else {
- $clauses = array();
+ $fullTextFields = array(); // array (string $sqlColumnName)
+ $clauses = array(); // array (string $sqlExpression)
foreach ($tableValues['fields'] as $fieldName => $fieldType) {
if ($fieldType == 'Int') {
else {
- $clauses[] = "$fieldName LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)}";
+ $fullTextFields[] = $fieldName;
+ if (!empty($fullTextFields)) {
+ $clauses[] = $this->matchText($tableName, $fullTextFields, $queryText);
+ }
if (empty($clauses)) {
return CRM_Core_DAO::singleValueQuery($rowCount);
+ /**
+ * Create a SQL expression for matching against a list of
+ * text columns.
+ *
+ * @param string $table eg "civicrm_note" or "civicrm_note mynote"
+ * @param array|string $fullTextFields list of field names
+ * @param string $queryText
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function matchText($table, $fullTextFields, $queryText) {
+ if (strpos($table, ' ') === FALSE) {
+ $tableName = $tableAlias = $table;
+ } else {
+ list ($tableName, $tableAlias) = explode(' ', $table);
+ }
+ if (is_scalar($fullTextFields)) {
+ $fullTextFields = array($fullTextFields);
+ }
+ $clauses = array();
+ if (CRM_Core_InnoDBIndexer::singleton()->hasDeclaredIndex($tableName, $fullTextFields)) {
+ $strtolower = function_exists('mb_strtolower') ? 'mb_strtolower' : 'strtolower';
+ $prefixedFieldNames = array();
+ foreach ($fullTextFields as $fieldName) {
+ $prefixedFieldNames[] = "$tableAlias.$fieldName";
+ }
+ $clauses[] = sprintf("MATCH (%s) AGAINST ('%s')",
+ implode(',', $prefixedFieldNames),
+ $strtolower(CRM_Core_DAO::escapeString($queryText))
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ //CRM_Core_Session::setStatus(ts('Cannot use FTS for %1 (%2)', array(
+ // 1 => $table,
+ // 2 => implode(', ', $fullTextFields),
+ //)));
+ foreach ($fullTextFields as $fieldName) {
+ $clauses[] = "$tableAlias.$fieldName LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)}";
+ }
+ }
+ return implode(' OR ', $clauses);
+ }
* Format text to include wild card characters at beginning and end
* @return int the total number of matches
function fillActivityIDs($queryText, $entityIDTableName, $limit) {
+ // Note: For available full-text indices, see CRM_Core_InnoDBIndexer
$contactSQL = array();
$contactSQL[] = "
LEFT JOIN civicrm_email e ON cat.contact_id = e.contact_id
LEFT JOIN civicrm_option_group og ON og.name = 'activity_type'
LEFT JOIN civicrm_option_value ov ON ( ov.option_group_id = og.id )
-WHERE ( (c.sort_name LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)} OR c.display_name LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)}) OR
- ( e.email LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)} AND
- ca.activity_type_id = ov.value AND
- ov.name IN ('Inbound Email', 'Email') ) )
+ ({$this->matchText('civicrm_contact c', array('sort_name', 'display_name', 'nick_name'), $queryText)})
+ OR
+ ({$this->matchText('civicrm_email e', 'email', $queryText)} AND ca.activity_type_id = ov.value AND ov.name IN ('Inbound Email', 'Email') )
+ )
AND (ca.is_deleted = 0 OR ca.is_deleted IS NULL)
AND (c.is_deleted = 0 OR c.is_deleted IS NULL)
INNER JOIN civicrm_activity ca ON et.entity_id = ca.id
WHERE et.entity_table = 'civicrm_activity'
AND et.tag_id = t.id
-AND t.name LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)}
+AND ({$this->matchText('civicrm_tag t', 'name', $queryText)})
AND (ca.is_deleted = 0 OR ca.is_deleted IS NULL)
GROUP BY et.entity_id
$contactSQL[] = "
SELECT distinct ca.id
FROM civicrm_activity ca
-WHERE (ca.subject LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)} OR ca.details LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)})
+WHERE ({$this->matchText('civicrm_activity ca', array('subject', 'details'), $queryText)})
AND (ca.is_deleted = 0 OR ca.is_deleted IS NULL)
* @return int the total number of matches
function fillCaseIDs($queryText, $entityIDTableName, $limit) {
+ // Note: For available full-text indices, see CRM_Core_InnoDBIndexer
$contactSQL = array();
$contactSQL[] = "
FROM civicrm_case cc
LEFT JOIN civicrm_case_contact ccc ON cc.id = ccc.case_id
LEFT JOIN civicrm_contact c ON ccc.contact_id = c.id
