Rather than having one section in an IF for the scenario where we have a separate payment situation
but there is no contribution payment, consolidate this scenario with the general 'we
have a membership but no contribution in the receipt
<th {$headerStyle}>{ts}Membership Fee{/ts}</th>
- {if !$useForMember and isset($membership_amount) and !empty($is_quick_config)}
+ {if !$isShowLineItems && {contribution.total_amount|boolean}}
<td {$labelStyle}>
{ts 1=$membership_name}%1 Membership{/ts}
{contribution.total_amount} {if isset($amount_level)} - {$amount_level}{/if}
- {elseif isset($membership_amount)}
- <tr>
- <th {$headerStyle}>
- {ts}Membership Fee{/ts}
- </th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td {$labelStyle}>
- {ts 1=$membership_name}%1 Membership{/ts}
- </td>
- <td {$valueStyle}>
- {$membership_amount|crmMoney}
- </td>
- </tr>
{if !empty($receive_date)}