this.httpHandler = function (request, response) {
var uri, uri_parts, subs, useragent, agent, server_set, server, nick, debug, touchscreen, hash,
- min = {}, public_http_path;
+ min = {}, public_http_path,
+ secure = (typeof request.client.encrypted === 'object');
if (kiwi.config.handle_http) {
uri = url.parse(request.url, true);
uri_parts = uri.pathname.split('/');
response.setHeader('X-Generated-By', 'KiwiIRC');
hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(touchscreen ? 't' : 'f')
- .update(debug ? 't' : 'f')
- .update(server_set ? 't' : 'f')
- .update(server)
- .update(nick)
- .update(agent)
- .update(JSON.stringify(kiwi.config))
- .digest('base64');
+ .update(debug ? 't' : 'f')
+ .update(server_set ? 't' : 'f')
+ .update(server)
+ .update(nick)
+ .update(agent)
+ .update(JSON.stringify(kiwi.config))
+ .digest('base64');
if (kiwi.cache.html[hash]) {
if (request.headers['if-none-match'] === kiwi.cache.html[hash].hash) {
response.statusCode = 304;
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/client/index.html.jade', 'utf8', function (err, str) {
var html, hash2;
if (!err) {
- html = kiwi.jade.compile(str)({ "touchscreen": touchscreen, "debug": debug, "server_set": server_set, "server": server, "nick": nick, "agent": agent, "config": kiwi.config });
+ html = kiwi.jade.compile(str)({ "touchscreen": touchscreen, "debug": debug, "secure": secure, "server_set": server_set, "server": server, "nick": nick, "agent": agent, "config": kiwi.config });
hash2 = crypto.createHash('md5').update(html).digest('base64');
kiwi.cache.html[hash] = {"html": html, "hash": hash2};
if (request.headers['if-none-match'] === hash2) {
-this.websocketListen = function (port, host, handler, secure, key, cert) {
- if (kiwi.httpServer) {
- kiwi.httpServer.close();
+this.websocketListen = function (ports, host, handler, key, cert) {
+ if (kiwi.httpServers.length > 0) {
+ _.each(kiwi.httpServers, function (hs) {
+ hs.close();
+ });
+ kiwi.httpsServers = [];
- if (secure) {
- kiwi.httpServer = https.createServer({key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/' + key), cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/' + cert)}, handler);
- = ws.listen(kiwi.httpServer, {secure: true});
- kiwi.httpServer.listen(port, host);
- } else {
- kiwi.httpServer = http.createServer(handler);
- = ws.listen(kiwi.httpServer, {secure: false});
- kiwi.httpServer.listen(port, host);
- }
-'log level', 1);
-'browser client minification');
-'browser client etag');
-'transports', kiwi.config.transports);
-'/kiwi').authorization(function (handshakeData, callback) {
- var address = handshakeData.address.address;
- if (typeof kiwi.connections[address] === 'undefined') {
- kiwi.connections[address] = {count: 0, sockets: []};
+ _.each(ports, function (port) {
+ var hs;
+ if ( === true) {
+ hs = https.createServer({key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/' + key), cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/' + cert)}, handler);
+, {secure: true}));
+ hs.listen(port.number);
+ console.log("Listening on %s, port %d with SSL", host, port.number);
+ } else {
+ hs = http.createServer(handler);
+, {secure: false}));
+ hs.listen(port.number);
+ console.log("Listening on %s, port %d without SSL", host, port.number);
- callback(null, true);
- }).on('connection', kiwi.websocketConnection);
+ });
+ _.each(, function (io) {
+ io.set('log level', 1);
+ io.enable('browser client minification');
+ io.enable('browser client etag');
+ io.set('transports', kiwi.config.transports);
+ io.of('/kiwi').authorization(function (handshakeData, callback) {
+ var address = handshakeData.address.address;
+ if (typeof kiwi.connections[address] === 'undefined') {
+ kiwi.connections[address] = {count: 0, sockets: []};
+ }
+ callback(null, true);
+ }).on('connection', kiwi.websocketConnection);
+ });
this.websocketConnection = function (websocket) {
var con;
+ console.log("New connection!"); = {address: websocket.handshake.address.address, buffer: {list: []}};
con = kiwi.connections[];
console.log('%s config changes: \n', Object.keys(changes).length, changes);
for (i in changes) {
switch (i) {
- case 'port':
+ case 'ports':
case 'bind_address':
- case 'listen_ssl':
case 'ssl_key':
case 'ssl_cert':
- kiwi.websocketListen(kiwi.config.port, kiwi.config.bind_address, kiwi.httpHandler, kiwi.config.listen_ssl, kiwi.config.ssl_key, kiwi.config.ssl_cert);
- delete changes.port;
+ kiwi.websocketListen(kiwi.config.ports, kiwi.config.bind_address, kiwi.httpHandler, kiwi.config.ssl_key, kiwi.config.ssl_cert);
+ delete changes.ports;
delete changes.bind_address;
- delete changes.listen_ssl;
delete changes.ssl_key;
delete changes.ssl_cert;
- if (touchscreen)
link(rel="stylesheet", type="text/css", href="css/touchscreen_tweaks.css")
- body
- div#kiwi
- div.connectwindow
- h1.logo Kiwi IRC
- div#login
- form.formconnectwindow
- ul
- li
- label(for="nick") Your nickname:
- input(type="text", id="nick", name="nick", class="nick", placeholder="Your nick..", value=nick)
- a.connect(href="") Connect...
