--- /dev/null
+ * cp1251 encoding functions
+ *
+ * takes a string of unicode entities and converts it to a cp1251 encoded string
+ * Unsupported characters are replaced with ?.
+ *
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @copyright Copyright © SquirrelMail Development Team, 2004
+ * @package squirrelmail
+ * @subpackage encode
+ */
+ * Converts string to cp1251
+ * @param string $string text with numeric unicode entities
+ * @return string cp1251 encoded text
+ */
+function charset_encode_cp1251 ($string) {
+ // don't run encoding function, if there is no encoded characters
+ if (! preg_match("'&#[0-9]+;'",$string) ) return $string;
+ $string=preg_replace("/&#([0-9]+);/e","unicodetocp1251('\\1')",$string);
+ // $string=preg_replace("/&#[xX]([0-9A-F]+);/e","unicodetocp1251(hexdec('\\1'))",$string);
+ return $string;
+ * Return cp1251 symbol when unicode character number is provided
+ *
+ * This function is used internally by charset_encode_cp1251
+ * function. It might be unavailable to other squirrelmail functions.
+ * Don't use it or make sure, that functions/encode/cp1251.php is
+ * included.
+ *
+ * @param int $var decimal unicode value
+ * @return string cp1251 character
+ */
+function unicodetocp1251($var) {
+ $cp1251chars=array('160' => "\xA0",
+ '164' => "\xA4",
+ '166' => "\xA6",
+ '167' => "\xA7",
+ '169' => "\xA9",
+ '171' => "\xAB",
+ '172' => "\xAC",
+ '173' => "\xAD",
+ '174' => "\xAE",
+ '176' => "\xB0",
+ '177' => "\xB1",
+ '181' => "\xB5",
+ '182' => "\xB6",
+ '183' => "\xB7",
+ '187' => "\xBB",
+ '1025' => "\xA8",
+ '1026' => "\x80",
+ '1027' => "\x81",
+ '1028' => "\xAA",
+ '1029' => "\xBD",
+ '1030' => "\xB2",
+ '1031' => "\xAF",
+ '1032' => "\xA3",
+ '1033' => "\x8A",
+ '1034' => "\x8C",
+ '1035' => "\x8E",
+ '1036' => "\x8D",
+ '1038' => "\xA1",
+ '1039' => "\x8F",
+ '1040' => "\xC0",
+ '1041' => "\xC1",
+ '1042' => "\xC2",
+ '1043' => "\xC3",
+ '1044' => "\xC4",
+ '1045' => "\xC5",
+ '1046' => "\xC6",
+ '1047' => "\xC7",
+ '1048' => "\xC8",
+ '1049' => "\xC9",
+ '1050' => "\xCA",
+ '1051' => "\xCB",
+ '1052' => "\xCC",
+ '1053' => "\xCD",
+ '1054' => "\xCE",
+ '1055' => "\xCF",
+ '1056' => "\xD0",
+ '1057' => "\xD1",
+ '1058' => "\xD2",
+ '1059' => "\xD3",
+ '1060' => "\xD4",
+ '1061' => "\xD5",
+ '1062' => "\xD6",
+ '1063' => "\xD7",
+ '1064' => "\xD8",
+ '1065' => "\xD9",
+ '1066' => "\xDA",
+ '1067' => "\xDB",
+ '1068' => "\xDC",
+ '1069' => "\xDD",
+ '1070' => "\xDE",
+ '1071' => "\xDF",
+ '1072' => "\xE0",
+ '1073' => "\xE1",
+ '1074' => "\xE2",
