public function restWhere(&$values) {
$name = CRM_Utils_Array::value(0, $values);
+ CRM_Core_Error::debug_var( '$values', $values );
$op = CRM_Utils_Array::value(1, $values);
$value = CRM_Utils_Array::value(2, $values);
$grouping = CRM_Utils_Array::value(3, $values);
elseif (!empty($field['pseudoconstant'])) {
$name, $op, $value, $grouping,
- CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::get('CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact', $field['name']),
+ 'CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact',
+ CRM_Core_Error::debug_var( 'pseudoconstant', $field );
if ($name == 'gender_id') {
self::$_openedPanes[ts('Demographics')] = TRUE;
- elseif (substr($name, 0, 7) === 'country') {
+ elseif (substr($name, 0, 7) === 'country' || substr($name, 0, 6) === 'county') {
+ $name = (substr($name, 0, 7) === 'country') ? "country_id" : "county_id";
if (isset($locType[1]) && is_numeric($locType[1])) {
$setTables = FALSE;
$aName = "{$locationType[$locType[1]]}-address";
- $where = "`$aName`.country_id";
+ $where = "`$aName`.$name";
else {
- $where = "civicrm_address.country_id";
+ $where = "civicrm_address.$name";
- $countries = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country();
- if (is_numeric($value)) {
- $this->_where[$grouping][] = self::buildClause($where, $op, $value, 'Positive');
- $value = $countries[(int ) $value];
- }
- else {
- $intVal = CRM_Utils_Array::key($value, $countries);
- $this->_where[$grouping][] = self::buildClause($where, $op, $intVal, 'Positive');
- }
+ $this->_where[$grouping][] = self::buildClause($where, $op, $value, 'Positive');
- if (!$lType) {
- $this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts('Country') . " $op '$value'";
- }
- else {
- $this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts('Country') . " ($lType) $op '$value'";
- }
- }
- elseif (substr($name, 0, 6) === 'county') {
- if (isset($locType[1]) && is_numeric($locType[1])) {
- $setTables = FALSE;
- $aName = "{$locationType[$locType[1]]}-address";
- $where = "`$aName`.county_id";
- }
- else {
- $where = "civicrm_address.county_id";
- }
- $counties = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::county();
- if (is_numeric($value)) {
- $this->_where[$grouping][] = self::buildClause($where, $op, $value, 'Positive');
- $value = $counties[(int ) $value];
- }
- else {
- $intVal = CRM_Utils_Array::key($value, $counties);
- $this->_where[$grouping][] = self::buildClause($where, $op, $intVal, 'Positive');
- }
- if (!$lType) {
- $this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts('County') . " $op '$value'";
- }
- else {
- $this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts('County') . " ($lType) $op '$value'";
+ if ($lType) {
+ $field['title'] .= " ($lType)";
+ list($qillop, $qillVal) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildQillForFieldValue(NULL, $name, $value, $op);
+ $this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts("%1 %2 %3", array(1 => $field['title'], 2 => $qillop, 3 => $qillVal));
elseif ($name === 'world_region') {
$field['where'] = 'civicrm_worldregion.id';
elseif ($name === 'contact_is_deleted') {
$this->_where[$grouping][] = self::buildClause("contact_a.is_deleted", $op, $value);
- $this->_qill[$grouping][] = "$field[title] $op \"$value\"";
+ list($qillop, $qillVal) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildQillForFieldValue(NULL, $name, $value, $op);
+ $this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts("%1 %2 %3", array(1 => $field['title'], 2 => $qillop, 3 => $qillVal));
elseif (!empty($field['where'])) {
$type = NULL;
list($tName, $fldName) = self::getLocationTableName($field['where'], $locType);
$fieldName = "LOWER(`$tName`.$fldName)";
+ CRM_Core_Error::debug_var( '$fieldName', $fieldName );
// we set both _tables & whereTables because whereTables doesn't seem to do what the name implies it should
$this->_tables[$tName] = $this->_whereTables[$tName] = 1;
