// value via UNION operation
if (strpos($selectColumns, 'reference_date') !== FALSE) {
$dateClause = str_replace('reminder.id IS NULL', 'reminder.id IS NOT NULL', $dateClause);
- $query .= "
+ $referenceQuery = "
+INSERT INTO civicrm_action_log ({$selectColumns})
{$whereClause} {$limitWhereClause} {$notINClause} AND {$dateClause} AND
reminder.action_date_time IS NOT NULL AND
(reminder.reference_date IS NOT NULL AND reminder.reference_date != {$dateField})
+LIMIT 0,1
// As per the usage of UNION clause above we always INSERT a new reminder if reference_date (RD)
$updateQuery = "UPDATE civicrm_action_log reminder
INNER JOIN {$mapping->entity} e ON e.id = reminder.entity_id AND
reminder.reference_date IS NOT NULL AND reminder.action_date_time IS NOT NULL
+ INNER JOIN civicrm_action_log new_reminder ON
+ new_reminder.action_schedule_id = reminder.action_schedule_id AND
+ new_reminder.reference_date = {$dateField} AND
+ new_reminder.action_date_time IS NULL
SET reminder.reference_date = {$dateField}
WHERE reminder.action_schedule_id = %1 AND reminder.reference_date IS NOT NULL AND reminder.reference_date != {$dateField}
CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, array(1 => array($actionSchedule->id, 'Integer')));
if (!empty($updateQuery)) {
+ $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($referenceQuery, array(1 => array($actionSchedule->id, 'Integer')));
CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($updateQuery, array(1 => array($actionSchedule->id, 'Integer')));
ADD COLUMN `reference_date` date COMMENT 'Stores the date from the entity which triggered this reminder action (e.g. membership.end_date for most membership renewal reminders)'";
- //Retrieve schedule reminders for membership entity and is not repeatable
+ //Retrieve schedule reminders for membership entity and is not repeatable and no absolute date chosen
$query = "SELECT schedule.* FROM civicrm_action_schedule schedule
LEFT JOIN civicrm_action_mapping mapper ON mapper.id = schedule.mapping_id AND
- mapper.entity = 'civicrm_membership' AND schedule.is_repeat = 0";
+ mapper.entity = 'civicrm_membership' AND
+ schedule.is_repeat = 0 AND
+ schedule.start_action_date IS NOT NULL";
// construct basic where clauses
$where = array(
- 'reminder.reference_date IS NOT NULL',
- '( m.is_override IS NULL OR m.is_override = 0 )',
- 'reminder.action_date_time >= DATE_SUB(reminder.action_date_time, INTERVAL 9 MONTH)'
- );
+ 'reminder.action_date_time >= DATE_SUB(reminder.action_date_time, INTERVAL 9 MONTH)'
+ ); //choose reminder older then 9 months
$dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query);
while($dao->fetch()) {
- //if absolute date is chosen then bypass
- if (empty($dao->start_action_date)) {
- continue;
- }
$referenceColumn = str_replace('membership_', "m.", $dao->start_action_date);
$value = implode(', ', explode(CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR, trim($dao->entity_value, CRM_Core_DAO::VALUE_SEPARATOR)));
$where[] = "m.membership_type_id IS NULL";
- // Update reference_date with action_start_date chosen, only to those which are not additional contacts
- // (Additional contacts are include via Group/Smart Group or Manual Recipients)
- $addtionalGroupJoin = NULL;
- if (!is_null($dao->limit_to) && $dao->limit_to == 0) {
- if ($dao->group_id) {
- // CRM-13577 If smart group then use Cache table
- $group = CRM_Contact_DAO_Group::getTableName();
- // Get the group information
- $sql = "
-SELECT $group.id, $group.cache_date, $group.saved_search_id, $group.children
-FROM $group
-WHERE $group.id = {$dao->group_id}
- $groupDAO = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
- $isSmartGroup = FALSE;
- if ($groupDAO->fetch() && !empty($groupDAO->saved_search_id)) {
- // Check that the group is in place in the cache and up to date
- CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContactCache::check($dao->group_id);
- // Set smart group flag
- $isSmartGroup = TRUE;
- }
- if ($isSmartGroup) {
- $addtionalGroupJoin = " INNER JOIN civicrm_group_contact_cache grp ON reminder.contact_id = grp.contact_id";
- $where[] = " grp.group_id NOT IN ({$dao->group_id})";
- }
- else {
- $addtionalGroupJoin = " INNER JOIN civicrm_group_contact grp ON
- reminder.contact_id = grp.contact_id AND grp.status = 'Added'";
- $where[] = " grp.group_id NOT IN ({$dao->group_id})";
- }
- }
- if (!empty($dao->recipient_manual)) {
- $rList = CRM_Utils_Type::escape($dao->recipient_manual, 'String');
