do_err('Enable "Allow remote configtest" option in squirrelmail configuration in order to use this script.');
-/* checking PHP specs */
echo "<p><table>\n<tr><td>SquirrelMail version:</td><td><b>" . SM_VERSION . "</b></td></tr>\n" .
'<tr><td>Config file version:</td><td><b>' . $config_version . "</b></td></tr>\n" .
do_err('Configuration file version does not match required version. Please update your configuration file.');
+/* checking PHP specs */
echo "Checking PHP configuration...<br />\n";
if(!check_php_version(4,1,0)) {
echo $IND . 'PHP version ' . PHP_VERSION . ' OK. (You have: ' . phpversion() . ". Minimum: 4.1.0)<br />\n";
-/* test for boolean false and any string that is not equal to 'off' */
+/* register_globals check: test for boolean false and any string that is not equal to 'off' */
if ((bool) ini_get('register_globals') &&
strtolower(ini_get('register_globals'))!='off') {
do_err('You have register_globals turned on. This is not an error, but it CAN be a security hazard. Consider turning register_globals off.', false);
+/* variables_order check */
+// FIXME(?): Hmm, how do we distinguish between when an ini setting is
+// not available (ini_set() returns empty string) and when
+// the administrator set the value to an empty string? The
+// latter is sure to be highly rare, so for now, just assume
+// that empty value means the setting isn't even available
+// (could also check PHP version when this setting was implemented)
+$variables_order = ini_get('variables_order');
+if (!empty($variables_order) && (strpos($variables_order, 'G') === FALSE
+ || strpos($variables_order, 'P') === FALSE
+ || strpos($variables_order, 'C') === FALSE
+ || strpos($variables_order, 'S') === FALSE)) {
+ do_err('Your variables_order setting is insufficient for SquirrelMail to function. It needs at least "GPCS", but you have it set to "' . $variables_order . '"', true);
+} else {
+ echo $IND . "variables_order OK: $variables_order.<br />\n";
+/* gpc_order check */
+// FIXME(?): Hmm, how do we distinguish between when an ini setting is
+// not available (ini_set() returns empty string) and when
+// the administrator set the value to an empty string? The
+// latter is sure to be highly rare, so for now, just assume
+// that empty value means the setting isn't even available
+// (could also check PHP version when this setting was implemented)
+$gpc_order = ini_get('gpc_order');
+if (!empty($gpc_order) && (strpos($gpc_order, 'G') === FALSE
+ || strpos($gpc_order, 'P') === FALSE
+ || strpos($gpc_order, 'C') === FALSE)) {
+ do_err('Your gpc_order setting is insufficient for SquirrelMail to function. It needs to be set to "GPC", but you have it set to "' . $gpc_order . '"', true);
+} else {
+ echo $IND . "gpc_order OK: $gpc_order.<br />\n";
+/* check PHP extensions */
$php_exts = array('session','pcre');
$diff = array_diff($php_exts, get_loaded_extensions());
if(count($diff)) {