<div class="panel-body">
<div class="api4-input form-inline">
- <label class="form-control" ng-mouseenter="help(name, param)" ng-mouseleave="help()" ng-class="{'api4-option-selected': params[name]}" ng-repeat="(name, param) in availableParams" ng-if="!isSpecial(name) && param.type[0] === 'bool' && param.default !== null">
+ <label class="form-control" ng-mouseenter="help(name, param)" ng-mouseleave="help()" ng-class="{'api4-option-selected': params[name]}" ng-repeat="(name, param) in ::getGenericParams(['bool'], false)">
<input type="checkbox" id="api4-param-{{:: name }}" ng-model="params[name]"/>
{{:: name }}<span class="crm-marker" ng-if="::param.required"> *</span>
- <div class="api4-input form-inline" ng-mouseenter="help(name, param)" ng-mouseleave="help()" ng-repeat="(name, param) in availableParams" ng-if="!isSpecial(name) && param.type[0] === 'bool' && param.default === null">
+ <div class="api4-input form-inline" ng-mouseenter="help(name, param)" ng-mouseleave="help()" ng-repeat="(name, param) in ::getGenericParams(['bool'], true)">
<label>{{ name }}<span class="crm-marker" ng-if="::param.required"> *</span></label>
<label class="radio-inline">
<input type="radio" ng-model="params[name]" ng-value="true" />true
<label for="api4-param-action">action<span class="crm-marker" ng-if="::availableParams.action.required"> *</span></label>
<input class="form-control" crm-ui-select="{data: actions, allowClear: true, placeholder: 'None'}" id="api4-param-action" ng-model="params.action"/>
- <div class="api4-input form-inline" ng-mouseenter="help(name, param)" ng-mouseleave="help()" ng-repeat="(name, param) in availableParams" ng-if="!isSpecial(name) && (param.type[0] === 'string' || param.type[0] === 'int')">
+ <div class="api4-input form-inline" ng-mouseenter="help(name, param)" ng-mouseleave="help()" ng-repeat="(name, param) in ::getGenericParams(['string', 'int'])">
<label for="api4-param-{{:: name }}">{{:: name }}<span class="crm-marker" ng-if="::param.required"> *</span></label>
<input class="form-control" ng-if="::!param.options" type="{{:: param.type[0] === 'int' && param.type.length === 1 ? 'number' : 'text' }}" id="api4-param-{{:: name }}" ng-model="params[name]"/>
<select class="form-control" ng-if="::param.options" ng-options="o for o in ::param.options" id="api4-param-{{:: name }}" ng-model="params[name]"></select>
<a href class="crm-hover-button" title="Clear" ng-click="clearParam(name)" ng-show="!!params[name]"><i class="crm-i fa-times"></i></a>
- <div class="api4-input" ng-mouseenter="help(name, param)" ng-mouseleave="help()" ng-repeat="(name, param) in availableParams" ng-if="!isSpecial(name) && (param.type[0] === 'array' || param.type[0] === 'mixed')">
+ <div class="api4-input" ng-mouseenter="help(name, param)" ng-mouseleave="help()" ng-repeat="(name, param) in ::getGenericParams(['array', 'mixed'])">
<label for="api4-param-{{:: name }}">{{:: name }}<span class="crm-marker" ng-if="::param.required"> *</span></label>
<textarea class="form-control" type="{{:: param.type[0] === 'int' && param.type.length === 1 ? 'number' : 'text' }}" id="api4-param-{{:: name }}" ng-model="params[name]">
- $scope.isSpecial = function(name) {
+ // Gets params that should be represented as generic input fields in the explorer
+ // This fn doesn't have to be particularly efficient as its output is cached in one-time bindings
+ $scope.getGenericParams = function(paramType, defaultNull) {
+ // Returns undefined if params are not yet set; one-time bindings will stabilize when this function returns a value
+ if (_.isEmpty($scope.availableParams)) {
+ return;
+ }
var specialParams = ['select', 'fields', 'action', 'where', 'values', 'defaults', 'orderBy', 'chain', 'groupBy', 'having'];
if ($scope.availableParams.limit && $scope.availableParams.offset) {
specialParams.push('limit', 'offset');
- return _.contains(specialParams, name);
+ return _.transform($scope.availableParams, function(genericParams, param, name) {
+ if (!_.contains(specialParams, name) &&
+ !(typeof paramType !== 'undefined' && !_.contains(paramType, param.type[0])) &&
+ !(typeof defaultNull !== 'undefined' && ((param.default === null) !== defaultNull))
+ ) {
+ genericParams[name] = param;
+ }
+ });
$scope.selectRowCount = function() {