+ '1075' => "\xE3",
+ '1076' => "\xE4",
+ '1077' => "\xE5",
+ '1078' => "\xE6",
+ '1079' => "\xE7",
+ '1080' => "\xE8",
+ '1081' => "\xE9",
+ '1082' => "\xEA",
+ '1083' => "\xEB",
+ '1084' => "\xEC",
+ '1085' => "\xED",
+ '1086' => "\xEE",
+ '1087' => "\xEF",
+ '1088' => "\xF0",
+ '1089' => "\xF1",
+ '1090' => "\xF2",
+ '1091' => "\xF3",
+ '1092' => "\xF4",
+ '1093' => "\xF5",
+ '1094' => "\xF6",
+ '1095' => "\xF7",
+ '1096' => "\xF8",
+ '1097' => "\xF9",
+ '1098' => "\xFA",
+ '1099' => "\xFB",
+ '1100' => "\xFC",
+ '1101' => "\xFD",
+ '1102' => "\xFE",
+ '1103' => "\xFF",
+ '1105' => "\xB8",
+ '1106' => "\x90",
+ '1107' => "\x83",
+ '1108' => "\xBA",
+ '1109' => "\xBE",
+ '1110' => "\xB3",
+ '1111' => "\xBF",
+ '1112' => "\xBC",
+ '1113' => "\x9A",
+ '1114' => "\x9C",
+ '1115' => "\x9E",
+ '1116' => "\x9D",
+ '1118' => "\xA2",
+ '1119' => "\x9F",
+ '1168' => "\xA5",
+ '1169' => "\xB4",
+ '8211' => "\x96",
+ '8212' => "\x97",
+ '8216' => "\x91",
+ '8217' => "\x92",
+ '8218' => "\x82",
+ '8220' => "\x93",
+ '8221' => "\x94",
+ '8222' => "\x84",
+ '8224' => "\x86",
+ '8225' => "\x87",
+ '8226' => "\x95",
+ '8230' => "\x85",
+ '8240' => "\x89",
+ '8249' => "\x8B",
+ '8250' => "\x9B",
+ '8364' => "\x88",
+ '8470' => "\xB9",
+ '8482' => "\x99");
+ if (array_key_exists($var,$cp1251chars)) {
+ $ret=$cp1251chars[$var];
+ } else {
+ $ret='?';
+ }
+ return $ret;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * cp1255 encoding functions
+ *
+ * takes a string of unicode entities and converts it to a cp1255 encoded string
+ * Unsupported characters are replaced with ?.
+ *
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @copyright Copyright © SquirrelMail Development Team, 2004
+ * @package squirrelmail
+ * @subpackage encode
+ */
+ * Converts string to cp1255
+ * @param string $string text with numeric unicode entities
+ * @return string cp1255 encoded text
+ */
+function charset_encode_cp1255 ($string) {
+ // don't run encoding function, if there is no encoded characters
+ if (! preg_match("'&#[0-9]+;'",$string) ) return $string;
+ $string=preg_replace("/&#([0-9]+);/e","unicodetocp1255('\\1')",$string);
+ // $string=preg_replace("/&#[xX]([0-9A-F]+);/e","unicodetocp1255(hexdec('\\1'))",$string);
+ return $string;
+ * Return cp1255 symbol when unicode character number is provided
+ *
+ * This function is used internally by charset_encode_cp1255
+ * function. It might be unavailable to other squirrelmail functions.
+ * Don't use it or make sure, that functions/encode/cp1255.php is
+ * included.
