* called when action is browse.
public function listContribution() {
- $controller = new CRM_Core_Controller_Simple(
- 'CRM_Contribute_Form_Search',
- ts('Contributions'),
- );
- $controller->setEmbedded(TRUE);
- $controller->reset();
- $controller->set('limit', 12);
- $controller->set('cid', $this->_contactId);
- $controller->set('context', 'user');
- $controller->set('force', 1);
- $controller->process();
- $controller->run();
+ $rows = civicrm_api3('Contribution', 'get', [
+ 'options' => ['limit' => 12],
+ 'sequential' => 1,
+ 'contact_id' => $this->_contactId,
+ 'return' => [
+ 'total_amount',
+ 'contribution_recur_id',
+ 'financial_type',
+ 'receive_date',
+ 'receipt_date',
+ 'contribution_status',
+ 'currency',
+ 'amount_level',
+ 'contact_id,',
+ 'contribution_source',
+ ],
+ ])['values'];
+ foreach ($rows as $index => $row) {
+ // This is required for tpl logic. We should move away from hard-code this to adding an array of actions to the row
+ // which the tpl can iterate through - this should allow us to cope with competing attempts to add new buttons
+ // and allow extensions to assign new ones through the pageRun hook
+ $row[0]['contribution_status_name'] = CRM_Core_PseudoConstant::getName('CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution', 'contribution_status_id', $row['contribution_status_id']);;
+ }
+ $this->assign('contribute_rows', $rows);
+ $this->assign('contributionSummary', ['total_amount' => civicrm_api3('Contribution', 'getcount', ['contact_id' => $this->_contactId])]);
//add honor block
$params = CRM_Contribute_BAO_Contribution::getHonorContacts($this->_contactId);
$recur->is_test = 0;
- $config = CRM_Core_Config::singleton();
$recurStatus = CRM_Contribute_PseudoConstant::contributionStatus();
$recurRow = array();
{if $invoicing && $invoices}
+ {* @todo Instead of this tpl handling assign actions as an array attached the row, iterate through - will better accomodate extension overrides and competition for scarce real estate on this page*}
{assign var='id' value=$row.contribution_id}
{assign var='contact_id' value=$row.contact_id}
{assign var='urlParams' value="reset=1&id=$id&cid=$contact_id"}
{if $defaultInvoicePage && $row.contribution_status_name == 'Pending' }
+ {* @todo Instead of this tpl handling assign actions as an array attached the row, iterate through - will better accomodate extension overrides and competition for scarce real estate on this page*}
{assign var='checksum_url' value=""}
{if $userChecksum}