if (!empty($params['member_is_active'])) {
- // don't allow price set w/ membership signup, CRM-5095
- if ($contributionPageId && ($setID = CRM_Price_BAO_PriceSet::getFor('civicrm_contribution_page', $contributionPageId, NULL, 1))) {
- $extends = CRM_Core_DAO::getFieldValue('CRM_Price_DAO_PriceSet', $setID, 'extends');
- if ($extends != CRM_Core_Component::getComponentID('CiviMember')) {
- $errors['member_is_active'] = ts('You cannot enable both Membership Signup and a Contribution Price Set on the same online contribution page.');
- return $errors;
- }
+ // Don't allow Contribution price set w/ membership signup, CRM-5095.
+ $priceSetExtendsMembership = \Civi\Api4\PriceSetEntity::get(FALSE)
+ ->addSelect('id')
+ ->addJoin('PriceSet AS price_set', 'LEFT', ['price_set_id', '=', 'price_set.id'])
+ ->addWhere('entity_table', '=', 'civicrm_contribution_page')
+ ->addWhere('entity_id', '=', $contributionPageId)
+ ->addWhere('price_set.extends:name', 'CONTAINS', 'CiviMember')
+ ->execute()
+ ->first();
+ if (!$priceSetExtendsMembership) {
+ $errors['member_is_active'] = ts('You cannot enable both Membership Signup and a Contribution Price Set on the same online contribution page.');
+ return $errors;
if (!empty($params['member_price_set_id'])) {