exit; /* we send no content if we're redirecting. */
-/* internal gettext functions will fail, if language is not set */
-set_up_language($squirrelmail_language, true, true);
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loose.dtd">
- if ($theme_css != '') {
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $theme_css; ?>" />
- }
- <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
- <title><?php echo $org_title . ' - ' . _("Signout"); ?></title>
-<body text="<?php echo $color[8]; ?>" bgcolor="<?php echo $color[4]; ?>"
-link="<?php echo $color[7]; ?>" vlink="<?php echo $color[7]; ?>"
-alink="<?php echo $color[7]; ?>">
-<br /><br />
-$plugin_message = concat_hook_function('logout_above_text');
-html_tag( 'table',
- html_tag( 'tr',
- html_tag( 'th', _("Sign Out"), 'center' ) ,
- '', $color[0] ) .
- $plugin_message .
- html_tag( 'tr',
- html_tag( 'td', _("You have been successfully signed out.") .
- '<br /><a href="login.php" target="' . $frame_top . '">' .
- _("Click here to log back in.") . '</a><br />' ,
- 'center' ) ,
- '', $color[4] ) .
- html_tag( 'tr',
- html_tag( 'td', '<br />', 'center' ) ,
- '', $color[0] ) ,
-'center', $color[4], 'width="50%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0"' );
/* After a reload of signout.php, $oTemplate might not exist anymore.
* Recover, so that we don't get all kinds of errors in that situation. */
if ( !isset($oTemplate) || !is_object($oTemplate) ) {
$oTemplate = new Template($sTplDir);
+/* internal gettext functions will fail, if language is not set */
+set_up_language($squirrelmail_language, true, true);
+displayHtmlHeader($org_title . ' - ' . _("Signout"));
+$oTemplate->assign('frame_top', $frame_top);
--- /dev/null
+ * signout.tpl
+ *
+ * Template to create the signout page
+ *
+ * @copyright © 1999-2006 The SquirrelMail Project Team
+ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
+ * @version $Id$
+ * @package squirrelmail
+ * @subpackage templates
+ */
+/* retrieve the template vars */
+$plugin_message = concat_hook_function('logout_above_text');
+<table width="50%" class="sqm_signout">
+<tr width="100%"><th class="sqm_signoutBar">
+ <?php echo _("Sign Out"); ?>
+<?php echo $plugin_message; ?>
+<tr width="100%"><td>
+ <?php echo _("You have been successfully signed out."); ?><br />
+ <a href="login.php" target="<?php echo $frame_top; ?>"><?php echo _("Click here to log back in."); ?></a><br />
+<tr width="100%"><td class="sqm_signoutBar"><br /></td></tr>