public function testEscaping(): void {
- $autoClean = [];
- $create = function(string $entity, array $record = []) use (&$autoClean) {
- // It's convenient to use createTestObject(), but it doesn't reproduce the normal escaping rules from QuickForm/APIv3/APIv4.
- CRM_Utils_API_HTMLInputCoder::singleton()->encodeRow($record);
- $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::createTestObject(CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getFullName($entity), $record);
- // We're not using transactions, and truncating 'contact' seems problematic, so we roll up our sleeves and cleanup each record...
- $autoClean[] = CRM_Utils_AutoClean::with(function() use ($entity, $dao) {
- CRM_Core_DAO::deleteTestObjects(CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getFullName($entity), ['id' => $dao->id]);
- });
- return $dao;
- };
$context = [];
- $context['contactId'] = $create('Contact', [
+ $context['contactId'] = $this->individualCreate([
'first_name' => '<b>ig</b>illy brackets',
- ])->id;
- $context['eventId'] = $create('Event', [
+ ]);
+ $context['eventId'] = $this->eventCreateUnpaid([
'title' => 'The Webinar',
'description' => '<p>Some online webinar thingy.</p> <p>Attendees will need to install the <a href="http://telefoo.example.com">TeleFoo</a> app.</p>',
- ])->id;
+ ])['id'];
$messages = $expected = [];