.. automethod:: API.chunked_upload_finalize
+.. automethod:: API.chunked_upload_init
Account Methods
when they are loaded, but no more than once a day.
-Media methods
-.. method:: API.chunked_upload_init(total_bytes, media_type, \
- [media_category], [additional_owners])
- Use this endpoint to initiate a chunked file upload session.
- :param total_bytes: The size of the media being uploaded in bytes.
- :param media_type: The MIME type of the media being uploaded.
- :param media_category: |media_category|
- :param additional_owners: |additional_owners|
- :rtype: :class:`Media` object
:mod:`tweepy.error` --- Exceptions
def chunked_upload_init(self, total_bytes, media_type, *,
media_category=None, additional_owners=None,
- """ :reference https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/v1/media/upload-media/api-reference/post-media-upload-init
+ """chunked_upload_init(total_bytes, media_type, *, media_category, \
+ additional_owners)
+ Use this endpoint to initiate a chunked file upload session.
+ :param total_bytes: The size of the media being uploaded in bytes.
+ :param media_type: The MIME type of the media being uploaded.
+ :param media_category: |media_category|
+ :param additional_owners: |additional_owners|
+ :rtype: :class:`Media` object
+ :reference https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/v1/media/upload-media/api-reference/post-media-upload-init
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}