$this->assertEquals($expected_parts[2], $returned_parts[2]);
+ /**
+ * Assuming that `testContactTokens()` has asserted tokens work en masse, we have another
+ * question -- do the tokens work the same when evaluated en-masse and individually?
+ */
+ public function testTokensIndividually() {
+ // Freeze the time at the start of the test, so checksums don't suffer from second rollovers.
+ $restoreTime = $this->useFrozenTime();
+ $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_tokenValues', [$this, 'hookTokenValues']);
+ $this->hookClass->setHook('civicrm_tokens', [$this, 'hookTokens']);
+ $this->createCustomGroupWithFieldsOfAllTypes([]);
+ $tokenData = $this->getOldContactTokens();
+ $this->setupContactFromTokeData($tokenData);
+ $ctx = ['contactId' => $tokenData['contact_id']];
+ $render = function (string $templateText) use ($ctx, $tokenData) {
+ try {
+ return CRM_Core_TokenSmarty::render(['text' => $templateText], $ctx)['text'];
+ }
+ catch (\Throwable $t) {
+ return "EXCEPTION:" . $t->getMessage();
+ }
+ };
+ // Build $tokenLines, a list of expressions like 'contact.display_name:{contact.display_name}'
+ $tokenLines = [];
+ $tokenNames = array_keys($this->getAdvertisedTokens());
+ foreach ($tokenNames as $tokenName) {
+ $tokenLines[] = trim($tokenName, '{}') . ':' . $tokenName;
+ }
+ foreach (array_keys($tokenData) as $key) {
+ $tokenLines[] .= "contact.$key:{contact.$key}";
+ }
+ $tokenLines = array_unique($tokenLines);
+ sort($tokenLines);
+ // Evaluate all these token lines
+ $oneByOne = array_map($render, $tokenLines);
+ $allAtOnce = $render(implode("\n", $tokenLines));
+ $this->assertEquals($allAtOnce, implode("\n", $oneByOne));
+ $emptyLines = preg_grep('/:$/', $oneByOne);
+ $this->assertEquals([], $emptyLines, "All tokens should have data.");
+ }
* Test that old contact tokens still work, as we add new-style support.