- $where[] = "reminder.contact_id NOT IN ({$rList})";
- }
- }
+ //Create new action_log records where action_start_date changes and exclude reminders for additional contacts
+ //and select contacts are active
$sql = "UPDATE civicrm_action_log reminder
- LEFT JOIN civicrm_membership m ON reminder.entity_id = m.id
- {$addtionalGroupJoin}
+ LEFT JOIN civicrm_membership m
+ ON reminder.entity_id = m.id AND
+ reminder.entity_table = 'civicrm_membership' AND
+ ( m.is_override IS NULL OR m.is_override = 0 )
+ INNER JOIN civicrm_contact c
+ ON c.id = e.contact_id AND
+ c.is_deleted = 0 AND c.is_deceased = 0
SET reminder.reference_date = {$referenceColumn}
WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where);
array( // After the 2-week mark, send an email
'time' => '2012-03-29 01:00:00',
'recipients' => array(array('member@example.com')),
- )
+ ),
+ array( // After the 2-week 1day mark, don't send an email
+ 'time' => '2012-03-30 01:00:00',
+ 'recipients' => array(),
+ ),
//check if reference date is set to membership's join date
$membership->join_date = '2012-03-29';
- //change the email id of chosen membership contact to assert
- //recipient of not the previously sent mail but the new one
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Email', 'create', array(
- 'is_primary' => 1,
- 'contact_id' => $membership->contact_id,
- 'email' => 'member2@example.com'
- ));
- $this->assertAPISuccess($result);
+ array( // After the 13 days of the changed join date 2012-03-29, don't send an email
+ 'time' => '2012-04-11 01:00:00',
+ 'recipients' => array()
+ ),
array( // After the 2-week of the changed join date 2012-03-29, send an email
'time' => '2012-04-12 01:00:00',
- 'recipients' => array(array('member2@example.com')
+ 'recipients' => array(array('member@example.com'))
public function testMembershipOnMultipleReminder() {
$membership = $this->createTestObject('CRM_Member_DAO_Membership', array_merge($this->fixtures['rolling_membership'], array('status_id' => 2)));
- print_r($membership );
$result = $this->callAPISuccess('Email', 'create', array(
'contact_id' => $membership->contact_id,
'email' => 'member@example.com',
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array_merge($this->fixtures['contact'], array('contact_id' => $membership->contact_id)));
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('contact', 'create', array_merge($this->fixtures['contact'], array('contact_id' => $membership->contact_id)));
$actionScheduleBefore = $this->fixtures['sched_membership_end_2week']; // Send email 2 weeks before end_date
//extend MED to 2 weeks after the current MED (that may signifies as memberhip renewal activity)
// and lets assert as of when the new set of reminders will be sent against their respective Schedule Reminders(SR)
- $membership->end_date = '2012-06-29';
+ $membership->end_date = '2012-06-20';
- print_r($membership );
- //change the email id of chosen membership contact to assert
- //recipient of not the previously sent mail but the new one
- $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Email', 'create', array(
- 'is_primary' => 1,
- 'contact_id' => $membership->contact_id,
- 'email' => 'member2@example.com'
- ));
- $this->assertAPISuccess($result);
+ $result = $this->callAPISuccess('Contact', 'get', array('id' => $membership->contact_id));
array( // 1day 2weeks before membership end date(MED), don't send mail
- 'time' => '2012-06-14 01:00:00',
+ 'time' => '2012-06-05 01:00:00',
'recipients' => array(),
- //TODO : Add asssertion for before, on and after SR impact on new MED
- /*
array( // 2 weeks before MED, send an email
- 'time' => '2012-06-15 01:00:00',
- 'recipients' => array(array('member2@example.com')),
+ 'time' => '2012-06-06 01:00:00',
+ 'recipients' => array(array('member@example.com')),
array( // 1day before MED, don't send mail
- 'time' => '2012-06-28 01:00:00',
+ 'time' => '2012-06-19 01:00:00',
'recipients' => array(),
array( // On MED, send an email
- 'time' => '2012-06-29 00:00:00',
+ 'time' => '2012-06-20 00:00:00',
'recipients' => array(array('member@example.com')),
array( // After 1day of MED, send an email
- 'time' => '2012-06-30 01:00:00',
+ 'time' => '2012-06-21 01:00:00',
'recipients' => array(array('member@example.com')),
array( // After 1day 1min of MED, don't send an email
- 'time' => '2012-07-01 00:01:00',
+ 'time' => '2012-07-21 00:01:00',
'recipients' => array(),
- */