This year, the theme of LibrePlanet is "Free Software, Free Society." How can free software protect journalists, whistleblowers, activists, and regular computer users from government and corporate surveillance? How can free software, or free software values like copyleft, community development, and transparency, be used by people fighting to create free societies around the world? What challenges are standing between us and our goal of free software ubiquity? With your help, we'll tackle these questions and more at LibrePlanet 2014, March 22-23 in Cambridge, MA.
-<p>FSF members and students attend LibrePlanet at no cost! <a href="https://my.fsf.org/associate/support_freedom">Become a member now.</a> <a href="https://libreplanet.org/2014/scholarships">Scholarships are also avalaible.</a></p>
+<p>FSF members and students attend LibrePlanet at no cost! <a href="https://my.fsf.org/associate/support_freedom">Become a member now.</a> If you're interested in attending but need help, we also have <a href="https://libreplanet.org/2014/scholarships">scholarships</a> avalaible.</p>
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