The test checks that invalid URLs return an error. The URLs given where
invalid -- but for the wrong reason. In unit-tests, `CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL`
defaulted to the invalid `http://FIX ME`.
After unifying `civicrm.settings.php`, the `CIVICRM_UF_BASEURL` was valid.
The intention in the test was to include a weird character (`*`) to make the
test fail, but we need a weirder/more-incorrect character.
public function testCreateInvalidURLSettings() {
$params = array(
'domain_id' => $this->_domainID2,
- 'userFrameworkResourceURL' => 'dfhkd*hfd',
+ 'userFrameworkResourceURL' => 'dfhkd hfd',
$result = $this->callAPIFailure('setting', 'create', $params);
$params = array(