$deleteSQL .= "OLD.$column, ";
if (civicrm_api3('Setting', 'getvalue', array('name' => 'logging_uniqueid_date'))) {
- $sqlStmt .= "@uniqueID, @civicrm_user_id, '{eventName}');";
- $deleteSQL .= "@uniqueID, @civicrm_user_id, '{eventName}');";
+ // Note that when connecting directly via mysql @uniqueID may not be set so a fallback is
+ // 'c_' to identify a non-CRM connection + timestamp to the hour + connection_id
+ // If the connection_id is longer than 6 chars it will be truncated.
+ // We tried setting the @uniqueID in the trigger but it was unreliable.
+ // An external interaction could split over 2 connections & it seems worth blocking the revert on
+ // these reports & adding extra permissioning to the api for this.
+ $connectionSQLString = "COALESCE(@uniqueID, LEFT(CONCAT('con_', unix_timestamp()/3600, CONNECTION_ID()), 17))";
else {
// The log tables have not yet been converted to have varchar(17) fields for log_conn_id.
// Continue to use the less reliable connection_id for al tables for now.
- $sqlStmt .= "CONNECTION_ID(), @civicrm_user_id, '{eventName}');";
- $deleteSQL .= "CONNECTION_ID(), @civicrm_user_id, '{eventName}');";
+ $connectionSQLString = "CONNECTION_ID()";
- $sqlStmt .= "END IF;";
- $deleteSQL .= "END IF;";
+ $sqlStmt .= $connectionSQLString . ", @civicrm_user_id, '{eventName}'); END IF;";
+ $deleteSQL .= $connectionSQLString . ", @civicrm_user_id, '{eventName}'); END IF;";
$insertSQL .= $sqlStmt;
$updateSQL .= $sqlStmt;