+++ /dev/null
-Thank you to all who have contributed to this project!
-If you contributed and not listed below please let me know.
-Aaron Hill
-Aaron Swartz
-Adam Miskiewicz
-Arthur Debert
-Bas Westerbaan
-Can Duruk
-Chris Kelly
-Clay McClure
-Ferenc Szalai
-Gergely Imreh
-Guan Yang
-Harmon (@harmon758)
-Ivo Wetzel
-Jan Schaumann (@jschauma)
-Jared Stefanowicz
-James Rowe
-Jeff Hull (@jsh2134)
-Jenny Loomis
-Johannes Faigle
-Kumar Appaiah
-Mark Smith (@judy2k)
-Michael (Doc) Norton
-Mike (mikeandmore)
-Pascal Jürgens
-Patrick A. Levell (@palevell)
-Robin Houston
-Sam Kaufman
-Samuel (@obskyr)
-Sayed Mohammad Hossein Torabi (@blcksrx)
-Steven Skoczen (@skoczen)
-Stuart Powers
-Thomas Bohmbach, Jr
-Wayne Moore
-Will McCutchen
Simply set ``USE_REPLAY`` to ``False`` and provide the app and account
credentials and username.
+Tweepy's contributors can be identified through the `GitHub repository`_'s
+`contributors graph page`_, `commit history`_, `issues`_, `pull requests`_, and
+.. _GitHub repository: https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy
+.. _contributors graph page: https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy/graphs/contributors
+.. _commit history: https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy/commits/master
+.. _issues: https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy/issues?q=is%3Aissue
+.. _pull requests: https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy/pulls?q=is%3Apr
+.. _discussions: https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy/discussions