+ }
$pre = '';
$end = '';
$collapse = false;
if ($boxes) {
- $mailbox = $boxes->mailboxname_full;
- $mailboxURL = urlencode($mailbox);
+ $mailbox = $boxes->mailboxname_full;
+ $mailboxURL = urlencode($mailbox);
- /* get unseen/total messages information */
+ /* get unseen/total messages information */
if ($boxes->unseen) {
- $unseen = $boxes->unseen;
- $unseen_string = "($unseen)";
- if ($unseen>0) $unseen_found = TRUE;
- if ($boxes->total) {
- $numMessages = $boxes->total;
- $unseen_string = "<font color=\"$color[11]\">($unseen/$numMessages)</font>";
- }
- } else $unseen = 0;
- /* If there are unseen message, bold the line. */
- if ($unseen > 0) { $pre .= '<b>'; }
- /* color special boxes */
- if ($boxes->is_special) {
- $pre .= "<font color=\"$color[11]\">";
- $end .= '</font>';
- }
- /* If there are unseen message, close bolding. */
- if ($unseen > 0) { $end .= '</b>'; }
- /* Print unseen information. */
- if (isset($unseen_found) && $unseen_found) {
- $end .= " $unseen_string";
- }
- if (($move_to_trash) && ($mailbox == $trash_folder)) {
- if (! isset($numMessages)) {
- $numMessages = $boxes->total;
- }
- if ($numMessages > 0) {
- $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox);
- $pre .= "\n<small>\n" .
- " (<a class=\"mbx_link\" href=\"empty_trash.php\">"._("purge")."</a>)" .
- "</small>";
- }
- } else {
- if (!$boxes->is_noselect) { /* \Noselect boxes can't be selected */
- $pre .= "<a class=\"mbx_link\" href=\"right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0&sort=0&startMessage=1&mailbox=$mailboxURL\" target=\"right\">";
- $end .= '</a>';
- }
- }
- if (!$boxes->is_root) {
- if ($use_folder_images) {
- if ($boxes->is_inbox) {
- $folder_img = '../images/inbox.gif';
- } else if ($boxes->is_sent) {
- $folder_img = '../images/senti.gif';
- } else if ($boxes->is_trash) {
- $folder_img = '../images/delitem.gif';
- } else if ($boxes->is_draft) {
- $folder_img = '../images/draft.gif';
- } else $folder_img = '../images/folder.gif';
- $folder_img = ' <img src="'.$folder_img.'" height="15" valign="center" /> ';
- } else $folder_img = '';
- if (!isset($boxes->mbxs[0])) {
- echo ' ' . html_tag( 'div',
- $pre . $folder_img . $boxes->mailboxname_sub . $end ,
- 'left', '', 'class="mbx_sub" id="' .$j. '"' )
- . "\n";
- } else {
- /* get collapse information */
- if ($collapse_folders) {
- $link = '<a target="left" style="text-decoration:none" ' .'href="left_main.php?';
- $form_entry = $j.'F';
- if (isset($mbx) && isset($mbx[$form_entry])) {
- $collapse = $mbx[$form_entry];
- if ($collapse) {
- setPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_'.$boxes->mailboxname_full , SM_BOX_COLLAPSED);
- } else {
- setPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_'.$boxes->mailboxname_full , SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED);
- }
- } else {
- $collapse = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $mailbox);
- $collapse = ($collapse == '' ? SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED : $collapse);
- }
- if ($collapse) {
- $link = '<a href="javascript:void(0)">'." <img src=\"../images/plus.gif\" border=\"1\" id=$j onclick=\"hidechilds(this)\" /></a>";
- } else {
- $link = '<a href="javascript:void(0)">'."<img src=\"../images/minus.gif\" border=\"1\" id=$j onclick=\"hidechilds(this)\" /></a>";
- }
- $collapse_link = $link;
- } else $collapse_link='';
- echo ' ' . html_tag( 'div',
- $collapse_link . $pre . $folder_img . ' '. $boxes->mailboxname_sub . $end ,
- 'left', '', 'class="mbx_par" id="' .$j. 'P"' )
- . "\n";
- echo ' <input type="hidden" name="mbx['.$j. 'F]" value="'.$collapse.'" id="mbx['.$j.'F]" />'."\n";
- }
- }
- if ($collapse) {
- $visible = ' style="display:none;"';
- } else {
- $visible = ' style="display:block;"';
- }
- if (isset($boxes->mbxs[0]) && !$boxes->is_root) /* mailbox contains childs */
- echo html_tag( 'div', '', 'left', '', 'class="par_area" id='.$j.'.0000 '. $visible ) . "\n";
- if ($j !='ID.0000') {
- $j = $j .'.0000';
- }
- for ($i = 0; $i <count($boxes->mbxs); $i++) {
- $j++;
