$this->assertRegExp(';afform":\{"open":"' . preg_quote($directive, ';') . '"\};', $contents);
- public function testPublicSubmissionAllowed() {
+ public function testPublicCreateAllowed() {
+ $initialMaxId = CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT max(id) FROM civicrm_contact');
+ $http = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['http_errors' => FALSE]);
+ $url = function ($path, $query = NULL) {
+ return CRM_Utils_System::url($path, $query, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);
+ };
+ $this->createPublicForm();
+ $r = md5(random_bytes(16));
+ $me = [0 => ['fields' => []]];
+ $me[0]['fields']['first_name'] = 'Firsty' . $r;
+ $me[0]['fields']['last_name'] = 'Lasty' . $r;
+ $query = [
+ 'params' => json_encode(['name' => $this->formName, 'args' => [], 'values' => ['me' => $me]]),
+ ];
+ $response = $http->post($url('civicrm/ajax/api4/Afform/submit', $query), ['headers' => ['X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest']]);
+ $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
+ $contact = Civi\Api4\Contact::get(FALSE)->addWhere('first_name', '=', 'Firsty' . $r)->execute()->first();
+ $this->assertEquals('Firsty' . $r, $contact['first_name']);
+ $this->assertEquals('Lasty' . $r, $contact['last_name']);
+ $this->assertTrue($contact['id'] > $initialMaxId);
+ }
+ public function testPublicEditDisallowed() {
$contact = Civi\Api4\Contact::create(FALSE)
- 'first_name' => 'test',
- 'last_name' => 'contact',
+ 'first_name' => 'FirstBegin',
+ 'last_name' => 'LastBegin',
'contact_type' => 'Individual',
return CRM_Utils_System::url($path, $query, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);
+ $this->createPublicForm();
+ $r = md5(random_bytes(16));
+ $me = [0 => ['fields' => []]];
+ $me[0]['fields']['id'] = $contact['id'];
+ $me[0]['fields']['first_name'] = 'Firsty' . $r;
+ $me[0]['fields']['last_name'] = 'Lasty' . $r;
+ $query = [
+ 'params' => json_encode(['name' => $this->formName, 'args' => [], 'values' => ['me' => $me]]),
+ ];
+ $response = $http->post($url('civicrm/ajax/api4/Afform/submit', $query), ['headers' => ['X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest']]);
+ // FIXME: The current behavior is {status=500,body='[]'} ... but status=403 probably makes more sense.
+ $this->assertEquals(500, $response->getStatusCode());
+ $get = Civi\Api4\Contact::get(FALSE)->addWhere('id', '=', $contact['id'])->execute()->first();
+ // Contact hasn't changed
+ $this->assertEquals('FirstBegin', $get['first_name']);
+ $this->assertEquals('LastBegin', $get['last_name']);
+ // No other contacts were created or edited with the requested value.
+ $this->assertEquals(0, CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM civicrm_contact WHERE first_name=%1', [1 => ["Firsty{$r}", 'String']]));
+ }
+ private function createPublicForm():void {
$defaults = [
'title' => 'My form',
'name' => $this->formName,
- $prefill = Civi\Api4\Afform::prefill()
- ->setName($this->formName)
- ->setArgs([])
- ->execute()
- ->indexBy('name');
- $me = [0 => ['fields' => []]];
- $me[0]['fields']['id'] = $contact['id'];
- $me[0]['fields']['first_name'] = 'Firsty';
- $me[0]['fields']['last_name'] = 'Lasty';
- $query = [
- 'params' => json_encode(['name' => $this->formName, 'args' => [], 'values' => ['me' => $me]]),
- ];
- $response = $http->post($url('civicrm/ajax/api4/Afform/submit', $query), ['headers' => ['X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest']]);
- $contact = Civi\Api4\Contact::get()->setCheckPermissions(FALSE)->addWhere('id', '=', $contact['id'])->execute()->first();
- $this->assertEquals('Firsty', $contact['first_name']);
- $this->assertEquals('Lasty', $contact['last_name']);