.. automethod:: API.search_30_day
+.. automethod:: API.search_full_archive
.. automethod:: API.rate_limit_status
-Search Methods
-.. method:: API.search_full_archive(environment_name, query, [tag], \
- [fromDate], [toDate], [maxResults], [next])
- Premium search that provides Tweets from as early as 2006, starting with the
- first Tweet posted in March 2006.
- :param environment_name: The (case-sensitive) label associated with your
- search developer environment, as displayed at
- https://developer.twitter.com/en/account/environments.
- :param query: The equivalent of one premium rule/filter, with up to 1,024
- characters (256 with Sandbox dev environments).
- This parameter should include ALL portions of the rule/filter, including
- all operators, and portions of the rule should not be separated into
- other parameters of the query.
- :param tag: Tags can be used to segregate rules and their matching data into
- different logical groups. If a rule tag is provided, the rule tag is
- included in the 'matching_rules' attribute.
- It is recommended to assign rule-specific UUIDs to rule tags and maintain
- desired mappings on the client side.
- :param fromDate: The oldest UTC timestamp (from most recent 30 days) from
- which the Tweets will be provided. Timestamp is in minute granularity and
- is inclusive (i.e. 12:00 includes the 00 minute).
- Specified: Using only the fromDate with no toDate parameter will deliver
- results for the query going back in time from now( ) until the fromDate.
- Not Specified: If a fromDate is not specified, the API will deliver all
- of the results for 30 days prior to now( ) or the toDate (if specified).
- If neither the fromDate or toDate parameter is used, the API will deliver
- all results for the most recent 30 days, starting at the time of the
- request, going backwards.
- :param toDate: The latest, most recent UTC timestamp to which the Tweets
- will be provided. Timestamp is in minute granularity and is not inclusive
- (i.e. 11:59 does not include the 59th minute of the hour).
- Specified: Using only the toDate with no fromDate parameter will deliver
- the most recent 30 days of data prior to the toDate.
- Not Specified: If a toDate is not specified, the API will deliver all of
- the results from now( ) for the query going back in time to the fromDate.
- If neither the fromDate or toDate parameter is used, the API will deliver
- all results for the entire 30-day index, starting at the time of the
- request, going backwards.
- :param maxResults: The maximum number of search results to be returned by a
- request. A number between 10 and the system limit (currently 500, 100 for
- Sandbox environments). By default, a request response will return 100
- results.
- :param next: This parameter is used to get the next 'page' of results. The
- value used with the parameter is pulled directly from the response
- provided by the API, and should not be modified.
:mod:`tweepy.error` --- Exceptions
), query=query, **kwargs
+ @pagination(mode='next')
+ @payload('status', list=True)
+ def search_full_archive(self, label, query, **kwargs):
+ """search_full_archive(label, query, *, tag, fromDate, toDate, \
+ maxResults, next)
+ Premium search that provides Tweets from as early as 2006, starting
+ with the first Tweet posted in March 2006.
+ :param label: The (case-sensitive) label associated with your search
+ developer environment, as displayed at
+ https://developer.twitter.com/en/account/environments.
+ :param query: The equivalent of one premium rule/filter, with up to
+ 1,024 characters (256 with Sandbox dev environments).
+ This parameter should include ALL portions of the rule/filter,
+ including all operators, and portions of the rule should not be
+ separated into other parameters of the query.
+ :param tag: Tags can be used to segregate rules and their matching data
+ into different logical groups. If a rule tag is provided, the rule
+ tag is included in the 'matching_rules' attribute.
+ It is recommended to assign rule-specific UUIDs to rule tags and
+ maintain desired mappings on the client side.
+ :param fromDate: The oldest UTC timestamp (from most recent 30 days)
+ from which the Tweets will be provided. Timestamp is in minute
+ granularity and is inclusive (i.e. 12:00 includes the 00 minute).
+ Specified: Using only the fromDate with no toDate parameter will
+ deliver results for the query going back in time from now( ) until
+ the fromDate.
+ Not Specified: If a fromDate is not specified, the API will deliver
+ all of the results for 30 days prior to now( ) or the toDate (if
+ specified).
+ If neither the fromDate or toDate parameter is used, the API will
+ deliver all results for the most recent 30 days, starting at the
+ time of the request, going backwards.
+ :param toDate: The latest, most recent UTC timestamp to which the
+ Tweets will be provided. Timestamp is in minute granularity and is
+ not inclusive (i.e. 11:59 does not include the 59th minute of the
+ hour).
+ Specified: Using only the toDate with no fromDate parameter will
+ deliver the most recent 30 days of data prior to the toDate.
+ Not Specified: If a toDate is not specified, the API will deliver
+ all of the results from now( ) for the query going back in time to
+ the fromDate.
+ If neither the fromDate or toDate parameter is used, the API will
+ deliver all results for the entire 30-day index, starting at the
+ time of the request, going backwards.
+ :param maxResults: The maximum number of search results to be returned
+ by a request. A number between 10 and the system limit (currently
+ 500, 100 for Sandbox environments). By default, a request response
+ will return 100 results.
+ :param next: This parameter is used to get the next 'page' of results.
+ The value used with the parameter is pulled directly from the
+ response provided by the API, and should not be modified.
+ :rtype: list of :class:`Status` objects
+ :reference: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/premium/search-api/api-reference/premium-search
+ """
+ return self.request(
+ 'GET', f'tweets/search/fullarchive/{label}', endpoint_parameters=(
+ 'query', 'tag', 'fromDate', 'toDate', 'maxResults', 'next'
+ ), query=query, **kwargs
+ )
# Get Tweet timelines
), use_cache=False, **kwargs
- @pagination(mode='next')
- @payload('status', list=True)
- def search_full_archive(self, label, query, **kwargs):
- """ :reference: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/premium/search-api/api-reference/premium-search
- """
- return self.request(
- 'GET', f'tweets/search/fullarchive/{label}', endpoint_parameters=(
- 'query', 'tag', 'fromDate', 'toDate', 'maxResults', 'next'
- ), query=query, **kwargs
- )