* @package CRM
* @copyright CiviCRM LLC (c) 2004-2017
- * $Id$
- *
class CRM_Report_Form_Contribute_TopDonor extends CRM_Report_Form {
+ /**
+ * Select only contact ID when adding to group.
+ *
+ * @todo consider moving that to parent to support AddToGroup in general.
+ */
public function select() {
- $select = array();
- $this->_columnHeaders = array();
- //Headers for Rank column
- $this->_columnHeaders["civicrm_donor_rank"]['title'] = ts('Rank');
- $this->_columnHeaders["civicrm_donor_rank"]['type'] = 1;
- //$select[] ="(@rank:=@rank+1) as civicrm_donor_rank ";
- foreach ($this->_columns as $tableName => $table) {
- if (array_key_exists('fields', $table)) {
- foreach ($table['fields'] as $fieldName => $field) {
- if (!empty($field['required']) ||
- !empty($this->_params['fields'][$fieldName])
- ) {
- // only include statistics columns if set
- if (!empty($field['statistics'])) {
- foreach ($field['statistics'] as $stat => $label) {
- switch (strtolower($stat)) {
- case 'sum':
- $select[] = "SUM({$field['dbAlias']}) as {$tableName}_{$fieldName}_{$stat}";
- $this->_columnHeaders["{$tableName}_{$fieldName}_{$stat}"]['title'] = $label;
- $this->_columnHeaders["{$tableName}_{$fieldName}_{$stat}"]['type'] = $field['type'];
- $this->_statFields[] = "{$tableName}_{$fieldName}_{$stat}";
- break;
- case 'count':
- $select[] = "COUNT({$field['dbAlias']}) as {$tableName}_{$fieldName}_{$stat}";
- $this->_columnHeaders["{$tableName}_{$fieldName}_{$stat}"]['title'] = $label;
- $this->_columnHeaders["{$tableName}_{$fieldName}_{$stat}"]['type'] = CRM_Utils_Type::T_INT;
- $this->_statFields[] = "{$tableName}_{$fieldName}_{$stat}";
- break;
- case 'avg':
- $select[] = "ROUND(AVG({$field['dbAlias']}),2) as {$tableName}_{$fieldName}_{$stat}";
- $this->_columnHeaders["{$tableName}_{$fieldName}_{$stat}"]['type'] = $field['type'];
- $this->_columnHeaders["{$tableName}_{$fieldName}_{$stat}"]['title'] = $label;
- $this->_statFields[] = "{$tableName}_{$fieldName}_{$stat}";
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $select[] = "{$field['dbAlias']} as {$tableName}_{$fieldName}";
- // $field['type'] is not always set. Use string type as default if not set.
- $this->_columnHeaders["{$tableName}_{$fieldName}"]['type'] = isset($field['type']) ? $field['type'] : 2;
- $this->_columnHeaders["{$tableName}_{$fieldName}"]['title'] = $field['title'];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $this->_selectClauses = $select;
- $this->_select = " SELECT " . implode(', ', $select) . " ";
+ parent::select();
$this->_groupBy = CRM_Contact_BAO_Query::getGroupByFromSelectColumns($this->_selectClauses, array("{$this->_aliases['civicrm_contact']}.id", "{$this->_aliases['civicrm_contribution']}.currency"));
- public function postProcess() {
- $this->beginPostProcess();
- // get the acl clauses built before we assemble the query
- $this->buildACLClause($this->_aliases['civicrm_contact']);
- $this->buildQuery();
- //set the variable value rank, rows = 0
+ /**
+ * Build output rows.
+ *
+ * @param string $sql
+ * @param array $rows
+ */
+ public function buildRows($sql, &$rows) {
$setVariable = " SET @rows:=0, @rank=0 ";
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ( {$this->_select} {$this->_from} {$this->_where} {$this->_groupBy}
- ORDER BY civicrm_contribution_total_amount_sum DESC
- ) as abc {$this->_outerCluase} $this->_limit
- ";
- $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
- while ($dao->fetch()) {
- $row = array();
- foreach ($this->_columnHeaders as $key => $value) {
- if (property_exists($dao, $key)) {
- $row[$key] = $dao->$key;
- }
- }
- $rows[] = $row;
- }
- $this->formatDisplay($rows);
- $this->doTemplateAssignment($rows);
- $this->endPostProcess($rows);
+ $sql = "
+ SELECT * FROM ( {$this->_select} {$this->_from} {$this->_where} {$this->_groupBy}
+ ORDER BY civicrm_contribution_total_amount_sum DESC
+ ) as abc {$this->_outerCluase} $this->_limit
+ ";
+ parent::buildRows($sql, $rows);
public function add2group($groupID) {
if (is_numeric($groupID)) {
- $sql = "
-{$this->_select} {$this->_from} {$this->_where} {$this->_groupBy}
-ORDER BY civicrm_contribution_total_amount_sum DESC
-) as abc {$this->_groupLimit}";
- $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($sql);
+ $this->_limit = $this->_groupLimit;
+ $rows = array();
+ $this->_columnHeaders['civicrm_contact_id'] = 1;
+ $this->buildRows('', $rows);
$contact_ids = array();
// Add resulting contacts to group
- while ($dao->fetch()) {
- $contact_ids[$dao->civicrm_contact_id] = $dao->civicrm_contact_id;
+ foreach ($rows as $row) {
+ $contact_ids[$row['civicrm_contact_id']] = $row['civicrm_contact_id'];
CRM_Contact_BAO_GroupContact::addContactsToGroup($contact_ids, $groupID);
if ($this->_dashBoardRowCount) {
$rowCount = $this->_dashBoardRowCount;
- if ($this->_outputMode == 'html' || $this->_outputMode == 'group') {
+ if ($this->_outputMode == 'html') {
// Replace only first occurrence of SELECT.
$this->_select = preg_replace('/SELECT/', 'SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ', $this->_select, 1);
$pageId = CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('crmPID', 'Integer');