for follower in tweepy.Cursor(api.followers).items():
+Handling the rate limit using cursors
+Since cursors raise ``RateLimitError``\ s in their ``next()`` method,
+handling them can be done by wrapping the cursor in an iterator.
+Running this snippet will print all users you follow that themselves follow
+less than 300 people total - to exclude obvious spambots, for example - and
+will wait for 15 minutes each time it hits the rate limit.
+.. code-block :: python
+ # In this example, the handler is time.sleep(15 * 60),
+ # but you can of course handle it in any way you want.
+ def limit_handled(cursor):
+ while True:
+ try:
+ yield
+ except tweepy.RateLimitError:
+ time.sleep(15 * 60)
+ for follower in limit_handled(tweepy.Cursor(api.followers).items()):
+ if follower.friends_count < 300:
+ print follower.screen_name