- listAdvancedBoxes($boxes->mbxs[$i],$mbx,$j);
- }
- if (isset($boxes->mbxs[0]) && !$boxes->is_root ) echo '</div>'."\n\n";
+ $unseen = $boxes->unseen;
+ $unseen_string = "($unseen)";
+ if ($unseen>0) $unseen_found = TRUE;
+ if ($boxes->total) {
+ $numMessages = $boxes->total;
+ $unseen_string = "<font color=\"$color[11]\">($unseen/$numMessages)</font>";
+ }
+ } else $unseen = 0;
+ /* If there are unseen message, bold the line. */
+ if ($unseen > 0) { $pre .= '<b>'; }
+ /* color special boxes */
+ if ($boxes->is_special) {
+ $pre .= "<font color=\"$color[11]\">";
+ $end .= '</font>';
+ }
+ /* If there are unseen message, close bolding. */
+ if ($unseen > 0) { $end .= '</b>'; }
+ /* Print unseen information. */
+ if (isset($unseen_found) && $unseen_found) {
+ $end .= " $unseen_string";
+ }
+ if (($move_to_trash) && ($mailbox == $trash_folder)) {
+ if (! isset($numMessages)) {
+ $numMessages = $boxes->total;
+ }
+ if ($numMessages > 0) {
+ $urlMailbox = urlencode($mailbox);
+ $pre .= "\n<small>\n" .
+ " (<a class=\"mbx_link\" href=\"empty_trash.php\">"._("purge")."</a>)" .
+ "</small>";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!$boxes->is_noselect) { /* \Noselect boxes can't be selected */
+ $pre .= "<a class=\"mbx_link\" href=\"right_main.php?PG_SHOWALL=0&sort=0&startMessage=1&mailbox=$mailboxURL\" target=\"right\">";
+ $end .= '</a>';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$boxes->is_root) {
+ if ($use_folder_images) {
+ if ($boxes->is_inbox) {
+ $folder_img = '../images/inbox.gif';
+ } else if ($boxes->is_sent) {
+ $folder_img = '../images/senti.gif';
+ } else if ($boxes->is_trash) {
+ $folder_img = '../images/delitem.gif';
+ } else if ($boxes->is_draft) {
+ $folder_img = '../images/draft.gif';
+ } else $folder_img = '../images/folder.gif';
+ $folder_img = ' <img src="'.$folder_img.'" height="15" valign="center" /> ';
+ } else $folder_img = '';
+ if (!isset($boxes->mbxs[0])) {
+ echo ' ' . html_tag( 'div',
+ $pre . $folder_img . $boxes->mailboxname_sub . $end ,
+ 'left', '', 'class="mbx_sub" id="' .$j. '"' )
+ . "\n";
+ } else {
+ /* get collapse information */
+ if ($collapse_folders) {
+ $link = '<a target="left" style="text-decoration:none" ' .'href="left_main.php?';
+ $form_entry = $j.'F';
+ if (isset($mbx) && isset($mbx[$form_entry])) {
+ $collapse = $mbx[$form_entry];
+ if ($collapse) {
+ setPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_'.$boxes->mailboxname_full , SM_BOX_COLLAPSED);
+ } else {
+ setPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_'.$boxes->mailboxname_full , SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $collapse = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'collapse_folder_' . $mailbox);
+ $collapse = ($collapse == '' ? SM_BOX_UNCOLLAPSED : $collapse);
+ }
+ if ($collapse) {
+ $link = '<a href="javascript:void(0)">'." <img src=\"../images/plus.gif\" border=\"1\" id=$j onclick=\"hidechilds(this)\" /></a>";
+ } else {
+ $link = '<a href="javascript:void(0)">'."<img src=\"../images/minus.gif\" border=\"1\" id=$j onclick=\"hidechilds(this)\" /></a>";
+ }
+ $collapse_link = $link;
+ } else $collapse_link='';
+ echo ' ' . html_tag( 'div',
+ $collapse_link . $pre . $folder_img . ' '. $boxes->mailboxname_sub . $end ,
+ 'left', '', 'class="mbx_par" id="' .$j. 'P"' )
+ . "\n";
+ echo ' <input type="hidden" name="mbx['.$j. 'F]" value="'.$collapse.'" id="mbx['.$j.'F]" />'."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($collapse) {
+ $visible = ' style="display:none;"';
+ } else {
+ $visible = ' style="display:block;"';
+ }
+ if (isset($boxes->mbxs[0]) && !$boxes->is_root) /* mailbox contains childs */
+ echo html_tag( 'div', '', 'left', '', 'class="par_area" id='.$j.'.0000 '. $visible ) . "\n";
+ if ($j !='ID.0000') {
+ $j = $j .'.0000';
+ }
+ for ($i = 0; $i <count($boxes->mbxs); $i++) {
+ $j++;
+ listAdvancedBoxes($boxes->mbxs[$i],$mbx,$j);
+ }
+ if (isset($boxes->mbxs[0]) && !$boxes->is_root ) echo '</div>'."\n\n";
- * $advanced_tree and $oldway are boolean vars which are default set to default
- * SM behaviour.
