{* file to handle db changes in 5.65.alpha1 during upgrade *}
+-- 5.65.alpha1 has multiple changes to civicrm_group table. Snapshot for all of them.
+{crmUpgradeSnapshot name=group}
+ SELECT id, name, title, frontend_title, description, frontend_description
+ FROM civicrm_group
+ WHERE name IS NULL OR frontend_title IS NULL OR frontend_title = "" OR frontend_description IS NULL OR frontend_description = ""
-- Ensure new name field is not null/unique. Setting to ID is a bit lazy - but it works.
UPDATE civicrm_group SET `name` = `id` WHERE name IS NULL;
-- Ensure API entity names always start with uppercase
+{crmUpgradeSnapshot name=job}
+ SELECT id, api_entity FROM civicrm_job
UPDATE `civicrm_job` SET `api_entity` = CONCAT(UPPER(SUBSTRING(`api_entity`, 1 ,1)), SUBSTRING(`api_entity`, 2));
-- Add name field, make frontend_title required (in conjunction with php function)
WHERE (`frontend_description` IS NULL OR `frontend_description` = '') AND description <> '';
+{crmUpgradeSnapshot name=schedule}
+ SELECT id, limit_to FROM civicrm_action_schedule
UPDATE `civicrm_action_schedule` SET `limit_to` = 2 WHERE `limit_to` = 0;
+{crmUpgradeSnapshot name=mailcomp}
+ SELECT id, body_html, body_text, subject FROM civicrm_mailing_component
+ WHERE component_type IN ('Welcome', 'Subscribe')
UPDATE civicrm_mailing_component
SET body_html = REPLACE(body_html, '{welcome.group}', '{group.frontend_title}'),
WHERE component_type = 'Subscribe';
+{crmUpgradeSnapshot name=loctype}
+ SELECT id, name, display_name, is_reserved, is_active, is_default FROM civicrm_location_type
UPDATE `civicrm_location_type` SET `is_reserved` = 0 WHERE `is_reserved` IS NULL;
UPDATE `civicrm_location_type` SET `is_active` = 0 WHERE `is_active` IS NULL;
UPDATE `civicrm_location_type` SET `is_default` = 0 WHERE `is_default` IS NULL;