Follow-up to #18255 and #18114 - this separates field titles (used in export) from labels (used in forms and other displays).
The previous approach was to try to use the title for both, and if that didn't work, override it somewhere.
$fields = array_merge($activityFields, $exportableFields);
- $fields['activity_type_id']['title'] = ts('Activity Type ID');
$fields['activity_priority_id'] = $fields['priority_id'];
if ($name === 'Case') {
* Generated from xml/schema/CRM/Activity/Activity.xml
* DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
- * (GenCodeChecksum:acbed5c46fa2f00de06493210358c684)
+ * (GenCodeChecksum:cbcbcbb6720f015deae4097b01196c9a)
'activity_type_id' => [
'name' => 'activity_type_id',
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT,
- 'title' => ts('Activity Type'),
+ 'title' => ts('Activity Type ID'),
'description' => ts('FK to, that has to be valid, registered activity type.'),
'required' => TRUE,
'import' => TRUE,
'localizable' => 0,
'html' => [
'type' => 'Select',
+ 'label' => ts("Activity Type"),
'pseudoconstant' => [
'optionGroupName' => 'activity_type',
'phone_id' => [
'name' => 'phone_id',
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT,
- 'title' => ts('Phone (called)'),
+ 'title' => ts('Phone (called) ID'),
'description' => ts('Phone ID of the number called (optional - used if an existing phone number is selected).'),
'where' => 'civicrm_activity.phone_id',
'table_name' => 'civicrm_activity',
'FKClassName' => 'CRM_Core_DAO_Phone',
'html' => [
'type' => 'EntityRef',
+ 'label' => ts("Phone (called)"),
'add' => '2.0',
- $fields['current_employer_id']['title'] = ts('Current Employer ID');
//fix for CRM-791
if ($export) {
$fields = array_merge($fields, [
* Generated from xml/schema/CRM/Contact/Contact.xml
* DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
- * (GenCodeChecksum:7f796d14a0de2afa9ec1d5b658ab9329)
+ * (GenCodeChecksum:f58884560d4f49764182cd97f1bbbcdf)
'current_employer_id' => [
'name' => 'employer_id',
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT,
- 'title' => ts('Current Employer'),
+ 'title' => ts('Current Employer ID'),
'description' => ts('OPTIONAL FK to civicrm_contact record.'),
'where' => 'civicrm_contact.employer_id',
'export' => TRUE,
'FKClassName' => 'CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact',
'html' => [
'type' => 'EntityRef',
+ 'label' => ts("Current Employer"),
'add' => '2.1',
CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField::getFieldsForImport('Contribution', FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, $checkPermission)
- $fields['financial_type_id']['title'] = ts('Financial Type ID');
self::$_exportableFields = $fields;
* Generated from xml/schema/CRM/Contribute/Contribution.xml
* DO NOT EDIT. Generated by CRM_Core_CodeGen
- * (GenCodeChecksum:534963bc67ddc36a182ff4767f223531)
+ * (GenCodeChecksum:cc3bcdbce84066823084f71e30f6990b)
'financial_type_id' => [
'name' => 'financial_type_id',
'type' => CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT,
- 'title' => ts('Financial Type'),
+ 'title' => ts('Financial Type ID'),
'description' => ts('FK to Financial Type for (total_amount - non_deductible_amount).'),
'where' => 'civicrm_contribution.financial_type_id',
'export' => TRUE,
'FKClassName' => 'CRM_Financial_DAO_FinancialType',
'html' => [
'type' => 'Select',
+ 'label' => ts("Financial Type"),
'pseudoconstant' => [
'table' => 'civicrm_financial_type',
- <title>Activity Type</title>
+ <title>Activity Type ID</title>
<type>int unsigned</type>
+ <label>Activity Type</label>
<type>int unsigned</type>
- <title>Phone (called)</title>
+ <title>Phone (called) ID</title>
<comment>Phone ID of the number called (optional - used if an existing phone number is selected).</comment>
+ <label>Phone (called)</label>
- <title>Current Employer</title>
+ <title>Current Employer ID</title>
<type>int unsigned</type>
<comment>OPTIONAL FK to civicrm_contact record.</comment>
+ <label>Current Employer</label>
- <title>Financial Type</title>
+ <title>Financial Type ID</title>
<type>int unsigned</type>
<comment>FK to Financial Type for (total_amount - non_deductible_amount).</comment>
+ <label>Financial Type</label>