$taxAmount = ($taxRate/100) * CRM_Utils_Array::value('minimum_fee', $values);
$totalAmount = $totalAmount + $taxAmount;
$allMembershipInfo[$key]['tax_amount'] = $taxAmount;
+ $this->assign('taxAmount', $taxAmount);
// build membership info array, which is used to set the payment information block when
class="description">{ts}Membership payment amount. A contribution record will be created for this amount.{/ts}</span>
+ {if $taxAmount}
+ <div class="totaltaxAmount">{ts 1=$taxTerm 2=$taxAmount}Includes %1 amount of $%2.{/ts}</div>
+ {/if}
<tr class="crm-membershiprenew-form-block-receive_date">
class="description">{ts}Membership payment amount. A contribution record will be created for this amount.{/ts}</span>
+ {if $taxAmount}
+ <div class="totaltaxAmount">{ts 1=$taxTerm 2=$taxAmount}Includes %1 amount of %2.{/ts}</div>
+ {/if}