- * Setting $oldway to false causes left_main.php to use the new experimental
+ * $advanced_tree and $oldway are boolean vars which are default set to default
+ * SM behaviour.
+ * Setting $oldway to false causes left_main.php to use the new experimental
* way of getting the mailbox-tree.
- * Setting $advanced tree to true causes SM to display a experimental
+ * Setting $advanced tree to true causes SM to display a experimental
* mailbox-tree with dhtml behaviour.
- * It only works on browsers which supports css and javascript. The used
- * javascript is experimental and doesn't support all browsers. It is tested on
+ * It only works on browsers which supports css and javascript. The used
+ * javascript is experimental and doesn't support all browsers. It is tested on
* IE6 an Konquerer 3.0.0-2.
* In the function ListAdvancedBoxes there is another var $use_folder_images.
* setting this to true is only usefull if the images exists in ../images.
- *
+ *
* Feel free to experiment with the code and report bugs and enhancements
* to marc@its-projects.nl
- **/
+ **/
$advanced_tree = false; /* set this to true if you want to see a nicer mailboxtree */
-$oldway = true; /* default SM behaviour */
+$oldway = false; /* default SM behaviour */
if ($advanced_tree) {
$xtra .= <<<ECHO
function hidechilds(el) {
- id = el.id+".0000";
+ id = el.id+".0000";
form_id = "mbx[" + el.id +"F]";
- if (document.all) {
- ele = document.all[id];
- if (ele) {
- if(ele.style.display == "none") {
+ if (document.all) {
+ ele = document.all[id];
+ if (ele) {
+ if(ele.style.display == "none") {
ele.style.display = "block";
- ele.style.visibility = "visible"
+ ele.style.visibility = "visible"
} else {
ele.style.display = "none";
- ele.style.visibility = "hidden"
- el.src="../images/plus.gif";
- document.all[form_id].value=1;
- }
- }
- } else if (document.getElementById) {
+ ele.style.visibility = "hidden"
+ el.src="../images/plus.gif";
+ document.all[form_id].value=1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (document.getElementById) {
ele = document.getElementById(id);
- if (ele) {
- if(ele.style.display == "none") {
- ele.style.display = "block";
- ele.style.visibility = "visible"
- el.src="../images/minus.gif";
+ if (ele) {
+ if(ele.style.display == "none") {
+ ele.style.display = "block";
+ ele.style.visibility = "visible"
+ el.src="../images/minus.gif";
- } else {
- ele.style.display = "none";
- ele.style.visibility = "hidden"
- el.src="../images/plus.gif";
+ } else {
+ ele.style.display = "none";
+ ele.style.visibility = "hidden"
+ el.src="../images/plus.gif";
- }
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
function preload() {
if (!document.images) return;
var ar = new Array();
var arguments = preload.arguments;
for (var i = 0; i<arguments.length; i++) {
ar[i] = new Image();
- ar[i].src = arguments[i];
+ ar[i].src = arguments[i];
- }
+ }
function buttonover(el,on) {
if (!on) {
function buttonclick(el,on) {
- if (!on) {
+ if (!on) {
else {
function hideframe(hide) {
$xtra .= " left_size = \"$left_size\";\n";
$xtra .= <<<ECHO
if (document.all) {
- masterf = window.parent.document.all["fs1"];
- leftf = window.parent.document.all["left"];
- leftcontent = document.all["leftframe"];
- leftbutton = document.all["showf"];
+ masterf = window.parent.document.all["fs1"];
+ leftf = window.parent.document.all["left"];
+ leftcontent = document.all["leftframe"];
+ leftbutton = document.all["showf"];
} else if (document.getElementById) {
- masterf = window.parent.document.getElementById("fs1");
- leftf = window.parent.document.getElementById("left");
- leftcontent = document.getElementById("leftframe");
- leftbutton = document.getElementById("showf");
+ masterf = window.parent.document.getElementById("fs1");
+ leftf = window.parent.document.getElementById("left");
+ leftcontent = document.getElementById("leftframe");
+ leftbutton = document.getElementById("showf");
} else {
return false;
- }
+ }
if(hide) {
new_col = calc_col("20");
masterf.cols = new_col;
- document.body.scrollLeft=0;
- document.body.style.overflow='hidden';
