if (!checkForJavascript()) return;
+ // globalize $pp_forceTopURL and $pp_noPageHeader to synch
+ // with other plugins (sent_confirmation, for example)
+ //
global $plugins, $archive_mail_button_has_been_printed,
- $username, $data_dir, $PHP_SELF, $base_uri;
+ $username, $data_dir, $PHP_SELF, $base_uri,
+ $pp_forceTopURL, $pp_noPageHeader;
$output = '';
$output .= addButton(_("Clear Preview"), 'clear_preview',
array('onclick' => 'parent.bottom.document.location=\''
- . $base_uri . '/plugins/preview_pane/empty_frame.php\'; '))
+ . $base_uri . 'plugins/preview_pane/empty_frame.php\'; '))
. "<!--\n"
. "\n"
. " if (self.name == 'bottom')\n"
- . " {\n"
- . " document.location = '" . $base_uri . "plugins/preview_pane/empty_frame.php'\n"
+ . " {\n";
+// NOTE: we can also force the top frame to the URL that was being
+// loaded in the bottom, but this is usually overkill...
+// unless another plugin told us to do so (such as sent_confirmation)
+ if ($pp_forceTopURL == 'yes')
+ {
+// $output .= " parent.right.document.location = '" . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "&pp=yes';\n";
+ $output .= " parent.right.document.location = '" . $PHP_SELF . "&pp=yes';\n";
+ }
+ $output .= " document.location = '" . $base_uri . "plugins/preview_pane/empty_frame.php'\n"
. " }\n"
. "//-->\n"
. "</script>\n";