+ *
+ * @param int $var decimal unicode value
+ * @return string cp1255 character
+ */
+function unicodetocp1255($var) {
+ $cp1255chars=array('160' => "\xA0",
+ '161' => "\xA1",
+ '162' => "\xA2",
+ '163' => "\xA3",
+ '165' => "\xA5",
+ '166' => "\xA6",
+ '167' => "\xA7",
+ '168' => "\xA8",
+ '169' => "\xA9",
+ '171' => "\xAB",
+ '172' => "\xAC",
+ '173' => "\xAD",
+ '174' => "\xAE",
+ '175' => "\xAF",
+ '176' => "\xB0",
+ '177' => "\xB1",
+ '178' => "\xB2",
+ '179' => "\xB3",
+ '180' => "\xB4",
+ '181' => "\xB5",
+ '182' => "\xB6",
+ '183' => "\xB7",
+ '184' => "\xB8",
+ '185' => "\xB9",
+ '187' => "\xBB",
+ '188' => "\xBC",
+ '189' => "\xBD",
+ '190' => "\xBE",
+ '191' => "\xBF",
+ '215' => "\xAA",
+ '247' => "\xBA",
+ '402' => "\x83",
+ '710' => "\x88",
+ '732' => "\x98",
+ '1456' => "\xC0",
+ '1457' => "\xC1",
+ '1458' => "\xC2",
+ '1459' => "\xC3",
+ '1460' => "\xC4",
+ '1461' => "\xC5",
+ '1462' => "\xC6",
+ '1463' => "\xC7",
+ '1464' => "\xC8",
+ '1465' => "\xC9",
+ '1467' => "\xCB",
+ '1468' => "\xCC",
+ '1469' => "\xCD",
+ '1470' => "\xCE",
+ '1471' => "\xCF",
+ '1472' => "\xD0",
+ '1473' => "\xD1",
+ '1474' => "\xD2",
+ '1475' => "\xD3",
+ '1488' => "\xE0",
+ '1489' => "\xE1",
+ '1490' => "\xE2",
+ '1491' => "\xE3",
+ '1492' => "\xE4",
+ '1493' => "\xE5",
+ '1494' => "\xE6",
+ '1495' => "\xE7",
+ '1496' => "\xE8",
+ '1497' => "\xE9",
+ '1498' => "\xEA",
+ '1499' => "\xEB",
+ '1500' => "\xEC",
+ '1501' => "\xED",
+ '1502' => "\xEE",
+ '1503' => "\xEF",
+ '1504' => "\xF0",
+ '1505' => "\xF1",
+ '1506' => "\xF2",
+ '1507' => "\xF3",
+ '1508' => "\xF4",
+ '1509' => "\xF5",
+ '1510' => "\xF6",
+ '1511' => "\xF7",
+ '1512' => "\xF8",
+ '1513' => "\xF9",
+ '1514' => "\xFA",
+ '1520' => "\xD4",
+ '1521' => "\xD5",
+ '1522' => "\xD6",
+ '1523' => "\xD7",
+ '1524' => "\xD8",
+ '8206' => "\xFD",
+ '8207' => "\xFE",
+ '8211' => "\x96",
+ '8212' => "\x97",
+ '8216' => "\x91",
+ '8217' => "\x92",
+ '8218' => "\x82",
+ '8220' => "\x93",
+ '8221' => "\x94",
+ '8222' => "\x84",
+ '8224' => "\x86",
+ '8225' => "\x87",
+ '8226' => "\x95",
+ '8230' => "\x85",
+ '8240' => "\x89",
+ '8249' => "\x8B",
+ '8250' => "\x9B",
+ '8362' => "\xA4",
+ '8364' => "\x80",
+ '8482' => "\x99");
+ if (array_key_exists($var,$cp1255chars)) {
+ $ret=$cp1255chars[$var];
+ } else {
+ $ret='?';
+ }
+ return $ret;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * cp1256 encoding functions
+ *
+ * takes a string of unicode entities and converts it to a cp1256 encoded string
+ * Unsupported characters are replaced with ?.
+ *
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @copyright Copyright © SquirrelMail Development Team, 2004
+ * @package squirrelmail
+ * @subpackage encode
+ */
+ * Converts string to cp1256
+ * @param string $string text with numeric unicode entities
+ * @return string cp1256 encoded text
+ */
+function charset_encode_cp1256 ($string) {
+ // don't run encoding function, if there is no encoded characters
+ if (! preg_match("'&#[0-9]+;'",$string) ) return $string;
+ $string=preg_replace("/&#([0-9]+);/e","unicodetocp1256('\\1')",$string);
+ // $string=preg_replace("/&#[xX]([0-9A-F]+);/e","unicodetocp1256(hexdec('\\1'))",$string);
+ return $string;
+ * Return cp1256 symbol when unicode character number is provided
+ *
+ * This function is used internally by charset_encode_cp1256
+ * function. It might be unavailable to other squirrelmail functions.
+ * Don't use it or make sure, that functions/encode/cp1256.php is
+ * included.
