--- /dev/null
+ ******************************
+ * Change Password plugin API *
+ ******************************
+Document should explain how to create change_password plugin backends and
+provide details about plugin structure.
+Plugin uses standard SquirrelMail plugin architecture and implements backends
+with two hooks.
+change_password_init hook
+change_password_init hook is used to execute some code before displaying
+change password form. Plugin can use this hook to check if install has all
+required components, or to check if backend is configured correctly, or
+display some messages to end user. Maybe some background information about
+password security and how to choose good password. If backend detects some
+configuration errors that make backend unusable, it can stop execution of the
+script with PHP exit() call.
+change_password_dochange hook
+change_password_dochange hook is used when user submits old and new passwords.
+Plugin checks if old password matches current session password and checks new
+password satisfies requirements set in plugin's configuration. All data is
+provided in array submitted via hook. 'username' key contains user's login
+name, 'curpw' contains current session password, 'newpw' contains new password.
+Function that is attached to plugin should return empty array or array filled
+with error messages. If array is empty - plugin assumes that password was
+changed and updates current session password.
+common strings
+Backends can use constants for some error messages. CPW_CURRENT_NOMATCH
+constant sets 'Your current password is not correct.' error. CPW_INVALID_PW
+constant sets 'Your new password contains invalid characters.' error.
+Backend should check, if current password matches stored password.
+Internal plugin functions only check if password matches the one that
+was used to login into SquirrelMail. Password is validated against IMAP
+server and not against used backend.
+Backend should store only default configuration variables that don't
+have any information specific to developer's server or these variables
+should be set to sane default values.
+Backend's configuration should be controlled with configuration overrides
+that are set config.php. It is recommended to use array with
+configuration overrides and make sure that array is set to empty value
+before loading plugin's configuration file.
+Backend should not use generic function names. It is recommended to use
+'cpw_' prefix.
+If backend must load other SquirrelMail functions, it must use SM_PATH
+constant in include_once() calls and make sure that SM_PATH is defined
+in any case when backend file is loaded. In most cases constant is
+already defined, but some unusual use of php files might cause php
+warnings, if constant is used inside backend functions and not defined
+in backend file.
+Overrides used by backend and backend requirements must be documented
+in README file.