--- /dev/null
+Simple test for the USB relay DLL
+Just plain calling the C library, no fancy OOP stuff
+For python 2.7, 3
+import sys, os, time
+import ctypes
+print("Running on Python v." + str(sys.version))
+print("%d-bit mode" % ({4:32, 8:64}[ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p)]) )
+# Fix the path below if the library is not in current dir.
+libpath = "."
+if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
+ def charpToString(charp):
+ return str(ctypes.string_at(charp), 'ascii')
+ def stringToCharp(s) :
+ return bytes(s, "ascii")
+ def charpToString(charp) :
+ return str(ctypes.string_at(charp))
+ def stringToCharp(s) :
+ return bytes(s) #bytes(s, "ascii")
+libfile = {'nt': "usb_relay_device.dll",
+ 'posix': "usb_relay_device.so",
+ 'darwin':"usb_relay_device.dylib",
+ } [os.name]
+#?? MAC => os.name == "posix" and sys.platform == "darwin"
+devids = []
+hdev = None
+def exc(msg): return Exception(msg)
+def fail(msg) : raise exc(msg)
+class L: pass # Global object for the DLL
+setattr(L, "dll", None)
+def loadLib():
+ # Load the C DLL ...
+ if not L.dll :
+ print("Loading DLL: %s" % ('/'.join([libpath, libfile])))
+ try:
+ L.dll = ctypes.CDLL( '/'.join([libpath, libfile]) )
+ except OSError:
+ fail("Failed load lib")
+ else:
+ print("lib already open")
+ #print(L.dll)
+usb_relay_lib_funcs = [
+ # TYpes: h=handle (pointer sized), p=pointer, i=int, e=error num (int), s=string
+ ("usb_relay_device_enumerate", 'h', None),
+ ("usb_relay_device_close", 'e', 'h'),
+ ("usb_relay_device_open_with_serial_number", 'h', 'si'),
+ ("usb_relay_device_get_num_relays", 'i', 'h'),
+ ("usb_relay_device_get_id_string", 's', 'h'),
+ ("usb_relay_device_next_dev", 'h', 'h'),
+ ("usb_relay_device_get_status_bitmap", 'i', 'h'),
+ ("usb_relay_device_open_one_relay_channel", 'e', 'hi'),
+ ("usb_relay_device_close_one_relay_channel", 'e', 'hi'),
+ ("usb_relay_device_close_all_relay_channel", 'e', None)
+ ]
+def getLibFunctions():
+ """ Get needed functions and configure types; call lib. init.
+ """
+ assert L.dll
+ #Get lib version (my extension, not in the original dll)
+ libver = L.dll.usb_relay_device_lib_version()
+ print("%s version: 0x%X" % (libfile,libver))
+ ret = L.dll.usb_relay_init()
+ if ret != 0 : fail("Failed lib init!")
+ """
+ Tweak imported C functions
+ This is required in 64-bit mode. Optional for 32-bit (pointer size=int size)
+ Functions that return and receive ints or void work without specifying types.
+ """
+ ctypemap = { 'e': ctypes.c_int, 'h':ctypes.c_void_p, 'p': ctypes.c_void_p,
+ 'i': ctypes.c_int, 's': ctypes.c_char_p}
+ for x in usb_relay_lib_funcs :
+ fname, ret, param = x
+ try:
+ f = getattr(L.dll, fname)
+ except Exception:
+ fail("Missing lib export:" + fname)
+ ps = []
+ if param :
+ for p in param :
+ ps.append( ctypemap[p] )
+ f.restype = ctypemap[ret]
+ f.argtypes = ps
+ setattr(L, fname, f)
+def openDevById(idstr):
+ #Open by known ID:
+ print("Opening " + idstr)
+ h = L.usb_relay_device_open_with_serial_number(stringToCharp(idstr), 5)
+ if not h: fail("Cannot open device with id="+idstr)
+ global numch
+ numch = L.usb_relay_device_get_num_relays(h)
+ if numch <= 0 or numch > 8 : fail("Bad number of channels, can be 1-8")
+ global hdev
+ hdev = h
+ print("Number of relays on device with ID=%s: %d" % (idstr, numch))
+def closeDev():
+ global hdev
+ L.usb_relay_device_close(hdev)
+ hdev = None
+def enumDevs():
+ global devids
+ devids = []
+ enuminfo = L.usb_relay_device_enumerate()
+ while enuminfo :
+ idstrp = L.usb_relay_device_get_id_string(enuminfo)
+ idstr = charpToString(idstrp)
+ print(idstr)
+ assert len(idstr) == 5
+ if not idstr in devids : devids.append(idstr)
+ else : print("Warning! found duplicate ID=" + idstr)
+ enuminfo = L.usb_relay_device_next_dev(enuminfo)
+ print("Found devices: %d" % len(devids))
+def unloadLib():
+ global hdev, L
+ if hdev: closeDev()
+ L.dll.usb_relay_exit()
+ L.dll = None
+ print("Lib closed")
+def testR2():
+ """ Test one device with handle hdev, 1 or 2 channels """
+ global numch, hdev
+ if numch <=0 or numch > 8:
+ fail("Bad number of channels on relay device!")
+ ret = L.usb_relay_device_close_all_relay_channel(hdev)
+ if ret != 0:
+ fail("Failed OFF all!")
+ st = L.usb_relay_device_get_status_bitmap(hdev)
+ if st < 0: fail("Bad status bitmask")
+ print("Relay num ch=%d state=%x" % (numch, st))
+ ret = L.usb_relay_device_close_one_relay_channel(hdev, numch+1)
+ if ret == 0: fail("Succeeded with bad channel num!")
+ ret = L.usb_relay_device_close_one_relay_channel(hdev, 0)
+ if ret == 0: fail("Succeeded with bad channel num!")
+ # Play on/off
+ mask=0
+ ret = L.usb_relay_device_open_one_relay_channel(hdev,1)
+ if ret != 0: fail("Failed R1 on!")
+ mask |= 0x1
+ if numch > 1:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ ret = L.usb_relay_device_open_one_relay_channel(hdev,2)
+ if ret != 0: failed("Failed R2 on!")
+ mask |= 0x2
+ #Note: Checking relay state after successful open/close is redundant, because the library does it.
+ # We check state here as a sanity test.
+ st = L.usb_relay_device_get_status_bitmap(hdev)
+ if st != mask:
+ fail("Bad state after relays on!")
+ # Delays here are only for test, not really needed
+ time.sleep(1)
+ ret = L.usb_relay_device_close_all_relay_channel(hdev)
+ if ret != 0:
+ fail("Failed OFF all!")
+ st = L.usb_relay_device_get_status_bitmap(hdev)
+ if st != 0:
+ fail("Bad state after all off!")
+ print("*** test R2 PASS ***")
+# main
+def main():
+ print("Test 2-ch relay")
+ loadLib()
+ getLibFunctions()
+ try:
+ print("Searching for compatible devices")
+ enumDevs()
+ if len(devids) != 0 :
+ # Test any 1st found dev .
+ print("Testing relay with ID=" + devids[0])
+ openDevById(devids[0])
+ testR2()
+ closeDev()
+ finally:
+ unloadLib()
+if __name__ == "__main__" :
+ main()