+ *
+ * @param int $var decimal unicode value
+ * @return string cp1256 character
+ */
+function unicodetocp1256($var) {
+ $cp1256chars=array('160' => "\xA0",
+ '162' => "\xA2",
+ '163' => "\xA3",
+ '164' => "\xA4",
+ '165' => "\xA5",
+ '166' => "\xA6",
+ '167' => "\xA7",
+ '168' => "\xA8",
+ '169' => "\xA9",
+ '171' => "\xAB",
+ '172' => "\xAC",
+ '173' => "\xAD",
+ '174' => "\xAE",
+ '175' => "\xAF",
+ '176' => "\xB0",
+ '177' => "\xB1",
+ '178' => "\xB2",
+ '179' => "\xB3",
+ '180' => "\xB4",
+ '181' => "\xB5",
+ '182' => "\xB6",
+ '183' => "\xB7",
+ '184' => "\xB8",
+ '185' => "\xB9",
+ '187' => "\xBB",
+ '188' => "\xBC",
+ '189' => "\xBD",
+ '190' => "\xBE",
+ '215' => "\xD7",
+ '224' => "\xE0",
+ '226' => "\xE2",
+ '231' => "\xE7",
+ '232' => "\xE8",
+ '233' => "\xE9",
+ '234' => "\xEA",
+ '235' => "\xEB",
+ '238' => "\xEE",
+ '239' => "\xEF",
+ '244' => "\xF4",
+ '247' => "\xF7",
+ '249' => "\xF9",
+ '251' => "\xFB",
+ '252' => "\xFC",
+ '338' => "\x8C",
+ '339' => "\x9C",
+ '402' => "\x83",
+ '710' => "\x88",
+ '1548' => "\xA1",
+ '1563' => "\xBA",
+ '1567' => "\xBF",
+ '1569' => "\xC1",
+ '1570' => "\xC2",
+ '1571' => "\xC3",
+ '1572' => "\xC4",
+ '1573' => "\xC5",
+ '1574' => "\xC6",
+ '1575' => "\xC7",
+ '1576' => "\xC8",
+ '1577' => "\xC9",
+ '1578' => "\xCA",
+ '1579' => "\xCB",
+ '1580' => "\xCC",
+ '1581' => "\xCD",
+ '1582' => "\xCE",
+ '1583' => "\xCF",
+ '1584' => "\xD0",
+ '1585' => "\xD1",
+ '1586' => "\xD2",
+ '1587' => "\xD3",
+ '1588' => "\xD4",
+ '1589' => "\xD5",
+ '1590' => "\xD6",
+ '1591' => "\xD8",
+ '1592' => "\xD9",
+ '1593' => "\xDA",
+ '1594' => "\xDB",
+ '1600' => "\xDC",
+ '1601' => "\xDD",
+ '1602' => "\xDE",
+ '1603' => "\xDF",
+ '1604' => "\xE1",
+ '1605' => "\xE3",
+ '1606' => "\xE4",
+ '1607' => "\xE5",
+ '1608' => "\xE6",
+ '1609' => "\xEC",
+ '1610' => "\xED",
+ '1611' => "\xF0",
+ '1612' => "\xF1",
+ '1613' => "\xF2",
+ '1614' => "\xF3",
+ '1615' => "\xF5",
+ '1616' => "\xF6",
+ '1617' => "\xF8",
+ '1618' => "\xFA",
+ '1657' => "\x8A",
+ '1662' => "\x81",
+ '1670' => "\x8D",
+ '1672' => "\x8F",
+ '1681' => "\x9A",
+ '1688' => "\x8E",
+ '1705' => "\x98",
+ '1711' => "\x90",
+ '1722' => "\x9F",
+ '1726' => "\xAA",
+ '1729' => "\xC0",
+ '1746' => "\xFF",
+ '8204' => "\x9D",
+ '8205' => "\x9E",
+ '8206' => "\xFD",
+ '8207' => "\xFE",
+ '8211' => "\x96",
+ '8212' => "\x97",
+ '8216' => "\x91",
+ '8217' => "\x92",
+ '8218' => "\x82",
+ '8220' => "\x93",
+ '8221' => "\x94",
+ '8222' => "\x84",
+ '8224' => "\x86",
+ '8225' => "\x87",
+ '8226' => "\x95",
+ '8230' => "\x85",
+ '8240' => "\x89",
+ '8249' => "\x8B",
+ '8250' => "\x9B",
+ '8364' => "\x80",
+ '8482' => "\x99");
+ if (array_key_exists($var,$cp1256chars)) {
+ $ret=$cp1256chars[$var];
+ } else {
+ $ret='?';
+ }
+ return $ret;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * koi8-r encoding functions
+ *
+ * takes a string of unicode entities and converts it to a koi8-r encoded string
+ * Unsupported characters are replaced with ?.