- leftcontent.style.display = 'none';
- leftbutton.style.display='block';
+ document.body.scrollLeft=0;
+ document.body.style.overflow='hidden';
+ leftcontent.style.display = 'none';
+ leftbutton.style.display='block';
} else {
masterf.cols = calc_col(left_size);
- document.body.style.overflow='';
- leftbutton.style.display='none';
- leftcontent.style.display='block';
+ document.body.style.overflow='';
+ leftbutton.style.display='none';
+ leftcontent.style.display='block';
function calc_col(c_w) {
if ($location_of_bar == 'right') {
$xtra .= ' right=true;';
- } else {
+ } else {
$xtra .= ' right=false;';
$xtra .= "\n";
new_col = c_w+',*';
return new_col;
- }
+ }
function resizeframe(direction) {
if (document.all) {
- masterf = window.parent.document.all["fs1"];
+ masterf = window.parent.document.all["fs1"];
} else if (document.getElementById) {
- window.parent.document.getElementById("fs1");
+ window.parent.document.getElementById("fs1");
} else {
return false;
if ($location_of_bar == 'right') {
$xtra .= ' colPat=/^\*,(\d+)$/;';
- } else {
+ } else {
$xtra .= ' colPat=/^(\d+),.*$/;';
$xtra .= "\n";
$xtra .= <<<ECHO
old_col = masterf.cols;
if (direction) {
new_col_width = parseInt(RegExp.$1) + 25;
} else {
if (parseInt(RegExp.$1) > 35) {
new_col_width = parseInt(RegExp.$1) - 25;
- masterf.cols = calc_col(new_col_width);
+ masterf.cols = calc_col(new_col_width);
if ($advanced_tree) {
- /* nice future feature, needs layout !! volunteers? */
+ /* nice future feature, needs layout !! volunteers? */
$right_pos = $left_size - 20;
echo '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;border=solid;border-width:0.1em;border-color:blue;"><div ID="hidef" style="width=20;font-size:12"><A HREF="javascript:hideframe(true)"><b><<</b></a></div>';
echo '<div ID="showf" style="width=20;font-size:12;display:none;"><a href="javascript:hideframe(false)"><b>>></b></a></div>';
echo '<div ID="leftframe"><br /><br />';
-echo "\n\n" . html_tag( 'table', '', 'left', '', 'border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="99%"' ) .
- html_tag( 'tr' ) .
- html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' ) .
+echo "\n\n" . html_tag( 'table', '', 'left', '', 'border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="99%"' ) .
+ html_tag( 'tr' ) .
+ html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' ) .
'<center><font size="4"><b>'. _("Folders") . "</b><br /></font>\n\n";
if ($date_format != 6) {
if ($oldway) { /* normal behaviour SM */
$boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list($imapConnection);
/* Prepare do do out collapsedness and visibility computation. */
$curbox = 0;
compute_folder_children($curbox, $boxcount);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($boxes); $i++) {
if ( $boxes[$i]['visible'] ) {
$mailbox = $boxes[$i]['formatted'];
echo $line;
-} else { /* expiremental code */
+} else { /* expiremental code */
$boxes = sqimap_mailbox_tree($imapConnection);
if (isset($advanced_tree) && $advanced_tree) {
- echo '<form name="collapse" action="left_main.php" method="post" ' .
+ echo '<form name="collapse" action="left_main.php" method="post" ' .
- echo '<small><button type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="buttonover(this,true)" onmouseout="buttonover(this,false)" onmousedown="buttonclick(this,true)" onmouseup="buttonclick(this,false)">'. _("Save folder tree") .'</button><br /><br />';
- echo '<div id="mailboxes" class="mailboxes">'."\n\n";
- if (!isset($mbx)) $mbx=NULL;
- ListAdvancedBoxes($boxes, $mbx);
- echo '</div></small>'."\n";
- echo '</form>'."\n";
+ echo '<small><button type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="buttonover(this,true)" onmouseout="buttonover(this,false)" onmousedown="buttonclick(this,true)" onmouseup="buttonclick(this,false)">'. _("Save folder tree") .'</button><br /><br />';
+ echo '<div id="mailboxes" class="mailboxes">'."\n\n";
+ if (!isset($mbx)) $mbx=NULL;
+ ListAdvancedBoxes($boxes, $mbx);
+ echo '</div></small>'."\n";
+ echo '</form>'."\n";
} else {
- ListBoxes($boxes);
+ ListBoxes($boxes);
} /* if ($oldway) else ... */