$template->assign('message', $postUpgradeMessage);
$template->assign('upgraded', TRUE);
$template->assign('sid', CRM_Utils_System::getSiteID());
+ $template->assign('newVersion', $latestVer);
// Render page header
if (!defined('CIVICRM_UF_HEAD') && $region = CRM_Core_Region::instance('html-header', FALSE)) {
<div class="bold" style="padding: 1em; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.76);">
<img style="display:block; float:left; width:40px; margin-right:10px;" src="{$config->resourceBase}i/logo_lg.png">
- {ts 1="https://civicrm.org/core-team" 2="https://civicrm.org/providers/contributors" 3="https://civicrm.org/become-a-member?src=ug&sid=$sid"}Thank you for upgrading to 4.7, the latest version of CiviCRM. Packed with new features and improvements, this release was made possible by both the <a href="%1">CiviCRM Core Team</a> and an incredible group of <a href="%2">contributors</a>, combined with the financial support of CiviCRM Members and Partners, without whom the project could not exist. We invite you to join their ranks by <a href="%3">becoming a member of CiviCRM today</a>. There is no better way to say thanks than to support those that have made CiviCRM 4.7 possible. <a href="%3">Join today</a>.{/ts}
+ {ts 1="https://civicrm.org/core-team" 2="https://civicrm.org/providers/contributors" 3="https://civicrm.org/become-a-member?src=ug&sid=$sid" 4=$newVersion}Thank you for upgrading to %4, the latest version of CiviCRM. Packed with new features and improvements, this release was made possible by both the <a href="%1">CiviCRM Core Team</a> and an incredible group of <a href="%2">contributors</a>, combined with the financial support of CiviCRM Members and Partners, without whom the project could not exist. We invite you to join their ranks by <a href="%3">becoming a member of CiviCRM today</a>. There is no better way to say thanks than to support those that have made CiviCRM %4 possible. <a href="%3">Join today</a>.{/ts}
<p><span class="crm-status-icon success"> </span>{$message}</p>