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+ <h1>LibrePlanet Conference <small>2014</small></h1>
+ <p><strong>March 23rd-24th 2014 in Cambridge, MA</strong></p>
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+ <p class="lead carousel-caption">Call for proposals now open.
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+ Vivamus fermentum semper porta. Nunc diam velit,
+ adipiscing ut tristique vitae, sagittis vel
+ odio. Maecenas convallis ullamcorper
+ ultricies. Curabitur ornare, ligula semper consectetur
+ sagittis, nisi diam iaculis velit, id fringilla sem nunc
+ vel mi. Nam dictum, odio nec pretium volutpat, arcu ante
+ placerat erat, non tristique elit urna et
+ turpis.
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