+ *
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @copyright Copyright © SquirrelMail Development Team, 2004
+ * @package squirrelmail
+ * @subpackage encode
+ */
+ * Converts string to koi8-r
+ * @param string $string text with numeric unicode entities
+ * @return string koi8-r encoded text
+ */
+function charset_encode_koi8_r ($string) {
+ // don't run encoding function, if there is no encoded characters
+ if (! preg_match("'&#[0-9]+;'",$string) ) return $string;
+ $string=preg_replace("/&#([0-9]+);/e","unicodetokoi8r('\\1')",$string);
+ // $string=preg_replace("/&#[xX]([0-9A-F]+);/e","unicodetokoi8r(hexdec('\\1'))",$string);
+ return $string;
+ * Return koi8-r symbol when unicode character number is provided
+ *
+ * This function is used internally by charset_encode_koi8_r
+ * function. It might be unavailable to other squirrelmail functions.
+ * Don't use it or make sure, that functions/encode/koi8_r.php is
+ * included.
+ *
+ * @param int $var decimal unicode value
+ * @return string koi8-r character
+ */
+function unicodetokoi8r($var) {
+ $koi8rchars=array('160' => "\x9A",
+ '169' => "\xBF",
+ '176' => "\x9C",
+ '178' => "\x9D",
+ '183' => "\x9E",
+ '247' => "\x9F",
+ '1025' => "\xB3",
+ '1040' => "\xE1",
+ '1041' => "\xE2",
+ '1042' => "\xF7",
+ '1043' => "\xE7",
+ '1044' => "\xE4",
+ '1045' => "\xE5",
+ '1046' => "\xF6",
+ '1047' => "\xFA",
+ '1048' => "\xE9",
+ '1049' => "\xEA",
+ '1050' => "\xEB",
+ '1051' => "\xEC",
+ '1052' => "\xED",
+ '1053' => "\xEE",
+ '1054' => "\xEF",
+ '1055' => "\xF0",
+ '1056' => "\xF2",
+ '1057' => "\xF3",
+ '1058' => "\xF4",
+ '1059' => "\xF5",
+ '1060' => "\xE6",
+ '1061' => "\xE8",
+ '1062' => "\xE3",
+ '1063' => "\xFE",
+ '1064' => "\xFB",
+ '1065' => "\xFD",
+ '1066' => "\xFF",
+ '1067' => "\xF9",
+ '1068' => "\xF8",
+ '1069' => "\xFC",
+ '1070' => "\xE0",
+ '1071' => "\xF1",
+ '1072' => "\xC1",
+ '1073' => "\xC2",
+ '1074' => "\xD7",
+ '1075' => "\xC7",
+ '1076' => "\xC4",
+ '1077' => "\xC5",
+ '1078' => "\xD6",
+ '1079' => "\xDA",
+ '1080' => "\xC9",
+ '1081' => "\xCA",
+ '1082' => "\xCB",
+ '1083' => "\xCC",
+ '1084' => "\xCD",
+ '1085' => "\xCE",
+ '1086' => "\xCF",
+ '1087' => "\xD0",
+ '1088' => "\xD2",
+ '1089' => "\xD3",
+ '1090' => "\xD4",
+ '1091' => "\xD5",
+ '1092' => "\xC6",
+ '1093' => "\xC8",
+ '1094' => "\xC3",
+ '1095' => "\xDE",
+ '1096' => "\xDB",
+ '1097' => "\xDD",
+ '1098' => "\xDF",
+ '1099' => "\xD9",
+ '1100' => "\xD8",
+ '1101' => "\xDC",