list($qillop, $qillVal) = self::buildQillForFieldValue(NULL, $field['title'], $value, $op);
- $this->_qill[$grouping][] = "$field[title] $qillop '$qillVal'";
+ $this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts("%1 %2 %3", array(
+ 1 => $field['title'],
+ 2 => $qillop,
+ 3 => (strpos($op, 'NULL') !== FALSE || strpos($op, 'EMPTY') !== FALSE) ? $qillVal : "'$qillVal'"));
if (is_array($value)) {
// traditionally an array being passed has been a fatal error. We can take advantage of this to add support
list($name, $op, $value, $grouping, $wildcard) = $values;
$name .= '_display';
- $this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts('Greeting %1 %2', array(1 => $op, 2 => $value));
- $this->_where[$grouping][] = self::buildClause("contact_a.{$name}", 'LIKE', "$value", 'String');
+ list($qillop, $qillVal) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildQillForFieldValue(NULL, $name, $value, $op);
+ $this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts('Greeting %1 %2', array(1 => $qillop, 2 => $qillVal));
+ $this->_where[$grouping][] = self::buildClause("contact_a.{$name}", $op, $value, 'String');
$this->_where[$grouping][] = "contact_a.{$name} $op $value";
$field = CRM_Utils_Array::value($name, $this->_fields);
+ $op = CRM_Utils_Array::value($op, CRM_Core_SelectValues::getSearchBuilderOperators(), $op);
$title = $field ? $field['title'] : $name;
$this->_qill[$grouping][] = "$title $op $value";
- $selectValues,
+ $daoName = NULL,
$dataType = 'String',
$useIDsOnly = FALSE
) {
- if (!empty($selectValues) && !is_array($value) && !empty($selectValues[$value])) {
- $qill = $selectValues[$value];
- }
- else {
- $qill = $value;
- }
$pseudoFields = array(
- if (is_numeric($value)) {
- $qill = $selectValues[(int ) $value];
- }
- elseif ($op == 'IN' || $op == 'NOT IN') {
- if (is_array($value)) {
- $intVals = array();
- $newValues = array();
- foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
- $intVals[$k] = (int) $k;
- $newValues[] = $selectValues[(int) $k];
- }
- $value = (in_array($name, $pseudoFields)) ? $intVals : $newValues;
- $qill = implode(', ', $newValues);
- }
- }
- elseif (!array_key_exists($value, $selectValues)) {
- // its a string, lets get the int value
- $value = array_search($value, $selectValues);
- }
if ($useIDsOnly) {
list($tableName, $fieldName) = explode('.', $field['where'], 2);
if ($tableName == 'civicrm_contact') {
$value = (!$value) ? 0 : $value;
- $this->_qill[$grouping][] = $label . " $op '$qill'";
- $op = (in_array($name, $pseudoFields) && ($op == 'LIKE' || $op == 'RLIKE')) ? '=' : $op;
+ list($qillop, $qillVal) = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::buildQillForFieldValue($daoName, $field['name'], $value, $op);
+ $this->_qill[$grouping][] = ts("%1 %2 %3", array(1 => $label, 2 => $qillop, 3 => $qillVal));
$this->_where[$grouping][] = self::buildClause($wc, $op, $value, $dataType);
public static function buildQillForFieldValue($daoName = NULL, $fieldName, $fieldValue, $op, $pseduoExtraParam = array()) {
$qillOperators = CRM_Core_SelectValues::getSearchBuilderOperators();
+ // if Operator chosen is NULL/EMPTY then
+ if (strpos($op, 'NULL') !== FALSE || strpos($op, 'EMPTY') !== FALSE) {
+ return array(CRM_Utils_Array::value($op, $qillOperators, $op), '');
+ }
if ($fieldName == 'activity_type_id') {
$pseduoOptions = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::activityType(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, 'label', TRUE);
+ elseif ($fieldName == 'country_id') {
+ $pseduoOptions = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::country();
+ }
+ elseif ($fieldName == 'county_id') {
+ $pseduoOptions = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::county();
+ }
elseif ($daoName == 'CRM_Event_DAO_Event' && $fieldName == 'id') {
$pseduoOptions = CRM_Event_BAO_Event::getEvents(0, $fieldValue, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);