chainTpl = _.template($('#api-chain-tpl').html()),
docCodeTpl = _.template($('#doc-code-tpl').html()),
joinTpl = _.template($('#join-tpl').html()),
+ restTpl = _.template($('#api-rest-tpl').html()),
// The following apis do not use Api3SelectQuery so do not support advanced features like joins or OR
NO_JOINS = ['Contact', 'Contribution', 'Pledge', 'Participant'],
* Render the api request in various formats
function formatQuery() {
+ var http = {
+ url: CRM.config.resourceBase + "extern/rest.php",
+ method: action.startsWith('get') ? 'GET' : 'POST',
+ query: {entity: entity, action: action, json: JSON.stringify(params), api_key: 'FIXME_USER_KEY', key: 'FIXME_SITE_KEY'}
+ };
var i = 0, q = {
smarty: "{crmAPI var='result' entity='" + entity + "' action='" + action + "'" + (params.sequential ? '' : ' sequential=0'),
php: "$result = civicrm_api3('" + entity + "', '" + action + "'",
cv: "cv api " + entity + '.' + action + ' ',
drush: "drush cvapi " + entity + '.' + action + ' ',
wpcli: "wp cv api " + entity + '.' + action + ' ',
- rest: CRM.config.resourceBase + "extern/rest.php?entity=" + encodeURI(entity) + "&action=" + encodeURI(action) + "&api_key=FIXME_USER_KEY&key=FIXME_SITE_KEY&json=" + encodeURI(JSON.stringify(params))
+ curl: http.method === 'GET' ?
+ "curl '" + http.url + "?" + $.param(http.query) + "'"
+ : "curl -X " + http.method + " -d '" + $.param(http.query) +"' \\\n '" + http.url + "'"
smartyPhp = [];
$.each(params, function(key, value) {
} else if (smartyPhp.length) {
q.smarty = "{php}\n " + smartyPhp.join("\n ") + "\n{/php}\n" + q.smarty;
+ $('#api-rest').html(restTpl(http));
$.each(q, function(type, val) {
$('#api-' + type).text(val);
<div id="api-generated-wraper">
<table id="api-generated" border=1>
- <tr><td>Rest</td><td><pre id="api-rest"></pre></td></tr>
+ <tr><td>Rest</td><td><div id="api-rest"></div></td></tr>
<tr><td>Smarty</td><td><pre class="linenums" id="api-smarty" title='smarty syntax (for get actions)'></pre></td></tr>
<tr><td>Php</td><td><pre class="linenums" id="api-php" title='php syntax'></pre></td></tr>
<tr><td>Javascript</td><td><pre class="linenums" id="api-json" title='javascript syntax'></pre></td></tr>
{if $config->userSystem->is_wordpress}
<tr><td><a href="" target="_blank">wp-cli</a></td><td><pre id="api-wpcli" title='wp-cli syntax'></pre></td></tr>
+ <tr><td><a href="">curl</a></td><td><pre id="api-curl"></pre></td></tr>
<div class="crm-submit-buttons">
+<script type="text/template" id="api-rest-tpl">
+ <pre><%- method %> <%- url %></pre>
+ <ul>{literal}
+ <% _.forEach(query, function(value, field){ %>
+ <li><b><%- field %></b>: <pre style="display: inline-block"><%- value %></pre></li>
+ <% }); %>
+ {/literal}</ul>
<script type="text/template" id="api-param-tpl">
<tr class="api-param-row">