+ '1102' => "\xC0",
+ '1103' => "\xD1",
+ '1105' => "\xA3",
+ '8729' => "\x95",
+ '8730' => "\x96",
+ '8776' => "\x97",
+ '8804' => "\x98",
+ '8805' => "\x99",
+ '8992' => "\x93",
+ '8993' => "\x9B",
+ '9472' => "\x80",
+ '9474' => "\x81",
+ '9484' => "\x82",
+ '9488' => "\x83",
+ '9492' => "\x84",
+ '9496' => "\x85",
+ '9500' => "\x86",
+ '9508' => "\x87",
+ '9516' => "\x88",
+ '9524' => "\x89",
+ '9532' => "\x8A",
+ '9552' => "\xA0",
+ '9553' => "\xA1",
+ '9554' => "\xA2",
+ '9555' => "\xA4",
+ '9556' => "\xA5",
+ '9557' => "\xA6",
+ '9558' => "\xA7",
+ '9559' => "\xA8",
+ '9560' => "\xA9",
+ '9561' => "\xAA",
+ '9562' => "\xAB",
+ '9563' => "\xAC",
+ '9564' => "\xAD",
+ '9565' => "\xAE",
+ '9566' => "\xAF",
+ '9567' => "\xB0",
+ '9568' => "\xB1",
+ '9569' => "\xB2",
+ '9570' => "\xB4",
+ '9571' => "\xB5",
+ '9572' => "\xB6",
+ '9573' => "\xB7",
+ '9574' => "\xB8",
+ '9575' => "\xB9",
+ '9576' => "\xBA",
+ '9577' => "\xBB",
+ '9578' => "\xBC",
+ '9579' => "\xBD",
+ '9580' => "\xBE",
+ '9600' => "\x8B",
+ '9604' => "\x8C",
+ '9608' => "\x8D",
+ '9612' => "\x8E",
+ '9616' => "\x8F",
+ '9617' => "\x90",
+ '9618' => "\x91",
+ '9619' => "\x92",
+ '9632' => "\x94");
+ if (array_key_exists($var,$koi8rchars)) {
+ $ret=$koi8rchars[$var];
+ } else {
+ $ret='?';
+ }
+ return $ret;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * koi8-u encoding functions
+ *
+ * takes a string of unicode entities and converts it to a koi8-u encoded string
+ * Unsupported characters are replaced with ?.
+ *
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @copyright Copyright © SquirrelMail Development Team, 2004
+ * @package squirrelmail
+ * @subpackage encode
+ */
+ * Converts string to koi8-u
+ * @param string $string text with numeric unicode entities
+ * @return string koi8-u encoded text
+ */
+function charset_encode_koi8_u ($string) {
+ // don't run encoding function, if there is no encoded characters
+ if (! preg_match("'&#[0-9]+;'",$string) ) return $string;
+ $string=preg_replace("/&#([0-9]+);/e","unicodetokoi8u('\\1')",$string);
+ // $string=preg_replace("/&#[xX]([0-9A-F]+);/e","unicodetokoi8u(hexdec('\\1'))",$string);
+ return $string;
+ * Return koi8-u symbol when unicode character number is provided
+ *
+ * This function is used internally by charset_encode_koi8_u
+ * function. It might be unavailable to other squirrelmail functions.
+ * Don't use it or make sure, that functions/encode/koi8_u.php is
+ * included.
