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-<img alt="[ Placeholder - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/placeholder.png"/>
+<img alt="[ Tim Ansell - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/ansell.jpg"/>
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<div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
-<header class="speaker-header" id="anseli">
+<header class="speaker-header" id="ansell">
-<h2>Tim Anseli</h2>
+<h2>Tim Ansell</h2>
+<p>Tim 'mithro' Ansell is the founder and lead of the TimVideos.us
+project a group of projects which aim to drastically reduce the
+costs and expertise required for doing recording and live
+streaming of conferences, meetings and user groups (Find our more
+at <a href="https://code.timvideos.us">https://code.timvideos.us</a>).</p>
+<p>As an FOSS geek with a hardware bent, Tim has dedicated much of
+his time and resources towards efforts around open source
+hardware (including the TimVideos' HDMI2USB project -
+<a href="https://hdmi2usb.tv">https://hdmi2usb.tv</a>). Tim is also heavily involved in both the
+Python and Australian FOSS communities though starting PyCon AU
+and helping at many Linux.conf.au <a href="http://Linux.conf.au">http://Linux.conf.au</a>
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<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-3 col-xs-4">
-<img alt="[ Michaela R. Brown - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/brown.jpg"/>
+<img alt="[ Walter Bender - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/bender.jpg"/>
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<div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
-<header class="speaker-header" id="brown">
+<header class="speaker-header" id="bender">
-<h2>Michaela R. Brown</h2>
+<h2>Walter Bender</h2>
-<p>I'm a trans* Internet freedom fighter from the middle of nowhere (Gladwin, Michigan). I've volunteered with Mozilla since 2014, where I'm a technical speaker and digital rights evangelist.</p>
+<p>Walter Bender is founder of Sugar Labs, a global project that develops educational software used by millions of children. Sugar Labs is a member project of the non-profit foundation Software Freedom Conservancy. In 2006, Bender co-founded the One Laptop per Child, a non-profit association with Nicholas Negroponte and Seymour Papert. As director of the MIT Media Laboratory from 2000 to 2006, Bender led a team of researchers in fields as varied as tangible media to affective computing to lifelong kindergarten. In 1992, Bender founded the MIT News in the Future consortium, which launched the era of digital news. Currently, he is launching a new initiative, the Miami College of Design, a new program for industrial design in the Wynwood section of Miami.</p>
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-<img alt="[ Luis Villa - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/villa.jpg"/>
+<img alt="[ Devin Ulibarri - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/ulibarri.jpg"/>
</div> <!-- speaker-49 img column end -->
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<div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
-<header class="speaker-header" id="villa">
+<header class="speaker-header" id="ulibarri">
-<h2>Luis Villa</h2>
+<h2>Devin Ulibarri</h2>
-<p>Luis is an attorney and programmer. Most recently, he was the Senior Director of Community Engagement at the Wikimedia Foundation. Prior to Wikimedia, Luis worked at Greenberg-Traurig, where he represented Google in the Google-Oracle litigation, and at Mozilla, where he led the drafting of version 2.0 of the Mozilla Public License. Before practicing law, he was the bugmaster and a board member of the GNOME Foundation, and worked at Ximian.</p>
+<p>An accomplished musician and innovative teacher, Devin Ulibarri has authored his own guitar method book for the pre-reading level as well as co-authored the article, “Thinking Beyond the Myths and Misconceptions of Talent”, which is described by Allen Fletcher of Tanglewood Music Festival as “an immensely consequential investigation of an issue at the heart of society, and a call to effective action.” Most recently, he has collaborated with Walter Bender of <a href="www.sugarlabs.com">Sugar Labs</a> to design <a href="http://www.musicblocks.net">Music Blocks</a>, a software libre tool to explore music's fundamental concepts, which they debuted at the 2016 Constructionism conference hosted in Bangkok, Thailand. Devin takes an active role as a teacher in the classroom to protect student privacy and empower students with powerful software libre tools.</p>
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<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-3 col-xs-4">
-<img alt="[ Christopher Webber - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/webber.png"/>
+<img alt="[ Luis Villa - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/villa.jpg"/>
</div> <!-- speaker-50 img column end -->
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<div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
-<header class="speaker-header" id="webber">
+<header class="speaker-header" id="villa">
-<h2>Christopher Webber</h2>
+<h2>Luis Villa</h2>
-<p>Christopher Allan Webber is lead developer of the GNU MediaGoblin project, a longtime free culture and free software activist, hacker of various languages (especially Python and various lisps), contributor to GNU Guix, and occasional author to various goblin-themed drawings.</p>
+<p>Luis is an attorney and programmer. Most recently, he was the Senior Director of Community Engagement at the Wikimedia Foundation. Prior to Wikimedia, Luis worked at Greenberg-Traurig, where he represented Google in the Google-Oracle litigation, and at Mozilla, where he led the drafting of version 2.0 of the Mozilla Public License. Before practicing law, he was the bugmaster and a board member of the GNOME Foundation, and worked at Ximian.</p>
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-<img alt="[ Marina Zhurakhinskaya - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/zhurakhinskaya.png"/>
+<img alt="[ Christopher Webber - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/webber.png"/>
</div> <!-- speaker-51 img column end -->
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<div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
-<header class="speaker-header" id="zhurakhinskaya">
+<header class="speaker-header" id="webber">
-<h2>Marina Zhurakhinskaya</h2>
+<h2>Christopher Webber</h2>
