!is_array($field['options']) || empty($field['options'])
) {
// If there's no option list for this filter, define one.
- $field['options'] = [
- 1 => ts('January'),
- 2 => ts('February'),
- 3 => ts('March'),
- 4 => ts('April'),
- 5 => ts('May'),
- 6 => ts('June'),
- 7 => ts('July'),
- 8 => ts('August'),
- 9 => ts('September'),
- 10 => ts('October'),
- 11 => ts('November'),
- 12 => ts('December'),
- ];
+ $field['options'] = CRM_Utils_Date::getFullMonthNames();
// Add this option list to this column _columns. This is
// required so that filter statistics show properly.
$this->_columns[$table]['filters'][$fieldName]['options'] = $field['options'];
public static function &getFullMonthNames() {
- static $fullMonthNames;
- if (!isset($fullMonthNames)) {
- // set LC_TIME and build the arrays from locale-provided names
- CRM_Core_I18n::setLcTime();
- for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
- $fullMonthNames[$i] = strftime('%B', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 10, 1970));
- }
+ if (empty(\Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['fullMonthNames'])) {
+ // Not relying on strftime because it depends on the operating system
+ // and most people will not have a non-US locale configured out of the box
+ // Ignoring other date names for now, since less visible by default
+ \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['fullMonthNames'] = [
+ 1 => ts('January'),
+ 2 => ts('February'),
+ 3 => ts('March'),
+ 4 => ts('April'),
+ 5 => ts('May'),
+ 6 => ts('June'),
+ 7 => ts('July'),
+ 8 => ts('August'),
+ 9 => ts('September'),
+ 10 => ts('October'),
+ 11 => ts('November'),
+ 12 => ts('December'),
+ ];
- return $fullMonthNames;
+ return \Civi::$statics[__CLASS__]['fullMonthNames'];