-WHERE (c.sort_name LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)} OR c.display_name LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)})
+WHERE ({$this->matchText('civicrm_contact c', array('sort_name', 'display_name', 'nick_name'), $queryText)})
AND (cc.is_deleted = 0 OR cc.is_deleted IS NULL)
INNER JOIN civicrm_tag t ON et.tag_id = t.id
WHERE et.entity_table = 'civicrm_case'
AND et.tag_id = t.id
-AND t.name LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)}
+AND ({$this->matchText('civicrm_tag t', 'name', $queryText)})
GROUP BY et.entity_id
* @return int the total number of matches
function fillContactIDs($queryText, $entityIDTableName, $limit) {
+ // Note: For available full-text indices, see CRM_Core_InnoDBIndexer
$contactSQL = array();
$contactSQL[] = "
SELECT et.entity_id
INNER JOIN civicrm_tag t ON et.tag_id = t.id
WHERE et.entity_table = 'civicrm_contact'
AND et.tag_id = t.id
-AND t.name LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)}
+AND ({$this->matchText('civicrm_tag t', 'name', $queryText)})
GROUP BY et.entity_id
* @return int the total number of matches
function fillContributionIDs($queryText, $entityIDTableName, $limit) {
+ // Note: For available full-text indices, see CRM_Core_InnoDBIndexer
$contactSQL = array();
$contactSQL[] = "
SELECT distinct cc.id
FROM civicrm_contribution cc
INNER JOIN civicrm_contact c ON cc.contact_id = c.id
-WHERE (c.sort_name LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)} OR
- c.display_name LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)})
+WHERE ({$this->matchText('civicrm_contact c', array('sort_name', 'display_name', 'nick_name'), $queryText)})
$tables = array(
'civicrm_contribution' => array(
'amount_level' => NULL,
'trxn_Id' => NULL,
'invoice_id' => NULL,
- 'check_number' => (is_numeric($queryText)) ? 'Int' : NULL,
- 'total_amount' => (is_numeric($queryText)) ? 'Int' : NULL,
+ 'check_number' => 'Int', // Odd: This is really a VARCHAR, so why are we searching like an INT?
+ 'total_amount' => 'Int',
'sql' => $contactSQL,
* @return int the total number of matches
function fillMembershipIDs($queryText, $entityIDTableName, $limit) {
+ // Note: For available full-text indices, see CRM_Core_InnoDBIndexer
$contactSQL = array();
$contactSQL[] = "
SELECT distinct cm.id
FROM civicrm_membership cm
INNER JOIN civicrm_contact c ON cm.contact_id = c.id
-WHERE (c.sort_name LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)} OR c.display_name LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)})
+WHERE ({$this->matchText('civicrm_contact c', array('sort_name', 'display_name', 'nick_name'), $queryText)})
$tables = array(
'civicrm_membership' => array(
* @return int the total number of matches
function fillParticipantIDs($queryText, $entityIDTableName, $limit) {
+ // Note: For available full-text indices, see CRM_Core_InnoDBIndexer
$contactSQL = array();
$contactSQL[] = "
SELECT distinct cp.id
FROM civicrm_participant cp
INNER JOIN civicrm_contact c ON cp.contact_id = c.id
-WHERE (c.sort_name LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)} OR c.display_name LIKE {$this->toSqlWildCard($queryText)})
+WHERE ({$this->matchText('civicrm_contact c', array('sort_name', 'display_name', 'nick_name'), $queryText)})
$tables = array(
'civicrm_participant' => array(
'fields' => array(
'source' => NULL,
'fee_level' => NULL,
- 'fee_amount' => (is_numeric($queryText)) ? 'Int' : NULL,
+ 'fee_amount' => 'Int',
'sql' => $contactSQL,
private static $singleton = NULL;
+ /**
+ * @param bool $fresh
+ * @return CRM_Core_InnoDBIndexer
+ */
public static function singleton($fresh = FALSE) {
if ($fresh || self::$singleton === NULL) {
$indices = array(
'civicrm_address' => array(
array('street_address', 'city', 'postal_code')
+ 'civicrm_activity' => array(
+ array('subject', 'details'),
+ ),
'civicrm_contact' => array(
array('sort_name', 'nick_name', 'display_name'),
+ 'civicrm_contribution' => array(
+ array('source', 'amount_level', 'trxn_Id', 'invoice_id'),
+ ),
'civicrm_email' => array(
+ 'civicrm_membership' => array(
+ array('source'),
+ ),
'civicrm_note' => array(
array('subject', 'note'),
+ 'civicrm_participant' => array(
+ array('source', 'fee_level'),
+ ),
'civicrm_phone' => array(