+++ /dev/null
-(function($, CRM) {
- /**
- * Setup a contact widget for use in CRUD forms. The form element stores a contact ID
- * but displays a name/label.
- *
- * Usage:
- * <INPUT type="text" name="my_contact_id" value="123" />
- * <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
- * $('[name=my_contact_id]').crmContactField();
- * $('[name=my_contact_id]').on('change', function(){
- * console.log("the new contact id is ", $(this).val());
- * });
- * </SCRIPT>
- *
- * Note: The given form element is the canonical representation of the selected contact-ID.
- * To display/enter the contact by name, the contact-ID field will be hidden, and a helper
- * widget will be inserted. The values will be synced between the two.
- *
- * Cases to consider/test:
- * - When initializing, the read the contact-ID and set the contact-label
- * - When unsetting(blanking) the contact-label, also unset (blank) the contact-ID
- * - If third party code updates the hidden value, then one must trigger a 'change'
- * event to update the visible widget.
- */
- $.fn.crmContactField = function() {
- return this.each(function(){
- var urlParams = 'className=CRM_Contact_Page_AJAX&fnName=getContactList&json=1';
- var hiddenEl = this;
- var widgetEl = $('<input type="text" />');
- var activeContactId = null;
- // For organization autocomplete
- if($(this).attr('urlParam')) {
- var param = $(this).attr('urlParam');
- var urlParams = urlParams + '&' + param;
- }
- var contactUrl = CRM.url('civicrm/ajax/rest', urlParams);
- var setContactId = function(newContactId) {
- if (newContactId != $(hiddenEl).val()) {
- $(hiddenEl).val(newContactId);
- $(hiddenEl).trigger('change');
- }
- if (activeContactId != newContactId) {
- activeContactId = newContactId;
- if (activeContactId) {
- // lookup the name
- $(widgetEl).css({visibility: 'hidden'}); // don't allow input during ajax
- $.ajax({
- url : contactUrl + '&id=' + newContactId,
- async : false,
- success : function(html){
- var htmlText = html.split( '|' , 2);
- $(widgetEl).val(htmlText[0]);
- $(widgetEl).css({visibility: 'visible'});
- }
- });
- } else {
- // there is no name to lookup - just show a blank
- $(widgetEl).val('');
- }
- }
- };
- $(hiddenEl).after(widgetEl);
- $(hiddenEl).hide();
- $(widgetEl).autocomplete(contactUrl, {
- width: 200,
- selectFirst: false,
- minChars: 1,
- matchContains: true,
- delay: 400
- }).result(function(event, data) {
- activeContactId = data[1];
- setContactId(activeContactId);
- }).bind('change blur', function() {
- if (! $(widgetEl).val()) {
- activeContactId = '';
- setContactId(activeContactId);
- }
- });
- $(hiddenEl).bind('change', function(){
- setContactId($(this).val());
- });
- setContactId($(hiddenEl).val());
- });
- };
-})(jQuery, CRM);