+ *
+ * @param int $var decimal unicode value
+ * @return string koi8-u character
+ */
+function unicodetokoi8u($var) {
+ $koi8uchars=array('160' => "\x9A",
+ '169' => "\xBF",
+ '176' => "\x9C",
+ '178' => "\x9D",
+ '183' => "\x9E",
+ '247' => "\x9F",
+ '1025' => "\xB3",
+ '1028' => "\xB4",
+ '1030' => "\xB6",
+ '1031' => "\xB7",
+ '1040' => "\xE1",
+ '1041' => "\xE2",
+ '1042' => "\xF7",
+ '1043' => "\xE7",
+ '1044' => "\xE4",
+ '1045' => "\xE5",
+ '1046' => "\xF6",
+ '1047' => "\xFA",
+ '1048' => "\xE9",
+ '1049' => "\xEA",
+ '1050' => "\xEB",
+ '1051' => "\xEC",
+ '1052' => "\xED",
+ '1053' => "\xEE",
+ '1054' => "\xEF",
+ '1055' => "\xF0",
+ '1056' => "\xF2",
+ '1057' => "\xF3",
+ '1058' => "\xF4",
+ '1059' => "\xF5",
+ '1060' => "\xE6",
+ '1061' => "\xE8",
+ '1062' => "\xE3",
+ '1063' => "\xFE",
+ '1064' => "\xFB",
+ '1065' => "\xFD",
+ '1066' => "\xFF",
+ '1067' => "\xF9",
+ '1068' => "\xF8",
+ '1069' => "\xFC",
+ '1070' => "\xE0",
+ '1071' => "\xF1",
+ '1072' => "\xC1",
+ '1073' => "\xC2",
+ '1074' => "\xD7",
+ '1075' => "\xC7",
+ '1076' => "\xC4",
+ '1077' => "\xC5",
+ '1078' => "\xD6",
+ '1079' => "\xDA",
+ '1080' => "\xC9",
+ '1081' => "\xCA",
+ '1082' => "\xCB",
+ '1083' => "\xCC",
+ '1084' => "\xCD",
+ '1085' => "\xCE",
+ '1086' => "\xCF",
+ '1087' => "\xD0",
+ '1088' => "\xD2",
+ '1089' => "\xD3",
+ '1090' => "\xD4",
+ '1091' => "\xD5",
+ '1092' => "\xC6",
+ '1093' => "\xC8",
+ '1094' => "\xC3",
+ '1095' => "\xDE",
+ '1096' => "\xDB",
+ '1097' => "\xDD",
+ '1098' => "\xDF",
+ '1099' => "\xD9",
+ '1100' => "\xD8",
+ '1101' => "\xDC",
+ '1102' => "\xC0",
+ '1103' => "\xD1",
+ '1105' => "\xA3",
+ '1108' => "\xA4",
+ '1110' => "\xA6",
+ '1111' => "\xA7",
+ '1168' => "\xBD",
+ '1169' => "\xAD",
+ '8729' => "\x95",
+ '8730' => "\x96",
+ '8776' => "\x97",
+ '8804' => "\x98",
+ '8805' => "\x99",
+ '8992' => "\x93",
+ '8993' => "\x9B",
+ '9472' => "\x80",
+ '9474' => "\x81",
+ '9484' => "\x82",
+ '9488' => "\x83",
+ '9492' => "\x84",
+ '9496' => "\x85",
+ '9500' => "\x86",
+ '9508' => "\x87",
+ '9516' => "\x88",
+ '9524' => "\x89",
+ '9532' => "\x8A",
+ '9552' => "\xA0",
+ '9553' => "\xA1",
+ '9554' => "\xA2",
+ '9556' => "\xA5",
+ '9559' => "\xA8",
+ '9560' => "\xA9",
+ '9561' => "\xAA",
+ '9562' => "\xAB",
+ '9563' => "\xAC",
+ '9565' => "\xAE",
+ '9566' => "\xAF",
+ '9567' => "\xB0",
+ '9568' => "\xB1",
+ '9569' => "\xB2",
+ '9571' => "\xB5",
+ '9574' => "\xB8",
+ '9575' => "\xB9",
+ '9576' => "\xBA",
+ '9577' => "\xBB",
+ '9578' => "\xBC",
+ '9580' => "\xBE",
+ '9600' => "\x8B",
+ '9604' => "\x8C",
+ '9608' => "\x8D",
+ '9612' => "\x8E",
+ '9616' => "\x8F",
+ '9617' => "\x90",
+ '9618' => "\x91",
+ '9619' => "\x92",
+ '9632' => "\x94");
+ if (array_key_exists($var,$koi8uchars)) {
+ $ret=$koi8uchars[$var];
+ } else {
+ $ret='?';
+ }
+ return $ret;
\ No newline at end of file