$this->_id = explode(',', $this->_id);
$url = CRM_Utils_System::url('civicrm/tag');
if (count($this->_id) < 2) {
- CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts("You must select at least 2 tags for merging"), $url);
+ CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts("You must select at least 2 tags for merging."), $url);
$tags = civicrm_api3('Tag', 'get', array('id' => array('IN' => $this->_id), 'options' => array('limit' => 0)));
$this->_tags = $tags['values'];
if (count($this->_id) != count($this->_tags)) {
CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts("Unknown tag."), $url);
+ if (!CRM_Core_Permission::check('administer reserved tags')) {
+ foreach ($tags['values'] as $tag) {
+ if (!empty($tag['is_reserved'])) {
+ CRM_Core_Error::statusBounce(ts("You do not have permission to administer reserved tags."), $url);
+ }
+ }
+ }
function renderTree($panel) {
var plugins,
+ selected = [],
tagset = $panel.attr('id').split('-')[1] || 0;
function hasChildren(id) {
function changeSelection(e, data) {
var tplParams = {
tagset: tagset,
+ tagsetCount: _.keys(tagSets).length,
adminReserved: CRM.checkPerm('administer reserved tags')
tree = $('.tag-tree', $panel).jstree(true),
$infoBox = $('.tag-info', $panel);
+ selected = data.selected;
if (!data.selected || !data.selected.length) {
tplParams.is_reserved = tagset ? tagSets[tagset].is_reserved == 1 : false;
tplParams.length = $('.tag-tree li', $panel).length;
+ function moveTagDialog(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var sets = [{key: '0', value: '{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Main Tag Tree{/ts}{literal}'}];
+ _.each(tagSets, function(tagSet) {
+ sets.push({key: tagSet.id, value: tagSet.name});
+ });
+ CRM.confirm({
+ title: '{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Move to Tagset{/ts}{literal}',
+ message: '<label for="select-tagset">{/literal}{ts escape='js'}Select Tagset{/ts}{literal}: '
+ + '<select id="select-tagset" class="crm-select2 big">'
+ + CRM.utils.renderOptions(sets, tagset)
+ + '</select>'
+ })
+ .on('crmConfirm:yes', function() {
+ var chosen = parseInt($('#select-tagset').val());
+ if (parseInt(tagset) !== chosen) {
+ var apiCalls = [];
+ _.each(selected, function(id) {
+ apiCalls.push(['Tag', 'create', {id: id, parent_id: chosen || ''}]);
+ });
+ $('#mainTabContainer').block();
+ CRM.api3(apiCalls, true)
+ .done(function() {
+ $('.tag-tree', $panel).jstree(true).refresh();
+ $('#mainTabContainer').unblock();
+ var $otherPanel = $(chosen ? '#tagset-' + chosen : '#tree');
+ if ($('.tag-tree', $otherPanel).length) {
+ $('.tag-tree', $otherPanel).jstree(true).refresh();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
.append('<div class="tag-tree-wrapper"><div class="tag-tree"></div><div class="tag-info"></div></div>')
.on('change', 'input[type=color]', changeColor)
.on('change', 'input[name=used_for]', changeUsedFor)
.on('click', '.clear-tag-selection', clearSelection)
+ .on('click', '.move-tag-button', moveTagDialog)
.on('click', '.used-for-toggle', function() {
$(this).attr('style', 'display: none !important;').next().show();
<a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/tag/edit" q="action=add&clone_from="}<%= id %>" class="button crm-popup" title="{ts}Duplicate ths tag{/ts}">
<span><i class="crm-i fa-copy"></i> {ts}Clone Tag{/ts}</span>
- <% if(!hasChildren && (!data.is_reserved || adminReserved)) {ldelim} %>
- <a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/tag/edit" q="action=delete&id="}<%= id %>" class="button crm-popup small-popup">
- <span><i class="crm-i fa-trash"></i> {ts}Delete{/ts}</span>
- </a>
+ <% if(!data.is_reserved || adminReserved) {ldelim} %>
+ <% if(tagsetCount) {ldelim} %>
+ <a href="#move" class="button move-tag-button" title="{ts}Move to a different tagset{/ts}">
+ <span><i class="crm-i fa-share-square-o"></i> {ts}Move Tag{/ts}</span>
+ </a>
+ <% {rdelim} %>
+ <% if(!hasChildren) {ldelim} %>
+ <a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/tag/edit" q="action=delete&id="}<%= id %>" class="button crm-popup small-popup">
+ <span><i class="crm-i fa-trash"></i> {ts}Delete{/ts}</span>
+ </a>
+ <% {rdelim} %>
<% {rdelim} %>
<p><span class="tdl">{ts}Total Usage:{/ts}</span> <%= usages %></p>
<a class="clear-tag-selection" href="#" title="{ts}Clear selection{/ts}"><i class="crm-i fa-ban"></i></a>
<div class="crm-submit-buttons">
- <a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/tag/merge" q="id="}<%= items.join() %>" class="button crm-popup small-popup" title="{ts}Combine tags into one{/ts}">
- <span><i class="crm-i fa-compress"></i> {ts}Merge Tags{/ts}</span>
- </a>
- <% if(!hasChildren && (!reserved || adminReserved)) {ldelim} %>
- <a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/tag/edit" q="action=delete&id="}<%= items.join() %>" class="button crm-popup small-popup">
- <span><i class="crm-i fa-trash"></i> {ts}Delete All{/ts}</span>
+ <% if(!reserved || adminReserved) {ldelim} %>
+ <a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/tag/merge" q="id="}<%= items.join() %>" class="button crm-popup small-popup" title="{ts}Combine tags into one{/ts}">
+ <span><i class="crm-i fa-compress"></i> {ts}Merge Tags{/ts}</span>
+ <% if(tagsetCount) {ldelim} %>
+ <a href="#move" class="button move-tag-button" title="{ts}Move to a different tagset{/ts}">
+ <span><i class="crm-i fa-share-square-o"></i> {ts}Move Tags{/ts}</span>
+ </a>
+ <% {rdelim} %>
+ <% if(!hasChildren) {ldelim} %>
+ <a href="{crmURL p="civicrm/tag/edit" q="action=delete&id="}<%= items.join() %>" class="button crm-popup small-popup">
+ <span><i class="crm-i fa-trash"></i> {ts}Delete All{/ts}</span>
+ </a>
+ <% {rdelim} %>
<% {rdelim} %>