public static function getJoins(array $allowedEntities):array {
$joins = [];
foreach ($allowedEntities as $entity) {
- $isCustomEntity = in_array('CustomValue', $entity['type'], TRUE);
+ $isMultiValueCustomEntity = in_array('CustomValue', $entity['type'], TRUE);
- // Non-custom DAO entities
- if (!$isCustomEntity && !empty($entity['dao'])) {
+ // Normal DAO entities (excludes multi-value custom field entities)
+ if (!empty($entity['dao']) && !$isMultiValueCustomEntity) {
/** @var \CRM_Core_DAO $daoClass */
$daoClass = $entity['dao'];
$references = $daoClass::getReferenceColumns();
// Custom EntityRef joins
foreach ($entity['fields'] as $field) {
- if (($field['type'] === 'Custom' || $isCustomEntity) && $field['fk_entity'] && $field['input_type'] === 'EntityRef') {
+ if (($field['type'] === 'Custom' || $isMultiValueCustomEntity) && $field['fk_entity'] && $field['input_type'] === 'EntityRef') {
$entityRefJoins = self::getEntityRefJoins($entity, $field);
foreach ($entityRefJoins as $joinEntity => $joinInfo) {
$joins[$joinEntity][] = $joinInfo;
- * Get joins for entity reference custom fields, and the entity_id fields in multi-record custom groups.
+ * Get joins for entity reference custom fields, and the entity_id field in
+ * multi-record custom groups.
* @return array[]