- - var display
- - if (server_set)
- - display = 'display:none'
- - else
- - display = '';
- div.more(style=display)
- a(href="", class="more_link") more
- div.content.bottom
- ul
- li
- label(for="network") Server:
- input(type="text", id="network", name="network", class="network", value=server)
- li
- label(for="channel") Channel:
- input(type="text", id="channel", name="channel", class="channel", value="#kiwiirc")
- li(class="section")
- label(for="port") Port:
- input(type="text", id="port", name="port", class="port", value="6667")
- li
- label(for="ssl") SSL:
- input(type="checkbox", id="ssl", name="ssl", class="ssl")
- a.connect(href="") Connect...
- div.toolbars
- div.windowlist
- div.poweredby Powered by Kiwi IRC
- ul
- div.utilityviewlist
- ul
- div.cur_topic(contenteditable="true", spellcheck="true")
- //
- ul.edit(style="float:right;")
- li
- img(src="img/more.png")
- ul#kiwi_menu
- li Item 1
- li Item 2
- li Item 3
- div.topic(style="margin-right:5em; overflow:hidden; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;")
- div.userlist
- ul
- div.scroller(style="width:100%;height:100%;")
- div.control
- div.msginput
- div.nick
- a
- | :
- input(type="text", name="kiwi_msginput", id="kiwi_msginput")
- div.plugins
- ul
- li
- a.load_plugin_file Plugins
- - if (debug)
- li
- a.reload_css Reload CSS
script(type="text/javascript", src="/")
script(type="text/javascript", src="")
script(type="text/javascript", src="")
- if (touchscreen)
script(type="text/javascript", src="/js/touchscreen_tweaks.js")
- var proto
- - if (config.listen_ssl)
+ - if (secure)
- proto = 'https'
- else
- proto = 'http'
| <input type="hidden" class="userbox_nick" value="${nick}" />
| <a class="userbox_query">Message</a>
| <a class="userbox_whois">Info</a>
- | </div>
\ No newline at end of file
+ | </div>
+ body
+ div#kiwi
+ div.connectwindow
+ h1.logo Kiwi IRC
+ div#login
+ form.formconnectwindow
+ ul
+ li
+ label(for="nick") Your nickname:
+ input(type="text", id="nick", name="nick", class="nick", placeholder="Your nick..", value=nick)
+ a.connect(href="") Connect...
+ - var display
+ - if (server_set)
+ - display = 'display:none'
+ - else
+ - display = '';
+ div.more(style=display)
+ a(href="", class="more_link") more
+ div.content.bottom
+ ul
+ li
+ label(for="network") Server:
+ input(type="text", id="network", name="network", class="network", value=server)
+ li
+ label(for="channel") Channel:
+ input(type="text", id="channel", name="channel", class="channel", value="#kiwiirc")
+ li(class="section")
+ label(for="port") Port:
+ input(type="text", id="port", name="port", class="port", value="6667")
+ li
+ label(for="ssl") SSL:
+ input(type="checkbox", id="ssl", name="ssl", class="ssl")
+ a.connect(href="") Connect...
+ div.toolbars
+ div.windowlist
+ div.poweredby Powered by Kiwi IRC
+ ul
+ div.utilityviewlist
+ ul
+ div.cur_topic(contenteditable="true", spellcheck="true")
+ //
+ ul.edit(style="float:right;")
+ li
+ img(src="img/more.png")
+ ul#kiwi_menu
+ li Item 1
+ li Item 2
+ li Item 3
+ div.topic(style="margin-right:5em; overflow:hidden; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word;")
+ div.userlist
+ ul
+ div#panel1.panel
+ div.scroller(style="width:100%;height:100%;")
+ div#panel2.panel
+ div.control
+ div.msginput
+ div.nick
+ a
+ | :
+ input(type="text", name="kiwi_msginput", id="kiwi_msginput")
+ div.plugins
+ ul
+ li
+ a.load_plugin_file Plugins
+ - if (debug)
+ li
+ a.reload_css Reload CSS