"language": {
- "zeroRecords": ZeroRecordText
+ "zeroRecords": ZeroRecordText
"drawCallback": function(settings) {
//Add data attributes to cells
//Reload table after draw
if (parentsOnly) {
- $('tbody tr.crm-group-parent', settings.nTable).each( function() {
- $(this).find('td:first').prepend('{/literal}<span class="collapsed show-children" title="{ts}show child groups{/ts}"/></span>{literal}');
+ $('tbody tr.crm-group-parent td:first', settings.nTable).each( function() {
+ $(this).prepend('{/literal}<span class="collapsed show-children" title="{ts}show child groups{/ts}"/></span>{literal}').find('div').css({'display': 'inline'});
// child rows for this parent have already been retrieved so just show them
$('.parent_is_' + parent_id ).show();
} else {
- //FIXME Is it possible to replace all this with a datatables call?
+ //FIXME Is it possible to replace all this with a datatables call?
$.ajax( {
"dataType": 'json',
"url": {/literal}'{crmURL p="civicrm/ajax/grouplist" h=0 q="snippet=4"}'{literal},