-<p>Marina Zhurakhinskaya is a Senior Outreach Specialist focused on community diversity and inclusion at Red Hat. She co-organizes Outreachy, a mentorship and internships program that helps people from groups underrepresented in free software get involved; 244 people have so far participated in the program's paid, remote internships. Marina is a coordinator for GNOME's participation in Google Summer of Code and a creator of GNOME's newcomers tutorial and workshop. She served as a board member at the GNOME Foundation and at the Ada Initiative. Prior to her diversity outreach and community engagement roles, Marina developed software for GNOME. Marina is a recipient of an O'Reilly Open Source Award and of a GNOME Foundation Contributor of the Year Award "the Pants". She is a co-recipient of the Free Software Foundation Award for Projects of Social Benefit on behalf of the Outreach Program for Women.</p>
+<p>Christopher Allan Webber is lead developer of the GNU MediaGoblin project, a longtime free culture and free software activist, hacker of various languages (especially Python and various lisps), contributor to GNU Guix, and occasional author to various goblin-themed drawings.</p>
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<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-3 col-xs-4">
-<img alt="[ Stefano Zacchiroli - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/zacchiroli.jpg"/>
+<img alt="[ Marina Zhurakhinskaya - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/zhurakhinskaya.png"/>
</div> <!-- speaker-52 img column end -->
<!-- speaker-52 content column start -->
<div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
+<header class="speaker-header" id="zhurakhinskaya">
+<h2>Marina Zhurakhinskaya</h2>
+<p>Marina Zhurakhinskaya is a Senior Outreach Specialist focused on community diversity and inclusion at Red Hat. She co-organizes Outreachy, a mentorship and internships program that helps people from groups underrepresented in free software get involved; 244 people have so far participated in the program's paid, remote internships. Marina is a coordinator for GNOME's participation in Google Summer of Code and a creator of GNOME's newcomers tutorial and workshop. She served as a board member at the GNOME Foundation and at the Ada Initiative. Prior to her diversity outreach and community engagement roles, Marina developed software for GNOME. Marina is a recipient of an O'Reilly Open Source Award and of a GNOME Foundation Contributor of the Year Award "the Pants". She is a co-recipient of the Free Software Foundation Award for Projects of Social Benefit on behalf of the Outreach Program for Women.</p>
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+<div class="col-md-2 col-sm-3 col-xs-4">
+<img alt="[ Stefano Zacchiroli - Photo ]" class="img-responsive" src="//static.fsf.org/nosvn/libreplanet/speaker-pics/zacchiroli.jpg"/>
+</div> <!-- speaker-53 img column end -->
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+<div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-8">
<header class="speaker-header" id="zacchiroli">
<h2>Stefano Zacchiroli</h2>
<p>Stefano Zacchiroli is Associate Professor of Computer Science at University Paris Diderot. His research interests span formal methods and their applications to improve software quality and user experience in the context of Free Software distributions. He has been an official member of the Debian Project since 2001, taking care of many tasks from package maintenance to distribution-wide Quality Assurance. He has been elected to serve as Debian Project Leader for 3 terms in a row, over the period 2010-2013. He is a Board Director of the Open Source Initiative (OSI). He is a recipient of the 2015 O'Reilly Open Source Award.</p>
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+</div> <!-- speaker-53 row end -->
<section class="program-session" id="day-1-timeslot-4-session-3">
<header class="program-session-header">
-<h2>GNU/Linux and chill: free software on a college campus</h2>
+<h2>Education needs free/libre software and free/libre software needs education</h2>
<span class="program-session-speaker">
-<a href="speakers.html#brown">Michaela R. Brown</a>
+<a href="speakers.html#bender">Walter Bender</a> and <a href="speakers.html#ulibarri">Devin Ulibarri</a>
<p class="program-session-room-details">
<span class="label label-default">Room 32-144</span>
<div class="collapse in" id="day-1-timeslot-4-session-3-collapse">
-<p>Being a free software user isn't easy, especially when you're a
-college student. I spent a year at a school that taught Visual Basic
-as its primary programming language for freshmen and sophomores, where
-"Introduction to Programming" was an overview of the Windows OS, and
-where most of the professors would only accept papers typed in Times
-New Roman -- and I survived. In this session, I'll give students tips
-for making it through college while still adhering to the values we
-hold as free software users -- including alternative fonts, making a
-GNU/Linux live disk for use on public computers, avoiding the "Netflix
-and Chill" dilemma, and most importantly, ways to discuss free
-software with professors and fellow students. After leaving this
-session, students will feel empowered and able to hold their own as
-free users in a proprietary campus.</p>
+<p>The bad news is that educational technology has largely failed to deliver on its promise. Its focus on efficiency rather than on learning has resulted in a further reinforcement of education as a system of instruction to curricula rather than one of student construction of knowledge. The good news is that Free/Libre Software can help, not just because it tends to focus on putting powerful tools into the hands of its end users, but also because Free/Libre Software espouses a culture of doing and sharing in a context of critique, reflection, and personal responsibility. In this session, we will review some tangible ways in which Free/Libre Software is and can have a positive impact on education and some things we can and should be doing better. We'll then discuss strategies for advocating for Free/Libre Software in education systems both in the US and globally. The next generation of computer users are in school today. We need to ensure that they take advantage of the opportunities afforded by Free/Libre Software.</p>
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</section> <!-- day-1-timeslot-4-session-3 end -->
<section class="program-session" id="day-1-timeslot-4-session-4">
<a href="speakers.html#chriss">George Chriss</a>,
<a href="speakers.html#pfeiffer">Silvia Pfeiffer</a>,
<a href="speakers.html#karsten">Carl Karsten</a>,
- and <a href="speakers.html#anseli">Tim Anseli</a>,
+ and Tim Anseli,
with Kat Walsh moderating
<p class="program-session-room-details">