// http://civicrm.org/licensing
-(function($) {
+(function($, _) {
- /**
- * Adds the icons of enabled credit cards
- * Handles clicking on a icon.
- * Changes the icon depending on the credit card number.
- * Removes spaces and dashes from credit card numbers.
- */
- function civicrm_billingblock_creditcard_helper() {
- $(function() {
- $.each(CRM.config.creditCardTypes, function(key, val) {
- var html = '<a href="#" data-card_type=" + key + " title="' + val + '" class="crm-credit_card_type-icon-' + val.css_key + '"><span>' + val.label + '</span></a>';
- $('.crm-credit_card_type-icons').append(html);
+ $(function() {
+ $.each(CRM.config.creditCardTypes, function(key, val) {
+ var html = '<a href="#" title="' + _.escape(val.label) + '" class="crm-credit_card_type-icon-' + val.css_key + '"><span>' + _.escape(val.label) + '</span></a>';
+ $('.crm-credit_card_type-icons').append(html);
- $('.crm-credit_card_type-icon-' + val.css_key).click(function() {
- $('#credit_card_type').val(key);
- $('.crm-container .credit_card_type-section a').css('opacity', 0.25);
- $('.crm-container .credit_card_type-section .crm-credit_card_type-icon-' + val.css_key).css('opacity', 1);
- return false;
- });
+ $('.crm-credit_card_type-icon-' + val.css_key).click(function() {
+ $('#credit_card_type').val(key);
+ $('.crm-container .credit_card_type-section a').css('opacity', 0.25);
+ $('.crm-container .credit_card_type-section .crm-credit_card_type-icon-' + val.css_key).css('opacity', 1);
+ return false;
+ });
- // Hide the CC type field (redundant)
- $('#credit_card_type, .label', '.crm-container .credit_card_type-section').hide();
+ // Hide the CC type field (redundant)
+ $('#credit_card_type, .label', '.crm-container .credit_card_type-section').hide();
- // set the card type value as default if any found
- var cardtype = $('#credit_card_type').val();
- if (cardtype) {
- $.each(CRM.config.creditCardTypes, function(key, val) {
- // highlight the selected card type icon
- if (key === cardtype) {
- $('.crm-container .credit_card_type-section .crm-credit_card_type-icon-' + val.css_key).css('opacity', 1);
- }
- else {
- $('.crm-container .credit_card_type-section .crm-credit_card_type-icon-' + val.css_key).css('opacity', 0.25);
- }
- });
- }
+ // set the card type value as default if any found
+ var cardtype = $('#credit_card_type').val();
+ if (cardtype) {
+ $.each(CRM.config.creditCardTypes, function(key, val) {
+ // highlight the selected card type icon
+ if (key === cardtype) {
+ $('.crm-container .credit_card_type-section .crm-credit_card_type-icon-' + val.css_key).css('opacity', 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ $('.crm-container .credit_card_type-section .crm-credit_card_type-icon-' + val.css_key).css('opacity', 0.25);
+ }
+ });
+ }
- // Select according to the number entered
- $('.crm-container input#credit_card_number').change(function() {
- var ccnumber = cj(this).val();
+ // Select according to the number entered
+ $('.crm-container input#credit_card_number').change(function() {
+ var ccnumber = $(this).val();
- // Remove spaces and dashes
- ccnumber = ccnumber.replace(/[- ]/g, '');
- cj(this).val(ccnumber);
+ // Remove spaces and dashes
+ ccnumber = ccnumber.replace(/[- ]/g, '');
+ $(this).val(ccnumber);
- // Semi-hide all images, we will un-hide the right one afterwards
- $('.crm-container .credit_card_type-section a').css('opacity', 0.25);
- $('#credit_card_type').val('');
+ // Semi-hide all images, we will un-hide the right one afterwards
+ $('.crm-container .credit_card_type-section a').css('opacity', 0.25);
+ $('#credit_card_type').val('');
- civicrm_billingblock_set_card_type(ccnumber);
- });
+ setCardtype(ccnumber);
- }
- function civicrm_billingblock_set_card_type(ccnumber) {
- var card_values = CRM.config.creditCardTypes;
- $.each(card_values, function(key, spec) {
- if (ccnumber.match('^' + spec.pattern + '$')) {
- $('.crm-container .credit_card_type-section .crm-credit_card_type-icon-' + spec.css_key).css('opacity', 1);
- $('select#credit_card_type').val(key);
- return false;
- }
- });
- }
+ function setCardtype(ccnumber) {
+ $.each(CRM.config.creditCardTypes, function(key, spec) {
+ if (ccnumber.match('^' + spec.pattern + '$')) {
+ $('.crm-container .credit_card_type-section .crm-credit_card_type-icon-' + spec.css_key).css('opacity', 1);
+ $('select#credit_card_type').val(key);
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
- civicrm_billingblock_creditcard_helper();
+ });
+})(CRM.$, CRM._);